The bound radial wave functions of Cosh potential which are the solutions to the radial part of Schrodinger equation are solved numerically and used to compute the size radii; i.e., the root-mean square proton, neutron, charge and matter radii, ground density distributions and elastic electron scattering charge form factors for nitrogen isotopes 14,16,18,20,22N. The parameters of such potential for the isotopes under study have been opted so as to regenerate the experimental last single nucleon binding energies on Fermi's level and available experimental size radii as well.
The ground state proton momentum distributions (PMD) and elastic charge form
factors for some odd 1f 2p shell nuclei, such as , , 59 63Co Cu and Cu 65 have been
studied using the Coherent Density Fluctuation Model and formulated by means of
the fluctuation function (weight function) ( ) .
f x The fluctuation function has been
connected to the charge density distribution of the nuclei and determined from the
theory and experiment result. The feature of the long-tail behavior at high
momentum region of the PMD has been calculated by both the theoretical and
experimental fluctuation functions. It is found that the inclusion of the quadrupole
form factors ( ) 2 F q C in all nuclei under study, which are de
The nuclear matter density distributions, elastic electron scattering charge form
factors and root-mean square (rms) proton, charge, neutron and matter radii are
studied for neutron-rich 6,8He and 19C nuclei and proton-rich 8B and 17Ne nuclei. The
local scale transformation (LST) are used to improve the performance radial wave
function of harmonic-oscillator wave function in order to generate the long tail
behavior appeared in matter density distribution at high . A good agreement results
are obtained for aforementioned quantities in the used model.
The ground state proton, neutron and matter densities of exotic 11Be and 15C nuclei are studied by means of the TFSM and BCM. In TFSM, the calculations are based on using different model spaces for the core and the valence (halo) neutron. Besides single particle harmonic oscillator wave functions are employed with two different size parameters Bc and Bv. In BCM, the halo nucleus is considered as a composite projectile consisting of core and valence clusters bounded in a state of relative motion. The internal densities of the clusters are described by single particle Gaussian wave functions.
Elastic electron scattering proton f
... Show MoreThe two-frequency shell model approach is used to calculate the
ground state matter density distribution and the corresponding root
mean square radii of the two-proton17Ne halo nucleus with the
assumption that the model space of 15O core nucleus differ from the
model space of extra two loosely bound valence protons. Two
different size parameters bcore and bhalo of the single particle wave
functions of the harmonic oscillator potential are used. The
calculations are carried out for different configurations of the outer
halo protons in 17Ne nucleus and the structure of this halo nucleus
shows that the dominant configuration when the two halo protons in
the 1d5/2 orbi
The ground-state properties of exotic 18N and 20F nuclei, including the neutron, proton and matter densities and related radii are investigated using the two-body model of within Gaussian (GS) and Woods Saxon (WS) wave functions. The long tail is evident in the computed neutron and matter densities of these nuclei. The plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) is calculate the elastic form factors of these exotic nuclei. The variation in the proton density distributions due to the presence of the extra neutrons in 18N and 20F leads to a major difference between the elastic form factors of these exotic nuclei and their stable isotopes 14N and 19F. The reaction c
... Show MoreAn analytical expression for the charge density distributions is derived based on the use of occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. The derived expression, which is applicable throughout the whole region of shell nuclei, has been employed in the calculations concerning the charge density distributions for odd- of shell nuclei, such as and nuclei. It is found that introducing an additional parameters, namely and which reflect the difference of the occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads to obtain a remarkabl
... Show MoreThe Skyrme–Hartree–Fock (SHF) method with MSK7 Skyrme parameter has been used to investigate the ground-state properties for two-neutron halo nuclei 6He, 11Li, 12Be and 14Be. These ground-state properties include the proton, neutron and matter density distributions, the corresponding rms radii, the binding energy per nucleon and the charge form factors. These calculations clearly reveal the long tail characterizing the halo nuclei as a distinctive feature.
In this work, the nuclear density distributions, size radii and elastic electron scattering form factors are calculated for proton-rich 8B, 17F, 17Ne, 23Al and 27P nuclei using the radial wave functions of Woods-Saxon potential. The parameters of such potential for nuclei under study are generated so as to reproduce the experimentally available size radii and binding energies of the last nucleons on the Fermi surface.
The ground state densities of unstable proton-rich 9C, 12N and 23Al exotic nuclei are studied via the framework of the two-frequency shell model (TFSM) and the binary cluster model (BCM). In TFSM, the single particle harmonic oscillator wave functions are used with two different oscillator size parameters βc and βv, where the former is for the core (inner) orbits and the latter is for the valence (halo) orbits. In BCM, the internal densities of the clusters are described by single particle Gaussian wave functions. The long tail performance is clearly noticed in the calculated proton and matter density distributions of these nuclei. The structure of the valence proton in 9C and 12N is a pure (1p1/2) configuration while that for 23Al is
... Show MoreThe ground state densities of unstable neutron-rich 8He and 17B exotic nuclei are studied via the framework of the two-frequency shell model (TFSM) and the binary cluster model (BCM). In TFSM, the single particle harmonic oscillator wave functions are used with two different oscillator size parameters βc and βv where the former is for the core (inner) orbits and the latter is for the valence (halo) orbits. In BCM, the internal densities of the clusters are described by single particle Gaussian wave functions. Shell model calculations for the two valence neutrons in 8He and 17B are performed via the computer code OXBASH. The long tail performance is clearly noticed in the calculated neutron and matter density distributions of these nucl
... Show More