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Study of the Impact of Unsteady Squeezing Magnetohydrodynamics Copper-Water with Injection-Suction on Nanofluid Flow Between Two Parallel Plates in Porous Medium

      In this article,  the existence of thermal radiation with Copper- water nanofluid, the effect of heat transfer in  unsteady magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) squeezing and suction-injection on the flow between parallel plates( porous medium) are studied. Rosseland approximation and   the radiation of  heat flux are used to depict the energy equation. The set of ordinary differential equations  with  boundary conditions are analytically resolved by applying a new approach method (NAM). The influences of thermal field and physical parameters on dimensionless flow field  have been displayed in tabular and graphs form. The presented results show that the heat transfer coefficient is reduced by the thermal radiation coefficient increases and  the absolute values of the skin friction coefficients are enhanced with the magnetic amplification parameter. Regularly, the present outcomes discern that the parameters of the injection-suction coefficient are both the  temperature and velocity profiles decline.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Impact of omega 3 alone or in combination with irinotecan on bone marrow and spleen of rats: in vivo study


Objectives: The present study designed to explore the genotoxicity through measurement of Mitotic index in bone marrow and the spleen cells, as possible mechanism of bone marrow and spleen toxicity that induced by irinotecan; and to describe the protective actions of omega 3 against irinotecan induced genotoxicity in bone marrow and the spleen of rats.

Methods: Twenty four (24) rats (Sprague-Dawley) were randomly divided into four groups: Group Ӏ, rats  received single oral daily dose of distilled water (2 ml/kg) for 25 days (negative control group); Group ӀӀ (irinotecan-treated), receiv

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Parallel Clustering Analysis Based on Hadoop Multi-Node and Apache Mahout

     The conventional procedures of clustering algorithms are incapable of overcoming the difficulty of managing and analyzing the rapid growth of generated data from different sources. Using the concept of parallel clustering is one of the robust solutions to this problem. Apache Hadoop architecture is one of the assortment ecosystems that provide the capability to store and process the data in a distributed and parallel fashion. In this paper, a parallel model is designed to process the k-means clustering algorithm in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem by connecting three nodes, one is for server (name) nodes and the other two are for clients (data) nodes. The aim is to speed up the time of managing the massive sc

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Design and Simulation of parallel CDMA System Based on 3D-Hadamard Transform

Future wireless systems aim to provide higher transmission data rates, improved spectral efficiency and greater capacity. In this paper a spectral efficient two dimensional (2-D) parallel code division multiple access (CDMA) system is proposed for generating and transmitting (2-D CDMA) symbols through 2-D Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) channel to increase the transmission speed. The 3D-Hadamard matrix is used to generate the 2-D spreading codes required to spread the two-dimensional data for each user row wise and column wise. The quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is used as a data mapping technique due to the increased spectral efficiency offered. The new structure simulated using MATLAB and a comparison of performance for ser

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Annals Of Biology
The Comparative Effect of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Copper Sulfate on Reproductive Hormones and Sperm Parameters in Mature Male Albino Mice

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Tikrit University For Humanities
The Egyptian-Chinese Consensus at the Bandung Conference and Its Impact on Strengthening Relations between Them in 1955

كان المؤتمر الآسيوي الأفريقي الأول الذي عُقد في مدينة باندونغ الاندونيسية عام 1955 هو المؤتمر هو الأول الذي اجتمعت فيه الدول الآسيوية والأفريقية بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية. كان مؤتمر باندونغ بمثابة نقطة الانطلاق نحو تأسيس حركة عدم الانحياز، والتي كانت مصر أحد أبرز أقطابها. شهد المؤتمر تقاربا في الآراء ووجهات النظر بين جمهورية مصر العربية وجمهورية الصين الشعبية، لا سيّما وإن الحكومة المصرية كانت قد تبنت س

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Serum Zinc, Manganese, Copper and Cobalt Traces In Type Two Diabetic Patients in Sulaimaniyah City Using ICP Technique

Direct determination of trace metals Zn, Mn, Cu and Co were performed in serum
blood samples of two groups diabetic patient type 2 and non diabetes by ICP spectrometric
method. Results show the low levels of these elements Zn, Mn and Co while high level of Cu
detected compared with non diabetes according to these results good evidence can be made to
control these levels through a special diet containing these metals.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On The Mathematical Model of Two- Prey and Two-Predator Species

In this work, we study two species of predator with two species of prey model, where the two species of prey live in two diverse habitats and have the ability to group-defense. Only one of the two predators tends to switch between the habitats. The mathematical model has at most 13 possible equilibrium points, one of which is the point of origin, two are axial, tow are interior points and the others are boundary points. The model with , where n is the switching index, is discussed regarding the boundedness of its solutions and the local stability of its equilibrium points. In addition, a basin of attraction was created for the interior point. Finally, three numerical examples were given to support the theoretical results.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 24 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Impact of External Environment Factors on the Quality of Educational Services (An Empirical Study): The Impact of External Environment Factors on the Quality of Educational Services (An Empirical Study)

This research aims to identify the role of external environment factors on the quality of educational services, from the academic point of view, where the distribution of a questionnaire to a random sample of (100) university professors, and then analyzing a model, and test the validity of this model using structural modeling (SEM) (Structural Equation Modeling).
And then test the relationships between variables using the software of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V.18), the research found a number of conclusions, the most important conclusion is: the external environment factors has significant impact on the quality of educational services.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Efficacy of arthrocentesis with injection of hyaluronic acid in the treatment of inflammatory-degenerative disease of temporomandibular joint

Background:Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems refer to a group of heterogeneous pain and dysfunction conditions involving the mastication, reducing life quality of the patients. Arthrocentesis is a simple and less invasive surgical method for the treatment of inflammatory-degenerative disease than other conservative procedures and better than arthroscope. This clinical study aimed at evaluating the benefit of arthrocentesis with injection of hyaluronic acid in the management of inflammatory-degenerative disease of the TMJ. Material and methods: Eighty consecutive patients were enrolled in this study with pain symptoms of TMJ, insufficient masticatory efficiency during function and limitation of mouth opening; they were assessed with

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Publication Date
Mon May 16 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biomaterials
Histopathological and Biochemical Comparative Study of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Copper Sulphate Toxicity in Male Albino Mice Reproductive System

Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element for the efficient functioning of living organisms. Cu can enter the body in different ways, and when it surpasses the range of biological tolerance, it can have negative consequences. The use of different nanoparticles, especially metal oxide nanoparticles, is increasingly being expanded in the fields of industry and biomedical materials. However, the impact of these nanoparticles on human health is still not completely elucidated. This comparative study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) and copper sulphate (CuSO4 0.5 (H2O)) on infertility and reproductive function in male albino mice BALB/c. Body weight, the weight of male reproductive organs, mal

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