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Petrography and Provenance of the Sandstone of Injana and Mukdadiya Formations (Upper Miocene/Pliocene) at Duhok Governorate, Northern Iraq

A total of 23 samples are collected from Injana and Mukdadiya Formations representing: sandstone (14 samples from Injana Formation and 9 samples from Mukdadiya Formation). 19 sandstone samples are thin sectioned for petrographic study (10 thin sections from Injana and 9 thin sections from Mukdadiya) and 23 sandstone samples are selected for heavy minerals study (14 samples from Injana and 9 samples from Mukdadiya). The petrographic investigations revealed that the sandstone of Injana and Mukdadiya Formations are composed primarily of rock fragments (sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic), quartz (monocrystalline and polycrystalline) and feldspars (orthoclase, microcline and plagioclase). The matrix is subordinate and the cement is mostly carbonate. The amount of quartz in Injana sandstone is more than of that in Mukdadiya sandstone and the amount of rock fragment in Injana sandstone is less than of that in Mukdadiya sandstone. Provenances of the Injana and Mukdadiya Formations consist primarily sedimentary and igneous rocks and subordinate metamorphic rocks. These sandstones are classified as Litharenites and are mineralogically immature. The heavy minerals assemblages include opaque minerals as major component, epidotes, garnet, amphiboles, clinopyroxenes, orthopyroxenes, chromian spinal, zircon, tourmaline, rutile, chlorite, biotite, muscovite and others (kyanite and staurolite). These assemblages indicate that the heavy minerals are derived from mafic igneous and metamorphic rocks mainly as well as acidic igneous and reworked sediments. The tectonic provenances of both Injana and Mukdadiya Formations can be described as transitional and lithic recycled of recycled orogen.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The reality of corporate tax and its role in the tax Revenues in Iraq: An analytical study for the years 2005-2010

This study showed the basic features of corporate tax in Iraq by showing what was in the Income Tax Law in force .The study aims of this to indicate the role of tax corprates in tax revenue and then the possibility of strengthening the revenue of this tax as an important source of local funding sources in the form that is with him reduce dependence on oil revenues to finance the general budget in Iraq, the risks and the study found a number of conclusions from the most important: that the corporate tax comes in the introduction to the components of the income tax structure in terms of relative importance and formed a revenue source of prime The gross proceeds of the income tax in Iraq, where it contributed to more than a quarter of that

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Intellectual Capital And Its Revenues On The Investment Applied Research On Sample of Banks Listed on In The Iraq Stocks Exchange


      The changes that happened in the environment of  business have great effects upon organizations with different activities specially the banks  which requires the existence of an able opinion  resources can adapt with the changes . Accordingly importance put upon  intellectual  capital which become one of the basic resources for organizations and one of success and growth elements with the availability of expertise , skills and capability of making  essential changes in different process due to the presentation of innovations and creations of the to support banks activities .Therefore the intellectual  capital represents the more r

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Characteristics of the Oil Water Contact Zone of Nhar Umr and Mishrif Reservoirs in Kumait and Dujaila Oil Fields, Southern Iraq, Using Vp/Vs Ratio and Porosity Logs Data

The detailed data of the Vp/Vs ratio and porosity logs were used to detect the Oil-Water Contact Zone (OWCZ) of Nahr Umr sandstone and Mishrif limestone reservoir formations in Kumiat (Kt) and Dujaila (Du) oil fields, southeastern Iraq. The results of OWC were confirmed using P-wave, Resistivity, and Water Saturation (Sw) logs of Kt-1 and Du-1 wells. It was found that the values of the oil-water contact zone thickness in Nahr Umr sandstone and Mishrif limestone were approximately one meter and eight meters, respectively. These results suggest that the OWCZ is possibly thicker in the carbonate rock than clastic rock formations. The thickness of OWCZ in the clastic rocks changed from one part to another, depending on several factors includ

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Air Gap Width (S) and the Ratio (P1/D2) on .Minimum Projector Focal Length (Fp)min for the Double Pole-Piece Lens- at Costant Excitation (NI)

The  spherical  double pole-piece  electron  lens i§ depend  on some

fact0rs : the-  minimum va}ue-of projector  fo·cal  length (Fp)i:J,Iill  â€¢  the

maximum value of  magnetic flux density (Bm) , the total  hal[ width

,(W)  o'f asyriunetrical   clln'e  of  magnetic field  distribution  [because there are differe_nt values of bore diameter  (D1) • i.                                           &

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 09 2021
Journal Name
Design Engineering
The Impact of Transforming the Educational System in Iraq from 6-3-3 to 4-4-4 on Educational Planning Standards and the Deficiency of School Buildings (Primary and Secondary Education)

        Educational services in Iraq face many problems that have reduced the efficiency of the educational process, as a result of the difficult conditions experienced by educational services in Iraq. This led to the accumulation of these problems and their exacerbation significantly over the years, as there was no fundamental solution to these problems. The study proposes a planning method for managing the educational system in Iraq, especially for the primary and secondary levels, where these negative phenomena are very prominent, especially the deficit in school buildings and the phenomenon of overcrowding in classrooms.      &am

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The awareness degree of teacher students in Arabic language department and their supervisors at Al-aqsa University for their future role in knowledge age

The study aimed to identify the awareness degree of teacher students in the department of Arabic language and their supervisors at Al-aqsa University for their future roles in the age of knowledge. To achieve this objective, descriptive- analytical approach was used. The instruments of this study were two questionnaires: first one consist of (20) item for teacher students, and the second consist of (27) item for educational supervisors which covered three roles: professional, technological, and humanitarian. The sample was (120) student selected randomly, and (39) supervisors of Arabic language. The result revealed that the mean of degree awareness of teacher students and their supervisors of future role are (3.857), (3.472) respectively

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Distribution and Enrichments of Abundant and Trace Elements in Al-Khassa Sub Basin Soil, Kirkuk, Northeastern of Iraq

     This study focused on the soil  of the Al-Khassa Sub Basin,  thirty-four soil samples were collected from different areas of land use and differences in human activity.

 Physicochemical properties of the soil were examined Hydrogen Potential (pH), Organic Matter (O.M), Loss Of  Ignition (L.O.I), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Total Hydrocarbon (THC).

  Hydrogen Potential (pH)  showed that the soil is alkaline above seven with  a mean 7.98.

Organic Matter (O.M) of the study area with a mean  1.28 % and high value found in Agricultural areas.Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)  with a mean  42.64  (cmol/kg) that is proportional to the granular size of the soil that silty c

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Water Crisis and Its Relation to Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Development in Iraq (The Real Causes and Proposed Solutions)

The conservation of natural resources such as water is one of the areas that sustainable agriculture seeks to preserve, rationalize its use and protect it from pollution, because water is a specific factor for agriculture. Despite Iraq's possession of two international rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, which pour into the Shatt Al-Arab, it suffers from water shortages in recent times, As a result of several reasons combined, including water policies initiated by the riparian countries to reduce the quantities of water coming from the two rivers to Iraq, led by neighbor Turkey through the construction of dams and reservoirs and the establishment of irrigation projects, as well as climate changes from rising temperatures and lo

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ali Al Bazergan and its impact on the intellectual, political and administrative in Iraq 1887-1958 Historical Study

The historical person study as a personality to the AL- Bazargan, one of the important
studies, is the shed light on the character had an effect of the political life in Iraq, an important
historical era involved many events, coincided with a national and historical by this personal
at the events successive positions that stage of the history of Iraq, especially if we know,
strongly his loyalty to the homeland and the earth, and intense hatred for any occupation or
colonization desecrate the land...
This was evident during his participation and his supervisor in 1920 liberal revolution
against the British occupation, and urged the need for adherence to the principles of
independence, and the emphasis on the nation

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences

Training has an effect on employees’ performances. Accordingly, the person who is responsible for employees’ development must figure out the most effective way to train and develop employees. Central Michigan University (CMU) has recognized the importance of providing appropriate training for employees who have a duty in advising students. The reason is that these employees have a significant impact on students’ educational performances. Thus, special attention to this category of employees is needed to improve advising quality. This research attempted to explore the impact of training on academic advising at CMU. Face-to-face interviews and online surveys were used as data collection tools for this study. The study scope c

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