Email is one of the most commonly utilized communication methods. The confidentiality, the integrity and the authenticity are always substantial in communication of the e-mail, mostly in the business utilize. However, these security goals can be ensured only when the cryptography is utilized. Cryptography is a procedure of changing unique data into a configuration with the end goal that it is just perused by the coveted beneficiary. It is utilized to shield data from other individuals for security purposes. Cryptography algorithms can be classified as symmetric and asymmetric methods. Symmetric methods can be classified as stream cipher and block cipher. There are different operation modes provided by the block cipher, these are Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), Output Feedback (OFB), Cipher Feedback (CFB) and Electronic Code Block (ECB). CBC used to complex the cryptographic systems, by using Initialization Vector (IV), Xoring, and encryption with specified key over chain of blocks, but CBC is vulnerable to chosen plaintext attack because the IV is static and vulnerable to chosen ciphertext attack because the encryption method with the key are static. This paper introduce a proposed E-mail messages encryption systems , the proposal based on modified CBC mode operation hybrid with some of techniques exploited in the encryption such as RADG, DNA, RNA and a suggested permutation methods. The proposed modifications applied on the CBC are generate IV randomly, generate key randomly, and propose encryption method, these modifications proposed to avoid the attacks that CBC is vulnerable to.
The aim of this research is to adopt a close range photogrammetric approach to evaluate the pavement surface condition, and compare the results with visual measurements. This research is carried out on the road of Baghdad University campus in AL-Jaderiyiah for evaluating the scaling, surface texture for Portland cement concrete and rutting, surface texture for asphalt concrete pavement. Eighty five stereo images of pavement distresses were captured perpendicular to the surface using a DSLR camera. Photogrammetric process was carried out by using ERDAS IMAGINE V.8.4. The results were modeled by using a relationship between the photogrammetric and visual techniques and selected the highest coefficient of determinatio
... Show MoreContemporary art has been widely affected by technology, and ceramics production is no exception. As an ancient art that originates from clay and other humble materials found in the ground, ceramics is considered one of the most adaptable art forms. Once it is realised how flexible ceramics as a material is, it can be easily altered into endless forms and shapes. Therefore, it is vital for ceramics practitioners to find a relationship between this wonderful material and the media of contemporary art, culture and modelling software or technology in general so that they can take their deformable art pieces to a whole new level. Such a relationship is worth investigating. Thus, for the purposes of this research, several ceramic pieces were
... Show MoreSimple method has been used to determine the absence of heavy metals in an aqueous solution. Fluorescein was used as the base colorimetric materialThis was doped with CuCl2 and the final solution showeda clear change in color. This change was correlated with the change in both pH and electrical conductivity of the solution. The optical property as an obvious change of the spectra was observed. Therefore, this simple method could be proposed as a method to detectheavy metals in any solution.
The research seeks to find the relationship between psychological flow and futuristic thinking among postgraduate students. To this end, the researchers have made up two scales: one scale to measure the psychological flow which consisted of (32) items and the other to measure the futuristic thinking included (39) items which were distributed into three domains. As to collect the required data, the two scales had applied on a sample comprised (200) postgraduate students. The findings revealed that there is a correlation between psychological flow and futuristic thinking. The researcher recommended the coming studies take the relationship between psychological flow and psychological happiness.
Internet paths sharing the same congested link can be identified using several shared congestion detection techniques. The new detection technique which is proposed in this paper depends on the previous novel technique (delay correlation with wavelet denoising (DCW) with new denoising method called Discrete Multiwavelet Transform (DMWT) as signal denoising to separate between queuing delay caused by network congestion and delay caused by various other delay variations. The new detection technique provides faster convergence (3 to 5 seconds less than previous novel technique) while using fewer probe packets approximately half numbers than the previous novel technique, so it will reduce the overload on the network caused by probe packets.
... Show MoreBackground: Nanoparticles are clusters of atoms in a size range from (1-100) nm. Nano dentistry creates amazing useful structures from individual atoms or molecules (nanoparticles), which provides a new alternative and a possibly superior strategy in prevention and treatment of dental caries through management of dental plaque biofilms. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of Streptococcus mutans to different concentrations of hydroxyapatite and iron oxide nanoparticles suspension solutions, in comparison to chlorhexidine, and de-ionized water, in vitro. Materials and methods: Agar well technique was applied to test the sensitivity of Streptococcus mutans to different concentrations of hydroxyapatite and iron oxide nanoparticle
... Show Moreهدفت الدراسة الحالية الى التعرف ما اذا كان هناك تقبل اجتماعي للتلاميذ بطيئي من قبل اقرانهم العاديين؟ وكذلك معرفة ما اذا كان هناك فروق ذات دلالة في التقبل الاجتماعي بين افراد عينة الدراسة على وفق المتغيرات الاتية:
أ- العمر (9-13)
ب- الجنس (ذكور –اناث)
ج- المرحلة الدراسية
د- الحالة الاقتصادية (جيدة –متوسطة –جيدة جدا)
ولغرض تحقيق اه
... Show MoreBackground: Although the new treatment methods developed in recent years are aiming to minimize the need for cooperation of the patients; however, the latter still important factor the treatment. The aim of the study was to evaluate the cooperation level of Class III maloc-clusion patients with orthodontic treatment. Materials and methods: This study followed a cross-sectional style; the targeted population was patients with Class III malocclusion who were treated with three different types of orthopaedic appliances. Four questionnaires were delivered to the patient, patient’s parents, and orthodontists. Statistical analyses of the study were performed with SPSS 20.0 software. Descriptive analyses were presented using fre-quency, percenta
... Show MoreThe history of the arts is closely connected with the history of humankind, since it is impossible to separate our scientific and artistic advances’. Therefore, the current research focuses on the close bond between art and other disciplines. The connection of the arts to the sciences is unequivocal and undisputed; the contributions of artists to the various scientific domains are clear. If one scrutinises the ability of artists to participate in building societies, one will find that the arts have penetrated deeply into a range of products and inventions, starting with the pencil and ending with the missile. The artist’s contributions play a part in the minutest of details across all fields of industry: production, craftsmanship, me
... Show MoreWind farm assessment project have several steps. This paper aim on the second step which is harvesting the roads properties from the loading point to the construction point. The difficulties of examining the roads whether they are appropriate or not for transporting wind turbine components. The selected site for establishing wind farm is located at Maysan province and has 262 km distance from Um – Qaser port. The results through applying remote sensing and GIS techniques on Landsat (30 m resolution) and QuckBird (0.6 m resolution) are summarized by (2 hard turn, 18 Bridges that crossing over, and 13 Bridges passing under).