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3D Seismic Structural Study of the Lower Cretaceous Sequence in Kifl oil field_ central Iraq
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     This research focused up on the Seismic reflection study of a 268.7 km2 area located in the central of Iraq within the Karbala province (Kifl area). The seismic data were reprocessed by Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and its partners Dome International and Vitol with OEC in 2005, the result of processing works has improved the quality of seismic sections in most of the study area.  The study area was interpreted by using 3-D seismic data from the Oil Exploration Company. By studying the seismic sections and applying seismic attributes (instantaneous phase) Faults were picked across 3D seismic volume of the studied reflectors. The study area affected by a major fault and minor normal faults, Two fault system has been observed in the study area; the major normal  fault of (NW-SE) trending and  minor normal faults of (NE-SW) trending, with a small displacement are influencing the studied reflectors (NahrUmr, Shuaiba, Zubair and Ratawi reflectors). Time, velocity and depth maps are prepared depending on the structural interpretation of the picked reflectors, The structural interpretation of these reflectors shows a structural anticline (Asymmetrical anticline) extending in NW-SE trend and plunges to the southeast with a dip angle about 5 degrees. and the general dip towards the east.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Oil Fields Relation to the Tectonic Boundaries that inferred from Seismic and Gravity Interpretation in Kut-Hai-Fajir and Surrounding Area, Central Iraq
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The seismic reflection and gravity data were used to detect the tectonic boundaries in Kut-Hai-Fajir and surrounding areas, central Iraq. The depth maps of Dammam, Nhr Umr, and Sulaiy, formations were constructed and used to detect some boundareis in the study area. The residual gravity map and Total Horizantal derivative (THDR) also used to detected the tectonic boundaries. It is obtained that most boundaries or faults found in the deep formations; while some of them showen in the shallow fomations. The faults or boundaries obtained from gravity intrpretation mostly coincied with the deepest formation boundaries. Generally, the grvity anomalies conform the morphological feature locations within the depth maps of the formations. Many lon

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reinterpretation of the two-dimensional seismic reflection of the Afaq structure region, central Iraq
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This study deals with interpretation of stratigraphic and structural of Afaq structure area central Iraq in Qadisiyah province, about 25 km north of Diwaniyah, by using 2D seismic data. Synthetic traces are prepared by using available data of the well (WK-1)using a petrol software program to define and picking the reflectors on the seismic section. Structure interpretation includes picking a top of Zubair Formation (Late Cretaceous), while stratigraphic interpretation includes two reflectors Yamama and Gotnia Formation (Upper-Late Jurassic). Structure interpretation of Zubair Formation shows that the area a several minors and a short extend of faults, the fault system extends (NE-SW) direction. The structural interpretation of time and d

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic structural study of Mishrif and Nahr Umr Formations in Huwaiza oilfield south-eastern Iraq
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An interpretive study of two-dimension seismic data of the Huwaiza oilfield was carried out using Petrel 2015 program. Twenty seismic section were used, these seismic sections were carried out at three-time stages: HH survey in 1976, 2HH survey in 1978 and AM in 1980. Mishrif and Nahr Umr reservoirs were selected to study because they are the most important reservoirs in the neighbor fields. The study showed that the structure is an anticline trending North-South, so that the field may belong to Zubair tectonic subzone rather than Tigris subzone, which is northwest-southeast trending. A hypothetical model was drawn up showing the extension of the field in the Iraqi and Iranian territories based on information from both sides, it showed t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation of the Petrophysical Properties of the Lower Cretaceous Yamama (YC) Formation in Siba Field
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   In southern Iraq, the Yamama Formation has been a primary carbonate resource since the Lower Cretaceous era. This study covers Siba Field, which is located in southeastern Iraq. This paper will be devoted to a YC unit of study. The most crucial step in reservoir management is petrophysical characterization. The primary goal of this research is to assess the reservoir features and lithology of the Yamama (YC) Formation in the Siba region. Accessible excellent logs include sonic, density, neutron, gamma-ray, SP, and resistivity readings. The Interactive Petrophysics (IP4.4) program examined and estimated petrophysical features such as clay volume, porosity, and water saturation. The optimum approach was the neutron density and clay vo

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic Data Processing of Subba Oil Field in South Iraq
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Evaluation study was conducted for seismic interpretation using two-dimensional seismic data for Subba oil field, which is located in the southern Iraq. The Subba oil field was discovered in 1973 through the results of the seismic surveys and the digging of the first exploratory well SU-1 in 1975 to the south of the Subba oil field. The entire length of the field is 35 km and its width is about 10 km. The Subba oil field contains 15 wells most of them distributed in the central of the field.

     This study is dealing with the field data and how to process it for the purpose of interpretation; the processes included conversion of field data format, compensation of lost data and noise disposal, as well as the a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3-D Seismic Survey Study of Faults System in Balad Oil Field – Center of Iraq
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3D seismic reflection structural study of (250) km² of Balad Oil field located in central part of Iraq within Salah Al-din province (Balad area) was carried out.
Faults were picked using instantaneous phase attribute of seismic sections and variance attribute of seismic time slices across 3D seismic volume.
A Listric growth normal fault is affecting the succession of Cretaceous Formation and cut by strike slip fault. In addition, minor normal faults (Dendritic and tension faults) are developed on the listric normal growth fault. As a result, a major graben is separated by Strike slip fault into two parts (north and south parts) and trend in NW-SE direction.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Sequence Stratigraphy for Optimize Development Strategy, Ahmadi Carbonates, Case Study, South Iraq Oil Fields.
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The Early Cenomanian Ahmadi carbonates succession in selected oil-wells in south Iraqi oil fields have undergone; into sequence stratigraphic analysis as new reservoir stratigraphy optimization understanding. The sequence stratigraphy context: has applied on the mentioned carbonate reservoir in selected oil-wells from West-Qurna and Majnoon oil fields, with respect to Arabian-plate (AP) chronosequence stratigraphy and chrono-markers setting.

A meso-genetic buildup has infra-structured the studied Formation based-on; smallest-set of the genetically-related high-frequency lithofacies-cycle and cycles-set modeling. A genetic sequence (meso-sequence one MS1) is described as a well-encountered buildup between the (MFS-K120 of lower Ah

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Reservoir Modeling of Buzurgan Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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    This study aims to set up a 3D static model to characterize and evaluate Mishrif Formation which represents the main reservoir in Buzurgan Oilfield, southern Iraq. Six wells have been selected to set up structural, facies and petrophysical models of Mishrif reservoir by using Petrel Software. The structural model has been built based on the structural contour map of the top of Mishrif Formation, which derived from seismic interpretation, and by using different static algorithms in Petrel Software. The structural model showed that the Buzurgan Oilfield represents an anticlinal fold with two domes north and south separated by a depression. The petrophysical model included the porosity model and water saturation model. Th

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Enhancement of Seismic reflectors by using VSP and Seismic Inversion in Sindbad oil field, south of Iraq
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The purpose of this research is to enhance the methods of surface seismic data processing and interpretation operations by using the produced information of vertical seismic profile (measured velocity and corridor stack). Sindbad oil field (South of Iraq) is chosen to study goals and it's containing only one well with VSP survey (Snd2) that covering depth from Zubair to Sulaiy Formations and 2D seismic lines of Basrah Survey. The horizons were picked and used with low frequency contents from well data for the construction of low frequency model and it was used with high frequency of VSP to make the high frequency model that compensated to seismic main frequency through inversion process. Seismic inversion technique is performed on post s

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Acquisition and Preparation of 3D Seismic Data for Pre-Stack Inversion at Siba Oilfield, Southeastern Iraq
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      The current study includes preparing a geometric proposal of the main parameters that must be worked within a seismic reflection survey to prepare a three-dimensional subsurface image. This image represents the Siba oil field located in Basra, southern Iraq. The results were based on two options for selecting these approved elements to create a three-dimensional image of the Mishrif, Zubair and Yamama formations as well as the Jurassic and Permian Khuff and the pre-Khuff reservoir area. The first option is represented in the geometry in option -1 is 12 lines, 6 shots, and 216 chs. The receiver density is 66.67 receivers / km2, so the shot density is the same. Total shots are 21000, which is the same number of receiv

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