The radial wavefunctions of transformed harmonic-oscillator in the local scale transformation technique are used to calculate the root-mean square proton, charge, neutron and matter radii, nuclear density distributions and elastic electron scattering charge form factors of stable (10,11B) and (unstable) exotic (8,14,17B) Boron isotopes. For 10B and 11B, the transformed harmonic-oscillator wavefunctions are applied to all subshells in no-core shell model approach using wbp interaction. For 8,14,17B, the radial wavefunctions of harmonic-oscillator and THO are used to calculate the aforementioned quantities for the core and halo parts, respectively. The calculated matter and charge density distributions are found to be in very good agreement with experimental data for 8,14,17B and 10,11B, respectively. The calculated elastic electron scattering form factors of the longitudinal C0+C2 components for 10,11B are in very good agreement with experimental data.
This work is devoted to study the properties of the ground states such as the root-mean square ( ) proton, charge, neutron and matter radii, nuclear density distributions and elastic electron scattering charge form factors for Carbon Isotopes (9C, 12C, 13C, 15C, 16C, 17C, 19C and 22C). The calculations are based on two approaches; the first is by applying the transformed harmonic-oscillator (THO) wavefunctions in local scale transformation (LST) to all nuclear subshells for only 9C, 12C, 13C and 22C. In the second approach, the 9C, 15C, 16C, 17C and 19C isotopes are studied by dividing the whole nuclear system into two parts; the first is the compact core part and the second is the halo part. The core and halo parts are studied using the
... Show MoreEffects of Boron on the structure of chloroplasts membrane isolated from cauliflower are investigated , using light scattering technique. Results obtained in this study suggest that Boron in the concentration range (0.1-5 µm) can fluidize the lipids of the chloroplast membrane due to different extent. Mechanisms by which Boron can change the lipid fluidity is discussed. Furthermore, an experimental evidence is presented to show that2µM Boron can mediate conformational changes in the membrane –bound proteins of the cauliflower’s chloroplast.
This study dedicates to provide an information of shell model calculations, limited to fp-shell with an accuracy and applicability. The estimations depend on the evaluation of Hamiltoian’s eigenvalues, that’s compatible with positive parity of energy levels up to (10MeV) for most isotopes of Ca, and the Hamiltonian eigenvectors transition strength probability and inelastic electron-nucleus scattering. The Hamiltonian is effective in the regions where we have experimented. The known experimental data of the same were confirmed and proposed a new nuclear level for others.
The calculations are done with the help of OXBASH code. The results show good agreement with experimental energy states
... Show MoreThe shell model calculations with Cohen-Kurath (C-K) interaction were carried out to investigate form factors of elastic transverse electron scattering, and magnetic dipole-moments of odd 7,9,11Be isotopes. The effect of the exact value of center of mass correction was adopted to generate the magnetic form factors in Born approximation picture. The contribution of the higher 2p-shell configuration was included to reproduce the experimental data. A significant improvement was obtained in the present results with core-polarization (CP) effect through the effective g-factors. The occupancies percentage with respect to the valence nucleons was also calculated.
The root-mean square-radius of proton, neutron, matter and charge radii, energy level, inelastic longitudinal form factors, reduced transition probability from the ground state to first-excited 2+ state of even-even isotopes, quadrupole moments, quadrupole deformation parameter, and the occupation numbers for some calcium isotopes for A=42,44,46,48,50 are computed using fp-model space and FPBM interaction. 40Ca nucleus is regarded as the inert core for all isotopes under this model space with valence nucleons are moving throughout the fp-shell model space involving 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. Model space is used to present calculations using FPBM intera
... Show MoreThe nuclear structure of some cobalt (Co) isotopes with mass number A=56-60 has been studied depending on the effect of some physical properties such as the electromagnetic properties effects, such as, elastic longitudinal form factors, electric quadrupole moments, and magnetic dipole moments. The fp model space is used to present calculations using GXFP1 interaction by adopting the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator. For all isotopes under consideration, the 40Ca nucleus is regarded as an inert core in fp model-space, while valence nucleons are moving through 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. The effects of core-polarization are obtained by the first orde
... Show MoreHartree-Fock calculations for even-even Tin isotopes using
Skyrme density dependent effective nucleon-nucleon interaction are
discussed systematically. Skyrme interaction and the general formula
for the mean energy of a spherical nucleus are described. The charge
and matter densities with their corresponding rms radii and the
nuclear skin for Sn isotopes are studied and compared with the
experimental data. The potential energy curves obtained with
inclusion of the pairing force between the like nucleons in Hartree-
Fock-Bogoliubov approach are also discussed.
The nuclear structure of 28-40Si isotopes toward neutron dripline has been investigated in framework of shell model with Skyrme-Hrtree-Fock method using certain Skyrme parameterizations. Moreover, investigations of static properties such as nuclear densities for proton, neutron, mass, and, charge densities with their corresponding rms radii, neutron skin thicknesses, binding energies, separation energies, shell gap, and pairing gap have been performed using the most recent Skyrme parameterization. The calculated results have been compared with available experimental data to identify which of these parameterizations introduced equivalent results with the ex
... Show MoreThe ground state density distributions and electron scattering Coulomb form factors of Helium (4,6,8He) and Phosphorate (27,31P) isotopes are investigated in the framework of nuclear shell model. For stable (4He) and (31P) nuclei, the core and valence parts are studied through Harmonic-oscillator (HO) and Hulthen potentials. Correspondingly, for exotic (6,8He) and (27P) nuclei, the HO potential is applied to the core parts only, while the Hulthen potential is applied to valence parts. The parameters for HO and Hulthen are chosen to reproduce the available experimental size radii for all nuclei under study. Finally, the CO component of electron scattering charge fo
... Show MoreIn this paper the nuclear structure of some of Si-isotopes namely, 28,32,36,40Si have been studied by calculating the static ground state properties of these isotopes such as charge, proton, neutron and mass densities together with their associated rms radii, neutron skin thicknesses, binding energies, and charge form factors. In performing these investigations, the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method has been used with different parameterizations; SkM*, S1, S3, SkM, and SkX. The effects of these different parameterizations on the above mentioned properties of the selected isotopes have also been studied so as to specify which of these parameterizations achieves the best agreement between calculated and experimental data. It can be ded
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