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3D Geological Modelling for Asmari Reservoir In Abu Ghirab Oil Field
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    Building a geological model is an essential and primary step for studying the reservoir’s hydrocarbon content and future performance. A three-dimensional geological model of the Asmari reservoir in Abu- Ghirab oil field including structure, stratigraphy, and reservoir petrophysical properties, has been constructed in the present work.

As to underlying Formations, striking slip faults developed at the flank and interlayer normal. Abu Ghirab oilfields are located on the eastern anticlinal band, which has steadily plunged southward. 3D seismic interpretation results are utilized to build the fault model for 43 faults of the Asmari Formation in Abu Ghirab Oilfield. A geographic facies model with six different rock facies types are developed. This new modelling system should be capable of more clearly reflecting the connectivity of the oil body and the heterogeneity of the reservoir. To represent the vertical and horizontal heterogeneity and create a framework for the Asmari reservoir in the Abu Ghirab oil field, the Petrel software has been used to create a reservoir in a 3D model. This model was constructed using data from 55 wells located across the Asmari formation. The model demonstrates accurate estimations (porosity, saturation, and net to gross). These reservoir models directly impact the facies model’s computation of each layer of the net pay thickness of the reservoir. The final goal of the present work is to determine the initial oil in place (IOIP), which is found to be 269*106 sm3

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Increasing confidence in full field modelling and water flood planning for a giant reservoir under primary depletion through Material Balance modelling
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Abstract<p>One of the principle inputs to project economics and all business decisions is a realistic production forecast and a practical and achievable development plan (i.e. waterflood). Particularly this becomes challenging in supergiant oil fields with medium to low lateral connectivity. The main objectives of the Production Forecast and feasibility study for water injection are:</p><p>1- Provide an overview of the total expected production profile, expected wells potential/spare capacity, water breakthrough timing and water cut development over time</p><p>2- Highlight the requirements to maintain performance, suggest the optimum developmen</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Building a 3D Petrophysical Model for Mishrif Formation in Nasiriyah Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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A 3D geological model for Mishrif Reservoir in Nasiriyah oil field had been invented "designed" "built". Twenty Five wells namely have been selected lying in Nasiriyah  Governorate in order to build Structural and petrophysical (porosity and water saturation) models represented by a 3D static geological model in three directions .Structural model showed that Nasiriyah oil field represents anticlinal fold its length about 30 km and the width about 10  km, its axis extends toward NW–SE  with structural closure about 65 km . After making zones for Mishrif reservoir, which was divided into 5 zones i.e. (MA zone, UmB 1zone,MmB1 zone ,L.mB1 zone and mB2zone) .Layers were built for each zone depending on petrophysical propertie

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Geological Model of the Tight Reservoir (Sadi Reservoir-Southern of Iraq)
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A3D geological model was constructed for Al-Sadi reservoir/ Halfaya Oil Field which is discovered in 1976 and located 35 km from Amara city, southern of Iraq towards the Iraqi/ Iranian borders.

Petrel 2014 was used to build the geological model. This model was created depending on the available information about the reservoir under study such as 2D seismic map, top and bottom of wells, geological data & well log analysis (CPI). However, the reservoir was sub-divided into 132x117x80 grid cells in the X, Y&Z directions respectively, in order to well represent the entire Al-Sadi reservoir.

Well log interpretation (CPI) and core data for the existing 6 wells were the basis of the petrophysical model (

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Calibrating the Reservoir Model of the Garraf Oil Field
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   History matching is a significant stage in reservoir modeling for evaluating past reservoir performance and predicting future behavior. This paper is primarily focused on the calibration of the dynamic reservoir model for the Meshrif formation, which is the main reservoir in the Garraf oilfield. A full-field reservoir model with 110 producing wells is constructed using a comprehensive dataset that includes geological, pressure-volume-temperature (PVT), and rock property information. The resulting 3D geologic model provides detailed information on water saturation, permeability, porosity, and net thickness to gross thickness for each grid cell, and forms the basis for constructing the dynamic reservoir model. The dynamic reservoir mo

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Static Model of Zubair Reservoir in Luhais Oil Field
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Static reservoir modeling is the interacting and analysis of the geological data to visualize the reservoir framework by three-dimensional model and distribute the static reservoir properties. The Petrel E&P software used to incorporate the data. The interpreted log data and core report used in distribution of petrophysical properties of porosity, water saturation and permeability for Zubair reservoir in Luhais oil field.

   The reservoir discretized to 274968 cells in increments of 300, 200 and 1 meter in the direction of X, Y, and Z respectively. The geostatistical approach used in the distribution of the properties of porosity and water saturation overall the reservoir units. The permeability has been calculated

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Analysis and Geological modeling of Euphrates Formation in Ajeel Oil Field, Northern Iraq
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The current study summarized the construction of a three-dimensional geological model of the Aquitanian sediments age, which represented by the Euphrates and Serikagni formation in Ajeel Oil Field, where Ajeel Oil Field has structural closure towards northwest - southeast. Sedimentary of the current study consist of limestone, dolomitic limestone, dolomite (compose of skeletal grains, non-skeletal grains and cement) and the appearance of some anhydrite rocks.

     The petrographic study of the Euphrates Formation were prepared using a thin section of wells (Aj-1, Aj-4, Aj-5, Aj-6 and Aj-7), Previous studies and geological reports, as well as use well logs data  in the statistical analysis by Petrel softwa

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reservoir Characteristics for Khasib Formation in selected wells of East Baghdad Oil field, Iraq
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     Four subsurface sections and electrical, porosity logs, and gamma-ray logs of the Khasib Formation (age Late Turonian-Lower Coniacian) were studied to identify reservoir characteristics and to evaluate the reservoir properties of the Khasib reservoir units in the East Baghdad oilfield. The lithology of the formation is limestone throughout the whole sequence in all studied wells EB-83, EB-87, EB-92, and EB94. It is bounded conformably from the top by Tanuma Formation and has a conformable lower contact with Kifl Formation. The lower and upper boundaries of the formation were determined using well log analysis, and the formation was divided into three main rock units (Kh1, Kh2, and Kh3), depending on the porosity logs. The porosi

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies and Reservoir Evaluation of Mishrif Formation in Tuba Oil Field
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The Mishrif Formation is one of the most important formation in oil fields, which is located in southern part of Iraq, and it is of Upper Cretaceous age. Tuba field is located nearly 40 km SW – Basrah city. It is bounded from east by Zubair oil field (5 km distance) and from west by Rumaila (2 km distance). The Tuba oil field is situated between Zubair oil field in the east and Rumaila in the west, and is separated by two depressions.
The rock (core and chips) samples have been collected systematically from cores of Mishrif Formation that are available from stores of southern oil company to prepare thin sections and slides—these slides have been examined by using microscope. These samples have been taken from all parts of the rese

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Yamama Reservoir Characterization in the West Qurna Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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Yamama Formation (Valanginian-Early Hauterivian) is one of the most important oil production reservoirs in southern Mesopotamian Zone. The Yamama Formation in south Iraq comprises outer shelf argillaceous limestones and oolitic, pelloidal, pelletal and pseudo-oolitic shoal limestones. The best oil prospects are within the oolite shoals. Yamama Formation is divided into seven zones: Upper Yamama, Reservoir Units YR-A & YR-B separated by YB-1, and YR-B Lower & two Tight zones: low (porosity, permeability and oil saturation) with variable amounts of bitumen. These reservoir units are thought to be at least partially isolated from each other.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Interpretation of 3D Seismic Reflection Data to Reveal Stratigraphic Setting of the Reservoir of Mishrif Formation in Dujaila Oil Field, Southeast of Iraq
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     This research is an attempt to solve the ambiguity associated with the stratigraphic setting of the main reservoir (late Cretaceous) of Mishrif Formation in Dujaila oil field. This was achieved by studying a 3D seismic reflection post-stack data for an area of ​​602.62 Km2 in Maysan Governorate, southeast of Iraq. Seismic analysis of the true amplitude reflections, time maps, and 3D depositional models showed a sufficient seismic evidence that the Mishrif Formation produces oil from a stratigraphic trap of isolated reef carbonate buildups that were grown on the shelf edge of the carbonate platform, located in the area around the productive well Dujaila-1. The low-frequency attribute illustrated tha

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