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The Dependence of The Gravitational Lensing Properties on The Lens And Source Redshifts

    This work aims to investigate the dependence of gravitational lensing properties on the lens redshift and source redshift.

The angular diameter distance hereafter referred to as ADD has been determined using two different numerical integral methods, Simpson's rule, and definite integral methods. Both of those two methods gave identical results. In addition, observational data of gravitational Lensing systems have been used to find the most probable value of lens redshift and source redshift. The result showed that the lens redshift and source redshift are more likely to occur in the ranges of zL=0.2-0.6 and zS=1-3, respectively.

Einstein radius and the critical surface mass density have been studied for those ranges of lens and source redshift. The result clearly showed that the redshifts and distances affect the lensing properties. This indicates that observations of gravitational lensing can be efficiently used to probe the distances and redshifts.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effects of copper doping and annealing on the structure and optical properties of ZnxCdx-1S thin films

Effect of copper doping and thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of Zn0.5Cd0.5S thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis have been studied. Depositions were done at 250°C on glass substrate. The structural properties and surface morphology of deposited films were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photomicroscope (PHM) techniques. XRD studies reveal that all films are crystalline tetragonal structure. The film crystallinity are increased with 1% Cu-doping concentration and also increased for the films annealed at 300°C than the other studied cases. The lattice constant 'a' and 'c' varies with doping concentrations from 5.487Å to 5.427Å and 10.871Å to 10.757Å respectively. The grain size attained

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of the Solution Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Copper Alloy (2024-T3) Using Rolling Process

The effect of solution heat treatment on the mechanical properties of Aluminum-Copper alloy. (2024-T3) by the rolling process is investigated. The solution heat treatment was implemented by heating the sheets to 480 C° and quenching them by water; then forming by rolling for many passes. And then natural aging is done for one month. Mechanical properties (tensile strength and hardness) are evaluated and the results are compared with the metal without treatment during the rolling process. ANSYS analysis is used to show the stresses distribution in the sheet during the rolling process.  It has been seen that good mechanical properties are evident in the alloy without heat treatment due to the strain hardening and also the mechanical

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and some of the electrical properties of the polymer Mosul poly Berrol

Thin films were prepared from poly Berrol way Ketrrukemaaih pole of platinum concentrations both Albaarol and salt in the electrolytic Alastontrel using positive effort of 7 volts on the pole and the electrical wiring of the membrane record

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of The CdO Thin Films Prepared By Vacuum Evaporation Thermal Technique

      Cadmium Oxide films have been prepared by vacuum evaporation technique on a glass substrate at room temperature. Structural and optical properties of the films are studied at different annealing temperatures (375 and 475) ËšC, for the thickness (450) nm at one hour. The crystal structure of the samples was studied by X- ray diffraction. The highest value of the absorbance is equal to (78%) in the wavelength (530) nm, at annealing temperature (375) ËšC. The value of at a rate of deposition is (10) nm/s. The value of optical energy gap found is equal to (2.22) eV.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science And Technology (jmest)
Study The Influence Of Sn Dopant On The Surface Topography And Some Physical Properties Of CdSe Films Prepared By Evaporation Technique

Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of contact time between alginate impression material and type III dental stone on the surface properties of stone casts

Background: Alginate impression material is the irreversible hydrocolloid material that is widely used in dentistry. The contact time between alginate and gypsum cast could have a detrimental effect on the properties of the gypsum cast. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of various contact time intervals of Alginate impressions & type III dental stone on surface properties of stone cast. Materials and Methods: Time intervals tested were 1hour, 6 hours and 9 hours. Surface properties of stone cast evaluated were surface detail reproduction, hardness and roughness. Surface detail reproduction was determined using cylindrical brass test block in accordance with ISO 1563. Surface roughness was measured by profilometer

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Studying the Effect of H2SO4/H2O Ratio on the Properties of Positive Electrode in Lead-acid Battery

The lead-acid battery has become so dependable in its used applications of automobile starting, emergency lighting and telecommunications, which left an impression that no further investigation is necessary or desirable. While there has been slow continuous improvements in lead-acid battery performance and mainly limited to design and material engineering. This work is mainly devoted to the properties of the active mass of the positive electrode and the acid/water ratio during the manufacturing process. A field study is carried out at the State Battery Manufacturing Company located in Baghdad, to prepare batches of lead mono-oxide with predefined quantities of liquid additives (i.e. sulfuric acid and water). Quality control and laborator

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Advances In Materials Physics And Chemistry
The Effect of Zn Concentration on the Optical Properties of Cd10–xZnxS Films for Solar Cells Applications

ABSTRACT:In this paper, Cd10–xZnxS (x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) films were deposited by using chemical spray pyrolysis technique, the molar concentration precursor solution was 0.15 M/L. Depositions were done at 350°C on cleaned glass substrates. X-ray dif- fraction technique (XRD) studies for all the prepared film; all the films are crystalline with hexagonal structure .The optical properties of the prepared films were studied using measurements from VIS-UV-IR spectrophotometer at wave- length with the range 300 - 900 nm; the average transmission of the minimum doping ratio (Zn at 0.1%) was about 55% in the VIS region, it was decrease at the increasing of Zn concentration in the CdS films, The band gap of the doped CdS films was varied as 3.7, 3

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of annealing temperature on the optical properties of (Cu2S)100-x( SnS2 )x thin films

Thin films of (Cu2S)100-x( SnS2 )x at X=[ 30,40, &50)]% with thickness (0.9±0.03)µm , had been prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method on glass substrates at 573 K. These films were then annealed under low pressure of(10-2) mbar ,373)423&473)K for one hour . This research includes , studying the the optical properties of (Cu2S)100-x-(SnS2)x at X=[ 30,40, &50)]% .Moreover studying the effect of annealing on their optical properties , in order to fabricate films with high stability and transmittance that can be used in solar cells. The transmittance and absorbance spectra had been recorded in the wavelength range (310 - 1100) nm in order to study the optical properties . It was found that these films had direct optical band

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Laser energy effect on the properties of ZnS thin films prepared by PLD technique

Zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films were deposited on glass substrates using pulsed laser deposition technique. The laser used is the Q-switched Nd: YAG laser with 1064nm wavelength and 1Hz pulse repetition rate and varying laser energy 700mJ-1000mJ with 25 pulse. The substrate temperature was kept constant at 100°C. The structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnS thin films were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-VIS spectrophotometer.

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