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Estimation of reservoir properties based on core plugs, lithofacies, and well logs for Nahr Umr Formation in Noor oilfield, southern Iraq
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The Nahr Umr Formation, one of the most important Cretaceous formations and one of the main generating reservoirs in southern Iraq and neighboring regions, was chosen to study and estimate its petrophysical properties using core plugs, lithofacies, and well logs from five wells in the Noor oilfield. Reservoir properties and facies analyses are used to divide the Nahr Umr formation into two-member (limestone in the upper part and main sandstone in the lower). Limestone members are characterized by low reservoir properties related to low effective porosity and permeability while the main sandstone member is considered as a reservoir. Four lithofacies were recognized in the main sandstone member of the Nahr Umr Formation according to petrographic observation with gamma-ray. They are well-sorted quartz arenite sandstone, poorly sorted Quartz arenite sandstone, Sandy shale, and Shale Lithofacies.

Calculation of the various reservoir properties (shale volume, effective porosity, permeability, and water saturation) using the (Interactive Petrophysics v3.5) program and linking them with the lithofacies by computer processed interpretation (CPI) of available of the available wells. Divided the sandstone member into three units are A, B, and C. Each unit consists of many reservoir sandstone subunits separated by shale and streaks of limestone. Average reservoir properties of units A and B are good to very good related to high porosity, permeability, and economy hydrocarbon saturation (low water saturation). While these properties are decreased in unit C. The Sandston member of borehole No-5 was the best reservoir characterization, especially in the thickness of the reservoir units and the low shale content.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Effect of Grain Size-Secondary Electron Emission on Grain Growth in Dusty Plasma
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The calculation of the charge on an isolated dust grain immersed in plasma with different grain sizes is a challenging one, especially under moderately high plasma temperature when secondary electron emission significant. The discrete charging model is used to calculate the charges of dust grain in dusty plasma. In this model, we included the effect of grain size dependence on secondary electron emission. The results show that the secondary electron emission from the glass dust grains due to energetic electron (40eV) can lead to the small grain to be slightly more positive than the large grain. Under these conditions, the smaller and larger grains would be attracted rather than repelled, which possibly lead to enhanced coagulation rates.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Impact of Mother-Infant Bonding on Periodontal Health Status in the Postpartum Period
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Background: Mother-infant bonding is an important psychological step postpartum and disturbed relationship may carry dramatic consequences as a psychological disorder which may affect the periodontal health of the mother. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of the postpartum Mother-infant bonding on their periodontal condition. Materials and Methods: Mothers in the postpartum period with age range 20-35 years were subjected to postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ). Periodontal health status was assessed by measuring probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level. Results: The mean values of both probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) were higher among disordered mothers than mothers with normal

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of surlactin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus on eye infectious bacteria in rabbits
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Twenty five vaginal swabs from outpatients' healthy women were collected from Kamal Al-Samarai Hospital, Baghdad, to isolate and identify of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Three isolates were diagnosed as L. acidophilus which represents 15% of the total number of lactic acid bacterial (LAB) isolates; other LAB types represent 65% (20 isolates).The ability of L. acidophilus to produce surlactin was detected after measuring its biological activity to inhibit the adhesion of biofilm formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to surfaces using test tube method. It was found that all isolates were able to produce surlactin but the activity of surlactin was varying in each isolate. Surlactin produced by isolates 1 and 13 was the most effective. Biological appl

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of tooth shape ratio on mandibular incisors arrangement in Iraqi adult subjects
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Background: This study aimed to assess the effect of tooth shape ratio on mandibular incisor arrangement. Materials and methods: The sample included dental casts of some dental students and orthodontic patients having Class I dental and skeletal patterns with normal occlusion and severe crowding. The sample was divided into two groups according to the severity of crowding into: group I had Class I normal occlusion with mild or no crowded mandibular dentition and group II had Class I malocclusion with severe crowded mandibular dentition. Each group comprising of 40 subjects (20 males and 20 females). The mesio-distal and facio-lingual crown diameters were measured manually for each cast using modified vernier caliper gauge. Descriptive sta

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
The Journal Of Legal And Social Sciences
Limitations on the authority of a judge in case-law ( France as a model )
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When exercising their authority in the jurisprudence, judges are subject to a set of restrictions that they must adhere to, as they do not want their jurisprudence to be accepted and welcomed by law practitioners in general, and legal scholars in particular, and in contrast to it, the arrows of criticism and defamation will extend to that jurisprudence, and then they will have to reverse them . Perhaps the most important of those restrictions imposed on judges is their observance of justice between the parties to the lawsuit through their lack of bias for one of the parties at the expense of the other, in addition to their observance of public order and public morals, as well as their observance of the legal texts that they work under its u

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
In vitro Radio Protective Effects of Metformin on Human Lymphocytes Irradiated with Gamma Rays
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     Radio protective effects of metformin and its ability to alter the spontaneous and induced genotoxic and cytotoxic levels effects on human peripheral blood lymphocytes were investigated in this study. Metformin, a hypoglycemic oral drug,  is a biguanide derived from Galega officinalis that is widely utilized in controlling type 2 diabetes mellitus. Whole blood samples from 10 healthy donors (5 males and 5 females) were exposed to two doses of gamma-rays (1 and 2 Gray). Lymphocytes in cultures were treated with metformin (10 and 50µM) before gamma-irradiation. Cytokinesis-block micronucleus test was used to evaluate the protective effects of metformin on radiation induced genomic damage, cytostasis and

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Population Density of Bemisia tabaci on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Varieties in the Greenhouse
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Abstract<p>We conducted an experiment in a greenhouse at the research station belonging to the Department of Plant Protection / Ministry of Agriculture, in Abu Ghraib area during the spring and autumn season 2022-2023, to study the population density of the whitefly on two varieties of sweet pepper plant (Charisma and Sierra Nevada). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design “RCBD” with three replicates for each variety. The results showed that in spring season the population density of <italic>B. tabaci</italic> eggs and nymphs reached the peak in the last week of May, which where 2.667 and 4.444 individual / leaf, respectively while the population density </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Efficacy of Saccharomyces cerevesiae on promoting growth in tomato: Nahida M.Saleh |Adnan A. Issa
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Saccharomyces cerevesiae as a growth promoting agent in tomato. Soaking the seeds in yeast suspension at 5 g/L for 12h increased germination percentage, root length, root fresh and dry weight, plant height, foliage fresh and dry weight, attained 88.5% ; 8.1 cm ; 84.3 mg ; 7.03 mg ; 10.75 cm ; 839 mg and 37.75 mg compared with 80% ; 5.33 cm ; 39 mg ; 4.8 mg ; 7.35 cm ; 608 mg and 25.5 mg in seedlings grown from non treated seeds respectively. Similar results were obtained with seedling from seeds soaked in S. cerevesiae filtrate for 12 hrs. with values of 77.5% ; 6.875 cm ; 91.5 mg ; 7.5 mg ; 9.5 cm ; 777 mg and 40.35 mg compared to 66% ; 5.8 cm ; 57.7 mg ; 5.03 mg ; 5.9 cm ; 493 mg

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Observational Evidences of Double Cropping Impacts on the Climate in the Northern China Plains
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Abstract<p>The impacts of harvested cropland in the double cropping region (DCR) of the northern China plains (NCP) on the regional climate are examined using surface meteorological data and the satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST). The NDVI data are used to distinguish the DCR from the single cropping region (SCR) in the NCP. Notable increases in LST in the period May–June are found in the area identified as the DCR on the basis of the NDVI data. The difference between the mean daily maximum temperature averaged over the DCR and SCR stations peaks at 1.27°C in June. The specific humidity in the DCR is significantly smaller than in</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Effect of High Energy Nd:Glass Laser on the Drilled in the 5052 AlMg Alloy
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This study presents the effect of laser energy on burning loss of magnesium from the holes' drilled in aluminum alloy 5052. High energy free running pulsed Nd:Glass laser of 300 µs pulse duration has been used to perform the experiments. The laser energy was varied from 1.0 to 8.0 Joules, The drilling processes have been carried out under atmospheric pressure and vacuum inside a specially designed chamber. Microhardness of the blind drilled holes has been investigated .The results indicated that the magnesium loss could be manipulated by adjusting the focusing conditions of the laser beam. Almost, the obtained holes were free of cracks with low taper and low sputter deposition. .The holes performed under atmospheric conditions have high

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