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Investigation of the Characteristics of CO (1-0) Line Integrated Emission Intensity in Extragalactic Spirals
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This paper aims to deal with the understanding of the properties of the molecular gas hydrogen in the extragalactic spirals sample. It is critical to make observations of CO (J = 1-0) line emission for spiral galaxies, particularly those with an energetic nucleus.  In the sample of spiral galaxies compiled, a carbon monoxide CO (1-0) emission line can be observed. This sample of galaxies' gas kinematics and star-forming should be analyzed statistically utilizing appropriate atomic gas HI, molecular gas H2, infrared (1μm-1000μm), visual (at λblue-optical=4400A0), and radio spectrum (at νradio=1.4 GHz and 5GHz) databases. STATISTICA is software that allows us to perform this statistical analysis. The presence of a high scale of star formation activity in these galaxies is dependent linearly on the correlations between galactic luminosities. Our findings show that thermal radio luminosity and LFIR are closely related to CO line luminosity. Further, LCO and MH2 have a steep linear relationship, where the slope of the regression log LCO  - LogMH2 equals 1. The LCO-SFR and LFIR-SFR relationship slopes are nearly linear (slope ~1), with a strong partial correlation RCO-SFR of 0.73 between LCO-SFR and a significant correlation RFIR-SFR of 0.5 between LFIR-SFR, according to the statistical analysis. The correlation between the rate of star formation (SFR) and hydrogen gas in spirals is significant in several fields of astrophysics.  Hence, it is asserted that the important point of the current study is that there is a significant link between SFR and the actual amount of cold hydrogen gas (Mgas) for the simple reason that in our spiral analysis, the mean atomic cold gas amount quantity is almost 6 times greater than the molecular gaseous amount.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Describing the Wavefront Aberrations of the Hexagonal Aperture Using Modified Zernike Polynomials
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n Segmented Optical Telescope (NGST) with hexagonal segment of spherical primary mirror can provide a 3 arc minutes field of view. Extremely Large Telescopes (ELT) in the 100m dimension would have such unprecedented scientific effectiveness that their construction would constitute a milestone comparable to that of the invention of the telescope itself and provide a truly revolutionary insight into the universe. The scientific case and the conceptual feasibility of giant filled aperture telescopes was our interested. Investigating the requirements of these imply for possible technical options in the case of a 100m telescope. For this telescope the considerable interest is the correction of the optical aberrations for the coming wavefront, th

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Numerical Solutions Of The Nonlocal Problems For The Diffusion Partial Differential Equations
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    In this work, we use the explicit and the implicit finite-difference methods to solve the nonlocal problem that consists of the diffusion equations together with nonlocal conditions. The nonlocal conditions for these partial differential equations are approximated by using the composite trapezoidal rule, the composite Simpson's 1/3 and 3/8 rules. Also, some numerical examples are presented to show the efficiency of these methods.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An analytical study at the General Company for the manufacture of batteries
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    This study carry’s out the correlation and the effect of two main variables, these variables are Job Satisfaction included six sub: wages - salaries and justice and yield, working  conditions    and services, pattern of supervision and the relationship with the manger, Relationship with colleagues, the content of the work and the variety of tasks, development and  promotion  opportunities available  to  an individual,   and Organizational Performance included  two sub variables:  Efficiency, Effectiveness.  This research was conducted using a questioner as a main tool, This questioner was distributed randomly to a research community composed of

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Value of the chest X-Ray for diagnosing left ventricular Dysfunction
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Background: The use of the chest x-ray measurements which includes the cardiothoracic ratio(C-T) and frontal area (FA) of the heart by the CXR are useful measures for primary assessment of the cardiac dysfunction.
Patients and Methods: A Prospective study was done from the 1st of January 2005 to the 1st of October in the same year on a 120 consecutive patients who have been admitted for coronary and L.V angiogram at IBN-AL-BITAR hospital. The C-T ratio and the frontal area were measured.
Results: The study comprised 120 subjects who were admitted for coronary and L.V angiogram for diagnostic reasons. 89subjects (74.2%) are male and 31subjects (25.8%) are female .17(14%) subjects have left ventricular d

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modeling Human Capital Impact on the Development of the Iraqi Oil Industry
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Iraq has the second largest proven oil reserves in the world. According to oil experts, it is expected that the Iraq's reserves to rise to 200+ billion barrels of high-grade crude.

Oil is a strategic commodity for producing and exporting countries in general, and Iraq in particular, as demonstrated by the international experience that oil is an important means to achieve economic growth, an important tool in the overall economic, social and political development. It is also an important source of hard currency for any national economy and a means to connect the local economy and the global economy. In this paper we focus our attention on selecting the best regression model that explain the effect of human capita

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Social Motive Behind the Inclusion of Moses Story Within Andalusi Poetry
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The significance of the social motivation lies in showing the great and important role of the story of the prophet of ( Moser ( Peace upon him) in Quran , especially , it is considered the greatest one in Quran , as that confirmed by the poets of Andalusera ,as it includes aspects similar to that prevailing over in their environments and their social life via the social motivation. Moreover , the relation's poets with the Andalus society where suitability prevailing over consistent with the events of the story; bedsides, artistic expression about the society for being considered as a trust mirror reflect real facts surrounded by the Andalussociety with all its sides and aspects . Thus , the poet takes Quran , especially the story of Mose

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Proving The Existence and the Uniqueness Solutions of fractional Integro- Differential Equations
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In this paper, we will study and prove the existence and the uniqueness theorems
of solutions of the generalized linear integro-differential equations with unequal
fractional order of differentiation and integration by using Schauder fixed point
theorem. This type of fractional integro-differential equation may be considered as a
generalization to the other types of fractional integro-differential equations
Considered by other researchers, as well as, to the usual integro-differential

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Illegal migration and the European Union " a perusal of securing the phenomenon"
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Abstract This study seeks to deal academically with how the EU treats clandestine immigration, through adopting a purley security approach, based on the European understanding of security threats posed to the security of communities and States in EU at all levels. So they agreed upon criminalizing this threat within the bloc while using repressive tools and steps to limit illegal immigrants flow to European territories. Accordingly, the EU gave the phenomen a security character. So it takes it from low politics level , that of employment and economic field to that of high politics, as a new security problem lying within a new security language embraced by ruling European elites, in other words EU touched on this issue as a speech act emp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Behavior of the Al-Kadhim Minaret during Earthquakes: A Virtual Study
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The study focuses on the causes of minaret tilting as well as possible solutions. The major aims of this study are to improve knowledge of historical tall structure stability and rehabilitation operations using the finite element approach to model the soil and minaret (PLAXIS 3D 2020), a platform for computational soil investigation and modeling. The numerical analysis aims to identify stresses, settlement, and deformation of the soil and minaret in various scenarios like Earthquakes, explosions, and winds. The simulation of the problem by the PLAXIS 3D revealed that the greatest lateral displacement computed at the Top Minaret is 5.5 cm, and the greatest vertical movement is calculated to be 3 cm. Seismic settlement is the effect of ear

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the performance of government units according to the government accounting system
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This study aims at clarifying the current performance appraisal system in government units and the extent to which they contribute to the development of the performance of these units by evaluating and measuring the performance of these units on an ongoing basis to subject their services to an assessment and measurement process in order to improve the efficiency of these units to reach their objectives efficiently and effectively. (Iraqi hospitals) by trying to determine the possibility of the government accounting system in the process of evaluating performance, through the comparison of financial performance for successive years and different hospitals using the financial and non-financial model of the evaluati

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