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Classification and Measurement of Land Cover of Wildfires in Australia Using Remote Sensing

     Remote sensing techniques used in many studies for classfying and measuring of wildfires. Satellite Landsat8(OLI) imagery is used in the presented work. The satellite is considered as a near-polar orbit, with a high multispectral resolution for covering Wollemi National Park in Australia. The work aims to study and measure wildfire natural resources prior to and throughout fire breakout which occurred in Wollemi National Park in Australia for a year (October, 2019), as well as analyzing the harm resulting from such wildfires and their effects on earth and environment through recognizing satellite images for studied region prior to and throughout wildfires. A discussion of methods for computing the affecred area is covered regarding each one of the classes and lessening or limiting the quickly-spreading wildfires damage. This paper propose a 2-phases techniques: training and classifying. In the training phase, the number of clustering is computed by using C# Programming Language and feature extracted and clustered as a group and stored in the dataset. The classification used the moments with (K-Means) classification approach in RS (Remote Sensing) for classified image. The results of classification showed 5 distinctive classes (trees, rivers, bare earth, buildings with no trees, and buildings with trees) in which it might be indicates that the region is secured via each one of the classes prior to and throughout wildfires as well as the changed pixels with regard to all the classes. Also, the classification experimental methods results indicate an excellent performance recision with a good classifying and result analysis about the harms caused by fires in the study area.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Measurement of uranium concentration in the water samples collected from the areas surrounding in Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site using the CR-39 detector

Abstract. In this research, the uranium concentration in (16) water samples collected from some agricultural areas surrounded with AlTuwitha nuclear site in Baghdad-Iraq was measured by using a CR-39 detector. The concentration of uranium in this study was from (0.6 ± 0.33mg/l) to (2.51 ± 0.49 mg/l), and the weighted average for the concentrations (1.262 ± 0.402 mg/l). The results showed it is a concentration of uranium level in water samples studied is higher than the allowed limit recommended by WHO and ICRP.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Accounting Measurement of Environmental Effects and isclosure it: Applicatiory research in one of Iraqi manufacturing state

This research aims to Presented model can be applicable – in the frame of current accounting implementations - to measure environmental effects and disclosure then in the financial statements of economic entities after determined the environmental performance scopes of environmental activities that is works by this entities , because of importance of accounting information which presentation by accounting systems which's effectiveness tool on hand of decision maker about site plans and goals and drawing policies aims protection environment sustainable the represented of naturalism wealth elements . The researcher could be able to application his suggested model which's proof the ability to environmental accounting measurement and discl

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
A comparative study of resistance training on land and in the aqueousTo develop some capacity for three Al Wathba

أن التطور العلمي الحاصل فيما يخص المجال الرياضي أرسى آفاق جديدة لمواكبة التطور الكبير في مجا ل الألعاب والفعاليات الرياضية المختلفة ,و أن تحقيق النتائج الجيدة في فعاليات العاب القوى بشكل عام والثلاثية بشكل خاص في التدريب الرياضي يتطلب إتباع الأساليب العلمية الدقيقة والموضوعية بشكل سليم ومخطط له،فضلا عنة تطبيق نظريات ومنحى جديد لمواكبة الاتجاهات الحديثة في تحقيق النتائج الجيدة للوصول إلى المستويات العالية

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The relationship between the uses of land and the network of movement and roads (study area, Najaf city)

The interaction in the city is reflected in the movement of people motivated by their activities and their economic and social goals, which include many variables subject to the planning process in the interpretation of this movement and the mapping of trends of transport intensity through the concept of transport function and its functional relationships with the uses of the earth in the sustainability and effectiveness of the movement of transport and Economic activity and population movement. Transport planners are concerned with the requirements of land use, which are linked to and included in the transport planning process as a factor for the future transport needs. There is a strong relationship between the transport system

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measurement of Impact of Banking System Development on Economic Growth in Iraq

At the heart of every robust economy is a vital banking system. The functional banking system can effectively perform several functions such as mobilizing savings, allocating credit, monitoring managers, transforming risks, and facilitating the financial transactions. This paper aims to measure the impact of banking system development on economic growth in Iraq. Credit to private sector divided by GDP used as a proxy of banking development. Real per capita GDP used as a proxy of economic growth. By using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, the paper finds that the undeveloped Iraqi banking system could not promote economic growth in the country. Therefore, a variety of policies need to be taken to spur the role of bankin

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 16 2023
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Technology Applications in Tracking 2019-nCoV and Defeating Future Outbreaks: Iraqi Healthcare Industry in IoT Remote

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Self-Localization of Guide Robots Through Image Classification

The field of autonomous robotic systems has advanced tremendously in the last few years, allowing them to perform complicated tasks in various contexts. One of the most important and useful applications of guide robots is the support of the blind. The successful implementation of this study requires a more accurate and powerful self-localization system for guide robots in indoor environments. This paper proposes a self-localization system for guide robots.  To successfully implement this study, images were collected from the perspective of a robot inside a room, and a deep learning system such as a convolutional neural network (CNN) was used. An image-based self-localization guide robot image-classification system delivers a more accura

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Development of an ANN Model for RGB Color Classification using the Dataset Extracted from a Fabricated Colorimeter

Codes of red, green, and blue data (RGB) extracted from a lab-fabricated colorimeter device were used to build a proposed classifier with the objective of classifying colors of objects based on defined categories of fundamental colors. Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors namely red, green, orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue, brown, grey, white, and black, were employed in machine learning (ML) by applying an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm using Python. The classifier, which was based on the ANN algorithm, required a definition of the mentioned eleven colors in the form of RGB codes in order to acquire the capability of classification. The software's capacity to forecast the color of the code that belongs to an object under de

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Development of an ANN Model for RGB Color Classification using the Dataset Extracted from a Fabricated Colorimeter


Codes of red, green, and blue data (RGB) extracted from a lab-fabricated colorimeter device were used to build a proposed classifier with the objective of classifying colors of objects based on defined categories of fundamental colors. Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors namely red, green, orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue, brown, grey, white, and black, were employed in machine learning (ML) by applying an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm using Python. The classifier, which was based on the ANN algorithm, required a definition of the mentioned eleven colors in the form of RGB codes in order to acquire the capability of classification. The software's capacity to forecast the color of the code that belongs to an ob

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 28 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
Comparism Between Transvaginal Cervical Length Measurement and Digital Examination in Prediction of Imminent preterm Delivery

BACKGROUND: Preterm labour is a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, so it is important to predict preterm delivery using the clinical examination of the cervix and uterine contraction frequency. New markers for the prediction of preterm birth have been developed such as transvaginal ultrasound measurement of cervical length as this method is widely available. OBJECTIVE: To determine, whether transvaginal cervical length measurement predicts imminent preterm delivery better than digital cervical length measurement in women presented with preterm labour and intact membranes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Two hundred women presented with preterm labour between 24 and 36+6 weeks of gestation were included in this study. All women subjecte

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