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A Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on New Hybrid LFSR and LCG Algorithm

      In many areas, such as simulation, numerical analysis, computer programming, decision-making, entertainment, and coding, a random number input is required. The pseudo-random number uses its seed value. In this paper, a hybrid method for pseudo number generation is proposed using Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR) and Linear Congruential Generator (LCG). The hybrid method for generating keys is proposed by merging technologies. In each method, a new large in key-space group of numbers were generated separately. Also, a higher level of secrecy is gained such that the internal numbers generated from LFSR are combined with LCG (The adoption of roots in non-linear iteration loops). LCG and LFSR are linear structures and outputs of these Random Number Generators (RNGs) are predictable, while the proposal avoids this predictable nature. The results were tested in terms of randomness, in terms of the correlation between the keys and the effect of changing the initial state on the generated keys and the results of the tests showed that they had successfully passed the tests and resist brute force and differential attack.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 06 2013
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Function approximation technique-based adaptive virtual decomposition control for a serial-chain manipulator
SUMMARY<p>The virtual decomposition control (VDC) is an efficient tool suitable to deal with the full-dynamics-based control problem of complex robots. However, the regressor-based adaptive control used by VDC to control every subsystem and to estimate the unknown parameters demands specific knowledge about the system physics. Therefore, in this paper, we focus on reorganizing the equation of the VDC for a serial chain manipulator using the adaptive function approximation technique (FAT) without needing specific system physics. The dynamic matrices of the dynamic equation of every subsystem (e.g. link and joint) are approximated by orthogonal functions due to the minimum approximation errors produced. The contr</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Building a High Accuracy Transfer Learning-Based Quality Inspection System at Low Costs

      Products’ quality inspection is an important stage in every production route, in which the quality of the produced goods is estimated and compared with the desired specifications. With traditional inspection, the process rely on manual methods that generates various costs and large time consumption. On the contrary, today’s inspection systems that use modern techniques like computer vision, are more accurate and efficient. However, the amount of work needed to build a computer vision system based on classic techniques is relatively large, due to the issue of manually selecting and extracting features from digital images, which also produces labor costs for the system engineers.       In this research, we pr

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
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Traitement Du Signal
Optimizing Acoustic Feature Selection for Estimating Speaker Traits: A Novel Threshold-Based Approach

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 24 2015
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Multi-level control of zero-moment point-based humanoid biped robots: a review
SUMMARY<p>Researchers dream of developing autonomous humanoid robots which behave/walk like a human being. Biped robots, although complex, have the greatest potential for use in human-centred environments such as the home or office. Studying biped robots is also important for understanding human locomotion and improving control strategies for prosthetic and orthotic limbs. Control systems of humans walking in cluttered environments are complex, however, and may involve multiple local controllers and commands from the cerebellum. Although biped robots have been of interest over the last four decades, no unified stability/balance criterion adopted for stabilization of miscellaneous walking/running modes of biped </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2022
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Synthesis and characterization of azo liquid crystal compounds based on 5H-Thiazolo [3,4-b][1,3,4] thiadiazole unit

A calamitic symmetric liquid crystalline consisting of an azo group containing 5H-Thiazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole moiety compound[III] was synthesized via sequence reactions starting from reaction terephthaldehyde with mercaptoacetic acid and thiosemicarbazide in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid to synthesized 5,5'-(1,4-phenylene)bis(5Hthiazolo[4,3-b][1,3,4]thiadiazol-2-amine)[I] then the azo compound [II] synthesized by coupling between diazonium salt of the compound [I] with phenol at (0-4) ̊C., after that the compound [III] was synthesized by the reaction of the compound [II] with methyl bromide in alkaline media. The compounds are characterized by melting points, FTIR and 1HNMR spectroscopy. The mesomorphic behavior was stu

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
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Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
An Efficient Shrinkage Estimators For Generalized Inverse Rayleigh Distribution Based On Bounded And Series Stress-Strength Models
Abstract<p>In this paper, we investigate two stress-strength models (Bounded and Series) in systems reliability based on Generalized Inverse Rayleigh distribution. To obtain some estimates of shrinkage estimators, Bayesian methods under informative and non-informative assumptions are used. For comparison of the presented methods, Monte Carlo simulations based on the Mean squared Error criteria are applied.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection and Mitigation of Cache Pollution Attack Using Popularity Variation in Information Centric Networking Based on SDN

      Information centric networking (ICN) is the next generation of internet architecture with its ability to provide in-network caching that make users retrieve their data efficiently regardless of their location. In ICN, security is applied to data itself rather than communication channels or devices. In-network caches are vulnerable to many types of attacks, such as cache poisoning attacks, cache privacy attacks, and cache pollution attacks (CPA). An attacker floods non-popular content to the network and makes the caches evict popular ones. As a result, the cache hit ratio for legitimate users will suffer from a performance degradation and an increase in the content’s retrieval latency. In this paper, a popularity variation me

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
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Modern Sport
Exercises based on the phosphogenic energy system to develop the ability to perform with precision and accuracy

Each sport has its own energy requirements that differ from the energy requirements of other sports, and a different method is used in each of them, so the trainer must first rely on the principle of privacy in training first, that is, privacy according to the working energy system, that is, he defines the controlling energy system In that event, and how the muscles use the available energy to perform according to the energy production systems. As we find the serving skill is the first volleyball skill with which the team starts the match in order to be able to gain points directly, through knowledge it turns out that there is a weakness in the skill performance, especially the skill of serving and being The key to victory for volle

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Implementation Tunable Band Pass Filter based on PCF-Air Micro-cavity FBG Fabry-Perot Resonator

A tunable band pass filter based on fiber Bragg grating sensor using an in-fiber Mach-Zender interferometer with dual micro-cavities is presented. The micro-cavity was formed by splicing together a conventional single-mode fiber and a solid core photonic crystal fiber (SCPCF) with simple arc discharge technique. Different parameters such as arc power, length of the SCPCF and the overlap gap between samples were considered to control the fabrication process. The ellipsoidal air-cavity between the two fibers forms Fabry-Perot cavity. The diffraction loss was very low due to short cavity length. Ellipsoidal shape micro-cavities were experimentally achieved parallel to the propagation axis having dimensions of (24.92 – 62.32) μm of width

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
  Positional Accuracy Assessment for Updating Authoritative Geospatial Datasets Based on Open Source Data and Remotely Sensed Images

OpenStreetMap (OSM) represents the most common example of online volunteered mapping applications. Most of these platforms are open source spatial data collected by non-experts volunteers using different data collection methods. OSM project aims to provide a free digital map for all the world. The heterogeneity in data collection methods made OSM project databases accuracy is unreliable and must be dealt with caution for any engineering application. This study aims to assess the horizontal positional accuracy of three spatial data sources are OSM road network database, high-resolution Satellite Image (SI), and high-resolution Aerial Photo (AP) of Baghdad city with respect to an analogue formal road network dataset obtain

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