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2D Seismic Reflection Study for Zubair Formation in East Nasiriya area, Southern Iraq

An interpretive (structural and stratigraphic) study of the two,-dimensional seismic, data of East Nasiriya area (30 km to the south east of Nasiriya oil field within Thi-Qar province, southeastern Iraq) was carried out using Petrel 2017 program. The study area has an importance due to its location between many oil fields, but still without exploration of oil wells. Twenty five seismic lines were used, date back to different types of seismic surveys conducted in the region at different time periods.  Also, the seismic velocity surveys of the nearest wells to oil fields, such as Nasiriya-1 and Subba-8, in addition to their sonic and density logs were used. A synthetic seismogram with a good matching with the seismic section was achieved to ensure the identification of the reflectors and reflectivity type (peak or trough) and follow up each one through the whole area of interest. Top Zubair reflector was picked using the composite line to link the seismic sections with each other after enhancing the ties between seismic lines. Time and depth maps were made using velocity maps created from the velocity model. The seismic, interpretation, in the area showed the existence of certain stratigraphic, features, in the ,studied reflector. Some distribution mounds and sand lenses were observed in the study area, which are continuous in more than two-dimensional seismic line in the area. These activity elements provide a reasonable explanation for the distribution of hydrocarbons in the area of study.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences

Survival analysis is widely applied to data that described by the length of time until the occurrence of an event under interest such as death or other important events. The purpose of this paper is to use the dynamic methodology which provides a flexible method, especially in the analysis of discrete survival time, to estimate the effect of covariate variables through time in the survival analysis on dialysis patients with kidney failure until death occurs. Where the estimations process is completely based on the Bayes approach by using two estimation methods: the maximum A Posterior (MAP) involved with Iteratively Weighted Kalman Filter Smoothing (IWKFS) and in combination with the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. While the other

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Measuring the Attribute Accuracy and Completeness for the OpenStreetMap Roads Networks for Two Regions in Iraq

The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project aims to establish a free geospatial database for the entire world which is editable by international volunteers. The OSM database contains a wide range of different types of geographical data and characteristics, including highways, buildings, and land use regions. The varying scientific backgrounds of the volunteers can affect the quality of the spatial data that is produced and shared on the internet as an OSM dataset. This study aims to compare the completeness and attribute accuracy of the OSM road networks with the data supplied by a digitizing process for areas in the Baghdad and Thi-Qar governorates. The analyses are primarily based on calculating the portion of the commission (extr

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Measuring the Attribute Accuracy and Completeness for the OpenStreetMap Roads Networks for Two Regions in Iraq

The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project aims to establish a free geospatial database for the entire world which is editable by international volunteers. The OSM database contains a wide range of different types of geographical data and characteristics, including highways, buildings, and land use regions. The varying scientific backgrounds of the volunteers can affect the quality of the spatial data that is produced and shared on the internet as an OSM dataset. This study aims to compare the completeness and attribute accuracy of the OSM road networks with the data supplied by a digitizing process for areas in the Baghdad and Thi-Qar governorates. The analyses are primarily based on calculating the portion of the commission (extra road) and

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of the Construction, Build, Operate and Transfer (B.O.T): Applied Research in Southern Cement State Company

   Form of investment in infrastructure important factor to drive economic growth in any country, with the dwindling ability of governments to provide the necessary funds for such investments, emerged as a rising trend for private sector involvement in public projects and infrastructure, and one of these trends is the build-operate-transfer system (BOT), which commonly used in various developed and developing countries as one of the tools used in the implementation of these investments, as the private sector under this system design, finance, build and operate the project, and are re-administration of the state after a certain period under a contractual agreement between the parties of the contract. As this system provides majo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculating of Groundwater Recharge using Meteorological Water Balance and Water level Fluctuation in Khan Al-Baghdadi Area

Climate and hydrological conditions in any hydrological basin are multi-combined reflection of natural factors of morphology and soil nature, as well as the changing in climate factors that affect directly on hydrological cycle. Water balance techniques are a means of solution of important theoretical and practical hydrological problems, while estimating the physical properties of water-bearing layers is an essential part of groundwater studies. One of the most effective ways of determining these properties is to conduct and analyze aquifer tests. The aim of this research is to compare groundwater recharge in Khan Al-Baghdadi area which located to northwest of Anbar governorate in the west of Iraq, depending on meteorological water balan

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 07 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of tissue displacement in posterior palatal seal area with different impression techniques with varying palatal forms

Background: This study was designed to measure the displacement pattern of posterior palatal seal (pps) area in different forms of the palate and with different impression techniques. Materials and method: This study was used to measure the displacement pattern of (pps)in different palatal shapes by using different impression materials Korrecta wax No.4,Green compound and design of House for pps for each palatal forms by using a 3D Scanner of CAD/CAM and measuring the distance between 2 points in pps area by using Caural Threw. Result: The results show highly significant differences between these techniques and the control group (impression with light body) Conclusion: The physiological impression technique of pps with Korecta wax no.4

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modified Grid Clustering Technique to Predict Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Duct of Arbitrary Cross Section Area

A simple straightforward mathematical method has been developed to cluster grid nodes on a boundary segment of an arbitrary geometry that can be fitted by a relevant polynomial. The method of solution is accomplished in two steps. At the first step, the length of the boundary segment is evaluated by using the mean value theorem, then grids are clustered as desired, using relevant linear clustering functions. At the second step, as the coordinates cell nodes have been computed and the incremental distance between each two nodes has been evaluated, the original coordinate of each node is then computed utilizing the same fitted polynomial with the mean value theorem but reversibly.

The method is utilized to predict

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Open Agriculture
Interannual variations of normalized difference vegetation index and potential evapotranspiration and their relationship in the Baghdad area
Abstract<p>A monthly correlation between urban vegetation growth and potential evapotranspiration (PET) is needed for better knowledge of controlling water resources and organized irrigation processes. This study aims to explore their relationship within an urban area like Baghdad, using a linear regression model to derive a best-fit line drawn in a scatterplot on a monthly time scale. Based on two different monthly data sources: weather variables (e.g., air temperature, solar radiation, and relative humidity) and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery of 2 years, 2018 and 2021, this study presented the interannual variations of PET and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The choice of these ye</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Development a Statistical Relationship between Compressional Wave Velocity and Petrophysical Properties from Logs Data for JERIBE Formation ASMARI Reservoir in FAUQI Oil Field

   The Compressional-wave (Vp) data are useful for reservoir exploration, drilling operations, stimulation, hydraulic fracturing employment, and development plans for a specific reservoir. Due to the different nature and behavior of the influencing parameters, more complex nonlinearity exists for Vp modeling purposes. In this study, a statistical relationship between compressional wave velocity and petrophysical parameters was developed from wireline log data for Jeribe formation in Fauqi oil field south Est Iraq, which is studied using single and multiple linear regressions. The model concentrated on predicting compressional wave velocity from petrophysical parameters and any pair of shear waves velocity, porosity, density, a

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Development a Statistical Relationship between Compressional Wave Velocity and Petrophysical Properties from Logs Data for JERIBE Formation ASMARI Reservoir in FAUQI Oil Field

   The Compressional-wave (Vp) data are useful for reservoir exploration, drilling operations, stimulation, hydraulic fracturing employment, and development plans for a specific reservoir. Due to the different nature and behavior of the influencing parameters, more complex nonlinearity exists for Vp modeling purposes. In this study, a statistical relationship between compressional wave velocity and petrophysical parameters was developed from wireline log data for Jeribe formation in Fauqi oil field south Est Iraq, which is studied using single and multiple linear regressions. The model concentrated on predicting compressional wave velocity from petrophysical parameters and any pair of shear waves velocity, porosity, density, and

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