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Microfacies Analysis and Stratigraphic Framework of Yamama Formation in Sindbad, Halfaya and Ad'daimah Oil Fields, Southern Iraq
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      The Yamama Formation represents a part of the Late Berriasian-Aptian sequence, deposited during the Early Cretaceous period within the main shallow marine depositional environment. The studied area covers three oil fields; Sindbad oil field, Halfaya and Ad'daimah oil field, located in southeastern Iraq. Six major microfacies were recognized in the succession of the studied area represented by the Yamama Formation to determine and recognize depositional paleoenvironments. These microfacies are; Peloidal  Packstone, Algal  Wackestone to Packstone, Bioclastic Wackestone – Packstone, Foraminiferal Bioclastic Wackstone, Packstone, Peloidal – Oolitic Grainstone and Mudstone Microfacies. These microfacies are classified into three standard microfacies and three Facies Zones MFS-18/FZ- 8, SMF 15/FZ-6 and SMF-10/FZ-7, representing the restricted marine, shoal and shallow open marine associations facies, respectively. 

     The Yamama succession in the studied area is divided into three cycles representing three depositional stages of highstand system tracts. These three cycles are characterized by shallowing upward depositional mode where they are deposited in the shallow open marine shoal with semi-restricted associations facies for each cycle.

     To the northeast of the study area near Halfya-5 well, the shoal association appeared in the lower and middle part of the Yamama succession, and in Da-1 and Sn-2 were three cycles. This case suggests that the paleo high was developed north of the study area, while the open marine was extended to the southern part. The presence of shallow open marine association facies between the Sulaiy and Yamama successions refers to continuous deposition during the same depositional stage in all studied wells. It may mark the end of the Sulaiy succession with the maximum flooding surface (MFS). This first depositional stage is started with the shallow open marine association facies underlain by shoal facies association and then semi-restricted association. The repetition of this cycle in the studied sections symmetrically indicates the harmonic oscillation in sea level during the second and third depositional stages of this sequence.

      The Halfaya oil field within the Mesopotamian Block and Ad'daimah and Sindbad oil fields within the Basra Blok explain the significant variation in the thickness for this succession between the Halfaya oil field and the other oil fields. This may suggest the occurrence of high depositional subsidence in Basra Blok and uplifting during the Yamama depositional stages. The fact that the studied sections are distinguished by the same cycles, albeit roughly, indicates that the lifting and sit-down processes synchronized sedimentation.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of Neural Network Analysis for Seismic Data to Differentiate Reservoir Units of Yamama Formation in Nasiriya Oilfield A Case Study in Southern Iraq
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      The EMERGE application from Hampsson-Russell suite programs was used in the present study. It is an interesting domain for seismic attributes that predict some of reservoir three dimensional or two dimensional properties, as well as their combination. The objective of this study is to differentiate reservoir/non reservoir units with well data in the Yamama Formation by using seismic tools. P-impedance volume (density x velocity of P-wave) was used in this research to  perform a three dimensional seismic model on the oilfield of Nasiriya by using post-stack data of  5 wells. The data (training and application) were utilized in the EMERGE analysis for estimating the reservoir properties of P-wave ve

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Facies Architectuer and Stratigraphic Evolution of Campanian Succession in Balad, East Baghdad and Kifl Oil Fields
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The sediments of the Hartha Formation were deposited during the Upper Campanian- Maastrichtian cycle. Due to the importance of this sequence in terms of stratification and economics in the oil industry, it has been focused on in this study. The present study includes three oil fields in central of Iraq within the Mesopotaminan Zone, East Baghdad, Balad and Kifl oil fields. This study was accomplished by describing 190 thin sections and interpreting the response of the available well logging data. Seven major microfacies were diagnosed in the Hartha succession at studied oil fields, they are; Orbitoidal wackestone - packstone, Orbitoidal and miliolids wackestone, Rotaliidae and Siderolites with echinodermata wackestone - packstone,

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Analysis and Geological modeling of Euphrates Formation in Ajeel Oil Field, Northern Iraq
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The current study summarized the construction of a three-dimensional geological model of the Aquitanian sediments age, which represented by the Euphrates and Serikagni formation in Ajeel Oil Field, where Ajeel Oil Field has structural closure towards northwest - southeast. Sedimentary of the current study consist of limestone, dolomitic limestone, dolomite (compose of skeletal grains, non-skeletal grains and cement) and the appearance of some anhydrite rocks.

     The petrographic study of the Euphrates Formation were prepared using a thin section of wells (Aj-1, Aj-4, Aj-5, Aj-6 and Aj-7), Previous studies and geological reports, as well as use well logs data  in the statistical analysis by Petrel softwa

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Petrophysical Evaluation of Mauddud Formation in Selected Wells from Ratawi Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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    The objective of this paper is determining the petrophysical properties of the Mauddud Formation (Albian-Early Turonian) in Ratawi Oil Field depending on the well logs data by using interactive petrophysical software IP (V4.5). We evaluated parameters of available logs that control the reservoir properties of the formation, including shale volume, effective porosity, and water saturation. Mauddud Formation is divided into five units, which are distinguished by various reservoir characteristics. These units are A, B, C, D, and E. Through analyzing results of the computer processed interpretation (CPI) of available wells, we observed that the main reservoir units are B and D, being distinguished by elevated values of eff

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 19 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Geological Modeling for Yamama Formation in Abu Amood Oil Field
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3D geological model of a simple petroleum reservoir for Yamama Formation has
been built in Abu Amood Oil Field using Petrel software, which is a product of
Schlumberger. This model contains the structure, stratigraphy and reservoir
properties (porosity and water saturation) in three directions(X, Y and Z).Geologic
modeling is an applied science of creating computerized representations of portions
of the earth's crust, especially oil and gas fields.
Yamama Formation in Abu Amood Oil Field is divided into thirteen zones by
using well logs and their petrophysical properties, six of which are reservoir zones.
From the top of the formation these six zones are: (YB-1, YB-2, YB-3, YC-1, YC-2
and YC-3). These reservoir

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of 3D Geological Model and Analysis of the Uncertainty in a Tight Oil Reservoir in the Halfaya Oil Field
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A geological model was built for the Sadi reservoir, located at the Halfaya oil field. It is regarded as one of the most significant oilfields in Iraq. The study includes several steps, the most essential of which was importing well logs from six oil wells to the Interactive Petrophysics software for conducting interpretation and analysis to calculate the petrophysical properties such as permeability, porosity, shale volume, water saturation, and NTG and then importing maps and the well tops to the Petrel software to build the 3D-Geological model and to calculate the value of the original oil in place. Three geological surfaces were produced for all Sadi units based on well-top data and the top Sadi structural map. The reservoir has

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation of Acid and Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment in Halfaya Oil Field-Sadi Formation
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Sadi formation is one of the main productive formations in some of Iraqi oil fields. This formation is characterized by its low permeability values leading to low production rates that could be obtained by the natural flow.

Thus, Sadi formation in Halfaya oil field has been selected to study the success of both of "Acid fracturing" and "Hydraulic fracturing" treatments to increase the production rate in this reservoir.

   In acid fracturing, four different scenarios have been selected to verify the effect of the injected fluid acid type, concentration and their effect on the damage severity along the entire reservoir.

   The reservoir damage severity has been taken as "Shallow–Medium– Sever

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Diagenesis Processes Impact on Reservoir Quality in Carbonate Yamama Formation /Faihaa Oil Field
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The Yamama Formation is a significant reservoir in the southern part of Iraq. This formation consists of limestone deposited throughout the Lower Cretaceous period within main retrogressive depositional series. This study aims to identify the impact of the diagenesis processes on the reservoir’s characteristics (porosity and permeability). Diagenesis processes’ analysis and the identification of Yamama Formation depended on the examination of more than 250 thin sections of the core samples from two wells that were used to determine different diagenetic environments and processes. The three identified diagenetic environments that affected Yamama reservoir were the marine, meteoric and burial environments. Eight diagenetic pr

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Scopus (10)
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Building a 3D Petrophysical Model for Mishrif Formation in Nasiriyah Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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A 3D geological model for Mishrif Reservoir in Nasiriyah oil field had been invented "designed" "built". Twenty Five wells namely have been selected lying in Nasiriyah  Governorate in order to build Structural and petrophysical (porosity and water saturation) models represented by a 3D static geological model in three directions .Structural model showed that Nasiriyah oil field represents anticlinal fold its length about 30 km and the width about 10  km, its axis extends toward NW–SE  with structural closure about 65 km . After making zones for Mishrif reservoir, which was divided into 5 zones i.e. (MA zone, UmB 1zone,MmB1 zone ,L.mB1 zone and mB2zone) .Layers were built for each zone depending on petrophysical propertie

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Microfacies Evaluation of Mauddud Formation in Ratawi Field, South Iraq
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This paper includes studying the microfacies evalution of Mauddud Formaion in
four wells(Rt-2, Rt-5, Rt17 and Rt-19). Seventy-seven(77) sampels were collected
of above mentioned wells. Based on fossil content of the samples under study, four
main microfacies were identified: packstone , wakestone , grainstone and lime
mudstone microfacies ,which deposited in shallow open marine and restricted
marine environments. Petrographic examination of thin section indicated that
diagenesis vary in intensity from one site to another, such as dissolution,
cementation, compaction, dolomitization and micritization, which led to the
improvement and deterioration of porosity. The dominant pore types are vuggy,
interparticle and

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