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Stratigraphic Study for the Cretaceous-Tertiary period in Qasab-Jawan area in north weastern Iraq by using 2D seismic survey
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     A seismic study was conducted to re-interpret the Qasab and Jawan Oil fields in northwestern Iraq, south of the city of Mosul, by reprocessing many seismic sections of a number of field surveys by using the Petrel software. Two reflectors, represented by the Hartha formation, deposited during the Cretan age, and the Euphrates formation, formed during the Tertiary age, were delineated to stabilize the structural picture of these fields.

The stratigraphic study showed that the Qasab and Jawan fields represent areas of hydrocarbon accumulation. Seismic attribute analysis showed low values of instantaneous frequency in the areas of hydrocarbon accumulation. Instantaneous phase was used to determine the limits of the sequence, the nature of sedimentation, and the type of vanishing, i.e. onlap vs. toplap. Low instantaneous amplitude values were recorded, indicating hydrocarbon reservoirs in the studied area. Various other seismic stratigraphic features were studied , including the distribution mound, flat spot, and channels in the two formations, but they were discontinuous because of the tectonic effects. These activities explain reasonably the distribution of hydrocarbons in the studied area.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Reflection Study of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Period in Qasab-Jawan Area in Northwestern Iraq
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      A seismic study was conducted to re-interpret the Qasab and Jawan oil field in northern Iraq, south of the city of Mosul, by reprocessing and interpreting many seismic sections of a number of field surveys that included the field area. Two reflectors are detected, represented by Hartha Formations which were deposited during the Cretaceous age and Euphrates Formation which was deposited during the Tertiary age in order to stabilize the structural image of this field. The study was achieved by reinterpreting seismic sections using the Petrel program, where time, velocity  and depth maps were prepared for the two formations.

The study showed that the Qasab and Jawan fields generally consist of a s

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stratigraphic and Structural Study of Khlesia Region Using 2D Seismic Data - North Western Iraq
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     This study deals with interpretation of stratigraphic and structural of Khlesia area north-west Iraq in Nineveh province, near the Iraq- Syria border, by using 2D seismic data. Synthetic trace are prepared by using available data of the well (Kh-1) using Geoframe program to define and picking the reflectors on seismic section. These reflectors are: (Within Fatha and Kurra Chine reflectors) representing  Middle Miocene and Late Triassic ages respectively. A listric growth normal fault is affecting the stratigraphic succession, and normal fault as a result of collision of Arabian plate with Eurasian plate. In addition, minor normal faults (Dendritic and Tension) are developed on the listric normal growth fault

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural and Stratigraphic Study of the Nahr Umr Formation (Lower Cretaceous) Using 3D seismic Survey in Abu Amood Oil Filed, Southern Iraq
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3D seismic reflection study was applied to Abu Amood oil field which is located at the southern part of Iraq within DhiQar province that carried out by oil Exploration Company to an area of 1534.88 Km2 for studying Nahr Umr Formation. Synthetic seismogram was prepared by using available data of well (AAM-1) in order to define and picking the reflectors on the seismic section. These reflectors are (Top of Nahr Umr Formation and middle unit of Nahr Umr Formation which represents the layer of sand). The seismic section time slice maps confirmed that the Nahr Umr Formation was not affected by faults and the faults may probably present in the Ratawai and Yamama Formations, where the variance attribute applied on seismic sections showed that t

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismic Structural –Stratigraphic Study of Dhufria Area (Mid -Iraq) Using (3D) Techniques
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This study deals with the seismic reflection interpretation of lower Cretaceous Formations in Dhufria area, including structural and stratigraphic techniques. In the interpretation process, the 3-D seismic data volume and well logs have been used. Based on well logs and synthetic traces two horizons were identified and picked which are the top and bottom of Zubair Formation. These horizons were followed over all the area in order to obtain structural setting as well as studying Kirkuk group Formation of Tertiary age which represents highstand progradational seismic facies.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Reflection Study for Zubair Formation in East Nasiriya area, Southern Iraq
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An interpretive (structural and stratigraphic) study of the two,-dimensional seismic, data of East Nasiriya area (30 km to the south east of Nasiriya oil field within Thi-Qar province, southeastern Iraq) was carried out using Petrel 2017 program. The study area has an importance due to its location between many oil fields, but still without exploration of oil wells. Twenty five seismic lines were used, date back to different types of seismic surveys conducted in the region at different time periods.  Also, the seismic velocity surveys of the nearest wells to oil fields, such as Nasiriya-1 and Subba-8, in addition to their sonic and density logs were used. A synthetic seismogram with a good matching with the seismic section was achie

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Structural and Stratigraphic Study of Kirkuk Group Formation in Amara Oil Field- Southeastern Iraq
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The Amarah Oil field structure was studied and interpreted by using 2-D seismic data obtained from the Oil  Exploration company. The study is concerned with Maysan Group Formation (Kirkuk Group) which is located in southeastern Iraq and belongs to the Tertiary Age. Two reflectors were detected based on synthetic seismograms and well logs (top and bottom Missan Group). Structural maps were derived from seismic reflection interpretations to obtain the location and direction of the sedimentary basin. Two-way time and depth maps were conducted depending on the structural interpretation of the picked reflectors to show several structural features. These included three types of closures, namely two anticlines extended in the directions of

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Structural study Using 2D Seismic Reflection Data of East lake Razzazah Area, Central Iraq
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     This research is focused on an interpretive of 2D seismic data to study is reinterpreting seismic data by applying sufficient software (Petrel 2017) of the area between Al-Razzazah Lake and the Euphrates river belonging to Karbala'a and Al-Anbar Governorates, central Iraq. The delineation of the sub-surface structural features and evaluation of the structure of Najmah and Zubair Formations was done. The structure interpretation showed that the studied area was affected by normal fault bearing (NW-SE) direction with a small displacement. In contrast, time and depth maps showed monocline structures (nose structures) located in the western part of the studied area.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
2D Seismic Reflection Study of Mishrif and Yamama Formations in East Nasiriya Area, Southern Iraq
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The structural division and stratigraphic estimation of the perceptible geological basin are the most important for oil and gas exploration. This study attempts to obtain subsurface geology in parts of east Nasiriya, southern Iraq using of seismic data and some adjacent well information for structural and stratigraphic interpretation. To achieve this goal, 2D seismic data in SEG-Y format were used with velocity and logging data. The seismic profile is then interpreted as a two-dimensional (time domain and depth domain) contour map, which is  represented  as a real subsurface geology.

Reflectors from the Mishrif and Yamama Formations (Cretaceous period) were detected. According to the structural interpretation of the sel

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Delineation of groundwater aquifers using VES and 2D imaging techniques in north Badra area, Eastern Iraq
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The resistivity survey was carried out by using vertical electrical sounding (VES) and 2D imaging techniques in the northern Badra area, Eastern Iraq. Eleven VES points distributed on two parallel profiles and six 2D imaging stations were applied using long survey lines.
In general, two types of aquifers are recognized in the study area. The first is the Quaternary aquifer, which appears in all geological sections and inverse model of 2D imaging stations (2DS).This aquifer can be divided into upper and lower aquifers as shown in (2DS1), (2DS3), and (2DS4). Generally, the thickness of this aquifer ranges between (30-200 m) which occurs at a depth of (10-30m) according to geological sections, while its thickness ranges between (35-180m)

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A 2D Seismic Reflection and Interpretation Study of the Khan Al-Baghdadi area within the Palaeozoic Era (western Iraq)
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     This research deals with a 2D seismic structural and stratigraphic interpretation of Khan Al-Baghdadi area which is located in the western part of Iraq in Anbar governorate. Two main seismic reflectors are identified within the Silurian and Ordovician; these are the Hot_shale_1 within Akkas Formation and the Top Khabour Formation, which were deposited during the Paleozoic, based on synthetic seismogram of Akk_3 well near the study area. Time, depth, and velocity maps show the presence of two anticline structures trending east-west and located on the west side of the study area. The first is the Tulul structure (here denoted as A) and the second is denoted as B. Also, the maps show the increase in time towards the

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