Nowadays, the process of ontology learning for describing heterogeneous systems is an influential phenomenon to enhance the effectiveness of such systems using Social Network representation and Analysis (SNA). This paper presents a novel scenario for constructing adaptive architecture to develop community performance for heterogeneous communities as a case study. The crawling of the semantic webs is a new approach to create a huge data repository for classifying these communities. The architecture of the proposed system involves two cascading modules in achieving the ontology data, which is represented in Resource Description Framework (RDF) format. The proposed system improves the enhancement of these environments achieving both semantic web and SNA tools. Its contribution clearly appears on the community productions and skills developments. Python 3.9.0 platform was used for data pre-processing, feature extraction and clustering via Naïve Bayesian and support vector machine. Two case studies were conducted to test the accuracy rate of the proposed system. The accuracy rate for the case studies was (90.771%) and (90.1149 %) respectively, which is considered an affective precision when it is compared with the related scenario with the same data set.