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Robust and Efficient Dynamic Stream Cipher Cryptosystem

In this paper a new technique based on dynamic stream cipher algorithm is introduced. The mathematical model of dynamic stream cipher algorithm is based on the idea of changing the structure of the combined Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR's) with each change in basic and message keys to get more complicated encryption algorithm, and this is done by use a bank of LFSR's stored in protected file and we select a collection of LFSR's randomly that are used in algorithm to generate the encryption (decryption) key.

We implement Basic Efficient Criteria on the suggested Key Generator (KG) to test the output key results. The results of applying BEC prove the robustness and efficiency of the proposed stream cipher cryptosystem.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Two-Step Estimation and Approximation Local Polynomial Kernel For Time-Varying Coefficient Model With Balance Longitudinal Data

      In this research, the nonparametric technique has been presented to estimate the time-varying coefficients functions for the longitudinal balanced data that characterized by observations obtained through (n) from the independent subjects, each one of them is measured repeatedly by group of  specific time points (m). Although the measurements are independent among the different subjects; they are mostly connected within each subject and the applied techniques is the Local Linear kernel LLPK technique. To avoid the problems of dimensionality, and thick computation, the two-steps method has been used to estimate the coefficients functions by using the two former technique. Since, the two-

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 25 2023
Journal Name
Molecular Simulation
Engineering promising A-π-D type molecules for efficient organic-based material solar cells

Within this work, to promote the efficiency of organic-based solar cells, a series of novel A-π-D type small molecules were scrutinised. The acceptors which we designed had a moiety of N, N-dimethylaniline as the donor and catechol moiety as the acceptor linked through various conjugated π-linkers. We performed DFT (B3LYP) as well as TD-DFT (CAM-B3LYP) computations using 6-31G (d,p) for scrutinising the impact of various π-linkers upon optoelectronic characteristics, stability, and rate of charge transport. In comparison with the reference molecule, various π-linkers led to a smaller HOMO–LUMO energy gap. Compared to the reference molecule, there was a considerable red shift in the molecules under study (A1–A4). Therefore, based on

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Administration And Economics
Using dynamic Fuzzy programming to control the storage of some Department of Commerce stores

In this research was to use the method of classic dynamic programming (CDP) and the method of fuzzy dynamic programming (FDP) to controlling the inventory in N periods and only one substance ,in order to minimize the total cost and determining the required quantity in warehouse rusafa principal of the ministry of commerce . A comparison was made between the two techniques، We found that the value of fuzzy total cost is less than that the value of classic total cost

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Dynamic Response and Reliability Analysis of Stochastic Multi-Story Frame Structures under Random Excitation

In earthquake engineering problems, uncertainty exists not only in the seismic excitations but also in the structure's parameters. This study investigates the influence of structural geometry, elastic modulus, mass density, and section dimension uncertainty on the stochastic earthquake response of a multi-story moment resisting frame subjected to random ground motion. The North-south component of the Ali Gharbi earthquake in 2012, Iraq, is selected as ground excitation. Using the power spectral density function (PSD), the two-dimensional finite element model of the moment resisting frame's base motion is modified to account for random ground motion. The probabilistic study of the moment resisting frame structure using stochastic fin

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 21 2022
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Dynamic Characteristics and Demonstration of an Integrated Linear Engine Generator with Alternative Electrical Machines

A linear engine generator with a compact double-acting free piston mechanism allows for full integration of the combustion engine and generator, which provides an alternative chemical-to-electrical energy converter with a higher volumetric power density for the electrification of automobiles, trains, and ships. This paper aims to analyse the performance of the integrated engine with alternative permanent magnet linear tubular electrical machine topologies using a coupled dynamic model in Siemens Simcenter software. Two types of alternative generator configurations are compared, namely long translator-short stator and short translator-long stator linear machines. The dynamic models of the linear engine and linear generator, validated

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 09 2023
Journal Name
Artificial Intelligence Review
Community detection model for dynamic networks based on hidden Markov model and evolutionary algorithm

Finding communities of connected individuals in complex networks is challenging, yet crucial for understanding different real-world societies and their interactions. Recently attention has turned to discover the dynamics of such communities. However, detecting accurate community structures that evolve over time adds additional challenges. Almost all the state-of-the-art algorithms are designed based on seemingly the same principle while treating the problem as a coupled optimization model to simultaneously identify community structures and their evolution over time. Unlike all these studies, the current work aims to individually consider this three measures, i.e. intra-community score, inter-community score, and evolution of community over

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Generating dynamic S-BOX based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Chaos Theory for AES

Data security is a significant requirement in our time. As a result of the rapid development of unsecured computer networks, the personal data should be protected from unauthorized persons and as a result of exposure AES algorithm is subjected to theoretical attacks such as linear attacks, differential attacks, and practical attacks such as brute force attack these types of attacks are mainly directed at the S-BOX and since the S-BOX table in the algorithm is static and no dynamic so this is a major weakness for the S-BOX table, the algorithm should be improved to be impervious to future dialects that attempt to analyse and break the algorithm  in order to remove these weakness points, Will be generated dynamic substitution box (S-B

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Modeling and Optimization of Fatigue Life and Hardness of Carbon Steel CK35 under Dynamic Buckling



The aim of this paper is to model and optimize the fatigue life and hardness of medium carbon steel CK35 subjected to dynamic buckling. Different ranges of shot peening time (STP) and critical points of slenderness ratio which is between the long and intermediate columns, as input factors, were used to obtain their influences on the fatigue life and hardness, as main responses. Experimental measurements of shot peening time and buckling were taken and analyzed using (DESIGN EXPERT 8) experimental design software which was used for modeling and optimization purposes. Mathematical models of responses were obtained and analyzed by ANOVA variance to verify the adequacy of the models. The resul

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Lean Accounting in Simplifying and Modifying Financial Reports (Focus on Value Stream): A practical Study in AL- Hayat Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Company

With the advent of the globalization, the rapid development in technology and the intensity of competition companies attemptto maintain competition advantages and retain customers. The traditional methods in managerial accounting become irrelevance to achieve the objectives of these companies especially with the rapid changes in modern manufacturing environment .Thus there is a need to new tools in accounting such as lean accounting, which is considered as a costing method that support creating value for the customer by costing the entire value stream, eliminating waste in the accounting process, reduced lead time, improved quality, lowered time delivery and increased available capacity. Using value stream focuses not only on the waste&n

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dynamic Response of a Nonlinear Fabry-Perot Etalon for Various Medium Response Times

     In this work, the switching nonlinear dynamics of a Fabry-Perot etalon are studied. The method used to complete the solution of the differential equations for the nonlinear medium. The Debye relaxation equations solved numerically to predict the behavior of the cavity for modulated input power. The response of the cavity filled with materials of different response time is depicted. For a material with a response time equal to = 50 ns, the cavity switches after about (100 ns). Notice that there is always a finite time delay before the cavity switches. The switch up time is much longer than the cavity build-up time of the corresponding linear cavity which was found to be of the order of a few round-trip ti

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