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Robust and Efficient Dynamic Stream Cipher Cryptosystem
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In this paper a new technique based on dynamic stream cipher algorithm is introduced. The mathematical model of dynamic stream cipher algorithm is based on the idea of changing the structure of the combined Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR's) with each change in basic and message keys to get more complicated encryption algorithm, and this is done by use a bank of LFSR's stored in protected file and we select a collection of LFSR's randomly that are used in algorithm to generate the encryption (decryption) key.

We implement Basic Efficient Criteria on the suggested Key Generator (KG) to test the output key results. The results of applying BEC prove the robustness and efficiency of the proposed stream cipher cryptosystem.

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Material Recognition of Foreign Object Debris using Deep Learning
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     Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is defined as one of the major problems in the airline maintenance industry, reducing the levels of safety. A foreign object which may result in causing serious damage to an airplane, including engine problems and personal safety risks. Therefore, it is critical to detect FOD in place to guarantee the safety of airplanes flying. FOD detection systems in the past lacked an effective method for automatic material recognition as well as high speed and accuracy in detecting materials. This paper proposes the FOD model using a variety of feature extraction approaches like Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) to extract features and Deep Learning (DL) for classifi

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Treatment of First Order Volterra Integro-Differential Equation Using Non-Polynomial Spline Functions
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The approach given in this paper leads to numerical methods to find the approximate solution of volterra integro –diff. equ.1st kind. First, we reduce it from integro VIDEs to integral VIEs of the 2nd kind by using the reducing theory, then we use two types of Non-polynomial spline function (linear, and quadratic). Finally, programs for each method are written in MATLAB language and a comparison between these two types of Non-polynomial spline function is made depending on the least square errors and running time. Some test examples and the exact solution are also given.

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simultaneous Approximation by a New Sequence of Integral Type Based on Two Parameters
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This paper introduces a generalization sequence of positive and linear operators of integral type based on two parameters to improve the order of approximation. First, the simultaneous approximation is studied and a Voronovskaja-type asymptotic formula is introduced. Next, an error of the estimation in the simultaneous approximation is found. Finally, a numerical example to approximate a test function and its first derivative of this function is given for some values of the parameters. 

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimal UAV Deployment for Data Collection in Deadline-based IoT Applications
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The deployment of UAVs is one of the key challenges in UAV-based communications while using UAVs for IoT applications. In this article, a new scheme for energy efficient data collection with a deadline time for the Internet of things (IoT) using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is presented. We provided a new data collection method, which was set to collect IoT node data by providing an efficient deployment and mobility of multiple UAV, used to collect data from ground internet of things devices in a given deadline time. In the proposed method, data collection was done with minimum energy consumption of IoTs as well as UAVs. In order to find an optimal solution to this problem, we will first provide a mixed integer linear programming m

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
ON Numerical Blow-Up Solutions of Semilinear Heat Equations
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This paper is concerned with the numerical blow-up solutions of semi-linear heat equations, where the nonlinear terms are of power type functions, with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions. We use explicit linear and implicit Euler finite difference schemes with a special time-steps formula to compute the blow-up solutions, and to estimate the blow-up times for three numerical experiments. Moreover, we calculate the error bounds and the numerical order of convergence arise from using these methods. Finally, we carry out the numerical simulations to the discrete graphs obtained from using these methods to support the numerical results and to confirm some known blow-up properties for the studied problems.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology (jestec)
Predicting Municipal Sewage Effluent Quality Index Using Mathematical Models In The Al-Rustamiya Sewage Treatment Plant
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Efficient management of treated sewage effluents protects the environment and reuse of municipal, industrial, agricultural and recreational as compensation for water shortages as a second source of water. This study was conducted to investigate the overall performance and evaluate the effluent quality from Al- Rustamiya sewage treatment plant (STP), Baghdad, Iraq by determining the effluent quality index (EQI). This assessment included daily records of major influent and effluent sewage parameters that were obtained from the municipal sewage plant laboratory recorded from January 2011 to December 2018. The result showed that the treated sewage effluent quality from STP was within the Iraqi quality standards (IQS) for disposal and t

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Continuous Classical Boundary Optimal Control Vector Governing by Triple Linear Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type
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In this paper, the continuous classical boundary optimal control problem (CCBOCP) for triple linear partial differential equations of parabolic type (TLPDEPAR) with initial and boundary conditions (ICs & BCs) is studied. The Galerkin method (GM) is used to prove the existence and uniqueness theorem of the state vector solution (SVS) for given continuous classical boundary control vector (CCBCV). The proof of the existence theorem of a continuous classical boundary optimal control vector (CCBOCV) associated with the TLPDEPAR is proved. The derivation of the Fréchet derivative (FrD) for the cost function (CoF) is obtained. At the end, the theorem of the necessary conditions for optimality (NCsThOP) of this problem is stated and prov

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Least Squares Estimations for the General Linear Model Parameters with Epsilon Skew Normal Error Term
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Examination of skewness makes academics more aware of the importance of accurate statistical analysis. Undoubtedly, most phenomena contain a certain percentage of skewness which resulted to the appearance of what is -called "asymmetry" and, consequently, the importance of the skew normal family . The epsilon skew normal distribution ESN (μ, σ, ε) is one of the probability distributions which provide a more flexible model because the skewness parameter provides the possibility to fluctuate from normal to skewed distribution. Theoretically, the estimation of linear regression model parameters, with an average error value that is not zero, is considered a major challenge due to having difficulties, as no explicit formula to calcula

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparison among Different Methods for Estimating Regression Parameters with Autocorrelation Problem under Exponentially Distributed Error
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Multiple linear regressions are concerned with studying and analyzing the relationship between the dependent variable and a set of explanatory variables. From this relationship the values of variables are predicted. In this paper the multiple linear regression model and three covariates were studied in the presence of the problem of auto-correlation of errors when the random error distributed the distribution of exponential. Three methods were compared (general least squares, M robust, and Laplace robust method). We have employed the simulation studies and calculated the statistical standard mean squares error with sample sizes (15, 30, 60, 100). Further we applied the best method on the real experiment data representing the varieties of

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 06 2023
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Study of the Effect of Ce <sup>3+</sup> on the Gas Sensitivity and Magnetic Properties of Cu<sub>x</sub>Ce<sub>0.3-X</sub>Ni<sub>0.7</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Ferrite Nanoparticles
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This study includes the preparation of the ferrite nanoparticles CuxCe0.3-XNi0.7Fe2O4 (where: x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) using the sol-gel (auto combustion) method, and citric acid was used as a fuel for combustion. The results of the tests conducted by X-ray diffraction (XRD), emitting-field scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX), and Vibration Sample Magnetic Device (VSM) showed that the compound has a face-centered cubic structure, and the lattice constant is increased with increasing Cu ion. On the other hand, the compound has apparent porosity and spherical particles, and t

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