This paper presents an architecture for the data warehouse of outpatient healthcare (DWOP) as a data repository collects data from two different sources (Databases of outpatient healthcare and Excel files from hospitals) and provides storage, functionality and responsiveness to queries to meet decision makers requirements.
Successfully supporting managerial decision-making is critically dependent upon the availability of integrated, high quality information organized and presented in a timely and easily understood manner. “On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is utilized for decision support to get interesting information†from the data warehouse with a rapid execution time. OLAP is considered one of Business Intelligence tools.
In this paper, double Sumudu and double Elzaki transforms methods are used to compute the numerical solutions for some types of fractional order partial differential equations with constant coefficients and explaining the efficiently of the method by illustrating some numerical examples that are computed by using Mathcad 15.and graphic in Matlab R2015a.
The key objective of the study is to understand the best processes that are currently used in managing talent in Australian higher education (AHE) and design a quantitative measurement of talent management processes (TMPs) for the higher education (HE) sector.
The three qualitative multi-method studies that are commonly used in empirical studies, namely, brainstorming, focus group discussions and semi-structured individual interviews were considered. Twenty
In the present work, polymeric composites were prepared for coating floors and swimming pools in dark colors. This was achieved through the use of a polymer coating solution added to fine cement with weight percentage (wt%) values of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 to obtain dark-colored (gray) composites. Mortar samples were prepared using the adhesion test. The contact angle and adhesion strength were studied for the prepared samples concerning the effect of changing the weight ratio of additive cement on water absorption. Also, the antibacterial activity was tested for the prepared coatings. The results showed that the contact angle increases with increasing the weight ratios of additive cement, which indicates that the
... Show MoreThe prevalence of using the applications for the internet of things (IoT) in many human life fields such as economy, social life, and healthcare made IoT devices targets for many cyber-attacks. Besides, the resource limitation of IoT devices such as tiny battery power, small storage capacity, and low calculation speed made its security a big challenge for the researchers. Therefore, in this study, a new technique is proposed called intrusion detection system based on spike neural network and decision tree (IDS-SNNDT). In this method, the DT is used to select the optimal samples that will be hired as input to the SNN, while SNN utilized the non-leaky integrate neurons fire (NLIF) model in order to reduce latency and minimize devices
... Show MorePermanent deformation, fatigue and thermal cracking are the three typical distresses of flexible pavement. Using hydrated lime (HL) into the conventional limestone mineral additive has been widely practiced, including in Europe, to improve the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt (HMA) concrete and as the result the durability of the constructed pavement. Large number of experimental studies have been reported to find the optimum addition of HL for the improvement on HMA concrete mechanical properties, moisture susceptibility and fatigue resistance. Pavement in service is under complex thermomechanical stress-strain conditions due to coupled atmospheric and surrounding environment temperature variation and the traffic loading. To predic
... Show MoreOne of the most popular and legally recognized behavioral biometrics is the individual's signature, which is used for verification and identification in many different industries, including business, law, and finance. The purpose of the signature verification method is to distinguish genuine from forged signatures, a task complicated by cultural and personal variances. Analysis, comparison, and evaluation of handwriting features are performed in forensic handwriting analysis to establish whether or not the writing was produced by a known writer. In contrast to other languages, Arabic makes use of diacritics, ligatures, and overlaps that are unique to it. Due to the absence of dynamic information in the writing of Arabic signatures,
... Show MoreIn this work, the performance of the receiver in a quantum cryptography system based on BB84 protocol is scaled by calculating the Quantum Bit Error Rate (QBER) of the receiver. To apply this performance test, an optical setup was arranged and a circuit was designed and implemented to calculate the QBER. This electronic circuit is used to calculate the number of counts per second generated by the avalanche photodiodes set in the receiver. The calculated counts per second are used to calculate the QBER for the receiver that gives an indication for the performance of the receiver. Minimum QBER, 6%, was obtained with avalanche photodiode excess voltage equals to 2V and laser diode power of 3.16 nW at avalanche photodiode temperature of -10
... Show MoreA true random TTL pulse generator was implemented and investigated for quantum key distribution systems. The random TTL signals are generated by low cost components available in the local markets. The TTL signals are obtained by using true random binary sequences based on registering photon arrival time difference registered in coincidence windows between two single – photon detectors. The true random TTL pulse generator performance was tested by using time to digital converters which gives accurate readings for photon arrival time. The proposed true random pulse TTL generator can be used in any quantum -key distribution system for random operation of the transmitters for these systems
This paper describes a new proposed structure of the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller based on modified Elman neural network for the DC-DC buck converter system which is used in battery operation of the portable devices. The Dolphin Echolocation Optimization (DEO) algorithm is considered as a perfect on-line tuning technique therefore, it was used for tuning and obtaining the parameters of the modified Elman neural-PID controller to avoid the local minimum problem during learning the proposed controller. Simulation results show that the best weight parameters of the proposed controller, which are taken from the DEO, lead to find the best action and unsaturated state that will stabilize the Buck converter system performan
... Show MoreError control schemes became a necessity in network-on-chip (NoC) to improve reliability as the on-chip interconnect errors increase with the continuous shrinking of geometry. Accordingly, many researchers are trying to present multi-bit error correction coding schemes that perform a high error correction capability with the simplest design possible to minimize area and power consumption. A recent work, Multi-bit Error Correcting Coding with Reduced Link Bandwidth (MECCRLB), showed a huge reduction in area and power consumption compared to a well-known scheme, namely, Hamming product code (HPC) with Type-II HARQ. Moreover, the authors showed that the proposed scheme can correct 11 random errors which is considered a high
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