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On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) Operation for Outpatient Healthcare
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This paper presents an architecture for the data warehouse of outpatient healthcare (DWOP) as a data repository collects data from two different sources (Databases of outpatient healthcare and Excel files from hospitals) and provides storage, functionality and responsiveness to queries to meet decision makers requirements.
Successfully supporting managerial decision-making is critically dependent upon the availability of integrated, high quality information organized and presented in a timely and easily understood manner. “On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is utilized for decision support to get interesting information” from the data warehouse with a rapid execution time. OLAP is considered one of Business Intelligence tools.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Bayesian Approach for estimating the unknown Scale parameter of Erlang Distribution Based on General Entropy Loss Function
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We are used Bayes estimators for unknown scale parameter  when shape Parameter  is known of Erlang distribution. Assuming different informative priors for unknown scale  parameter. We derived The posterior density with posterior mean and posterior variance using different informative priors for unknown scale parameter  which are the inverse exponential distribution, the inverse chi-square distribution, the inverse Gamma distribution, and the standard Levy distribution as prior. And we derived Bayes estimators based on the general entropy loss function (GELF) is used the Simulation method to obtain the results. we generated different cases for the parameters of the Erlang model, for different sample sizes. The estimates have been comp

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of Urban Form on Temperature for Hot Arid Zones. The Case Study of Baghdad, Iraq
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The research aims to determine optimal urban planning and design indicators of the urban clusters form in hot arid zones through studying of three urban areas in Baghdad, analyzing their urban indicators which include floor area ratio (FAR), urban clusters height, building density or land coverage, green areas, paved areas, shading ratio and how they affect urban temperature. The research reached the conclusion that air outdoor temperature on urban areas affected primarily by shadows casted on the ground, the effect of shaded area equals (5) times the effect of paved areas and (3.7) times the effect of green areas, this means that increasing urban clusters height in hot arid zones could minimize air outdoor temperature, building

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 04 2012
Journal Name
University Of Thi-qar Journal
Prediction of Ultimate Soil Bearing Capacity for Shallow Strip Foundation on Sandy Soils by Using (ANN) Techniqu
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Bearing capacity of soil is an important factor in designing shallow foundations. It is directly related to foundation dimensions and consequently its performance. The calculations for obtaining the bearing capacity of a soil needs many varying parameters, for example soil type, depth of foundation, unit weight of soil, etc. which makes these calculation very variable–parameter dependent. This paper presents the results of comparison between the theoretical equation stated by Terzaghi and the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) technique to estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of the strip shallow footing on sandy soils. The results show a very good agreement between the theoretical solution and the ANN technique. Results revealed that us

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering
Intrusion detection method for internet of things based on the spiking neural network and decision tree method
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The prevalence of using the applications for the internet of things (IoT) in many human life fields such as economy, social life, and healthcare made IoT devices targets for many cyber-attacks. Besides, the resource limitation of IoT devices such as tiny battery power, small storage capacity, and low calculation speed made its security a big challenge for the researchers. Therefore, in this study, a new technique is proposed called intrusion detection system based on spike neural network and decision tree (IDS-SNNDT). In this method, the DT is used to select the optimal samples that will be hired as input to the SNN, while SNN utilized the non-leaky integrate neurons fire (NLIF) model in order to reduce latency and minimize devices

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 26 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Effect of Rehabilitation Program by Using Hypermedia on Treatment Some of Shoulder Tissues Injuries for Badminton Players
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The important of present study is to design rehabilitation program by using hypermedia for some injuries of smooth tissues in shoulder joint.   This joint is most important to help badminton players in achieving their daily and sport tasks due to upper limp movements depend on health and active of this joint. Experimental approach with a manner of equal single station was used in present study and study simple consisted of 6 badminton players from Babylon and Al-Mahaweel clubs who have less sharp tissue smooth injury such (muscles, ligaments, pocket). We used (SPSS) to analyses pre, medal, post-tests data. In conclusion, hypermedia is positive benefit to rehabilitee of injuries of smooth tissues in shoulder joint for badminton pla

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Environmental Sciences
An expert System for Predicting the Effects of Noise Pollution on Grass Trimming Task Using Fuzzy Modeling
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Grass trimming operation is widely done in Malaysia for the purpose of maintaining highways. Large number of operators engaged in this work encounters high level of noise generated by back pack type grass trimmer used for this purpose. High level of noise exposure gives different kinds of ill effect on human operators. Exact nature of deteriorated work performance is not known. For predicting the work efficiency deterioration, fuzzy tool has been used in present research. It has been established that a fuzzy computing system will help in identification and analysis of fuzzy models fuzzy system offers a convenient way of representing the relationships between the inputs and outputs of a system in the form of IF-THEN rules. The paper presents

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of an Adaptive PID Neural Controller for Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor based on Particle Swarm Optimization
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 A particle swarm optimization algorithm and neural network like self-tuning PID controller for CSTR system is presented. The scheme of the discrete-time PID control structure is based on neural network and tuned the parameters of the PID controller by using a particle swarm optimization PSO technique as a simple and fast training algorithm. The proposed method has advantage that it is not necessary to use a combined structure of identification and decision because it used PSO. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive PID neural control algorithm in terms of minimum tracking error and smoothness control signal obtained for non-linear dynamical CSTR system.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
PVC Polymeric Membranes Coated Graphite Electrodes Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the Selective Determination of Glibenclamide
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Graphite coated electrodes (GCE) based on molecularly imprinted polymers were fabricated for the selective potentiometric determination of Glibenclamide (Glb). The molecularly imprinted (MIP) and nonimprinted (NIP) polymers were synthesized by radical bulk polymerization using (Glb.) as a template, acrylic acid (AA) and acrylamide (AAm) as monomers, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as a cross-linker and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as an initiator. The imprinted membranes and the non-imprinted membranes were prepared using dioctyl phthalate (DOP) and Dibutylphthalate (DBP) as plasticizers in PVC matrix. The membranes were coated on graphite electrodes. The MIP electrodes using (AA) and (AAm) showed a near nernstian response with slopes o

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
Room temperature flexible sensor based on F-MWCNT modified by polypyrrole conductive polymer for NO2 gas detection
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This project sought to fabricate a flexible gas sensor based on a short functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (f-MWCNTs) network for nitrogen dioxide gas detection. The network was prepared by filtration from the suspension (FFS) method and modified by coating with a layer of polypyrrole conductive polymer (PPy) prepared by the oxidative chemical polymerization to improve the properties of the network. The structural, optical, and morphological properties of the f-MWCNTs and f-MWCNTs/PPy network were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourie-transform infrared (FTIR), with an AFM (atomic force microscopy). XRD proved that the structure of f-MWCNTs is unaffected by the synthesis procedure. The FTIR spectra verified the existence o

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Publication Date
Fri May 17 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Applied Minimized Matrix Size Algorithm on the Transformed Images by DCT and DWT used for Image Compression
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