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Design and Performance Analysis of Spiral Solar Water Heater Using Iron Plate/Sand Absorber for Domestic Use

The sun which is all energy sources, in today's society, hot water is used for various purposes starting from household to power production. People are adopting various ways to accomplish these goals, such as firewood heat and electrical power, so solar energy is an alternative to the dwindling resources of fossil fuels. Conversion of solar radiation into heat is one of the simplest and most direct applications of this energy, it can be used to heat water systems. A widely used flat-plate solar collector. In this study we have come to heat water using solar energy. This research presents the design and experimental analysis for using Spiral Flow Solar Water Heater (SFSWH) to enhance the thermal efficiency of a flat plate solar collector. Where a solar water heater consists of a copper tube in the shape of a spiral is fixed on an iron flat plate as an absorber. The experiment also includes the selection quality of the paint used to dye the absorbent surface. In May at Fallujah (33.34ºN, 43.8ºE), the thermal performance was calculated. The maximum temperature difference in the storage tank of about 18 ℃ for (SFSWH) during the experimental time was obtained. The efficiency of the collector was obtained is about (80.11%). Where it gives an increase (40 %) in its efficiency compared to published values.

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Publication Date
Mon May 21 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Determination of levels of interaction between urban land use and the adoption of spatial analysis techniques (study area, Najaf City)

the student of the structure of the city and its constituent elements will clearly sense the invisible relationships that underlie the different forms of urban activity, which in turn are defined by the generality of the urban patterns in that city, which will vary clearly according to the location in the city. These relations will be embodied in their true form in the interactions between the different uses of the earth, and the change that will result from their regularity in the form of entities in independent groups, which may share with each other a component of it.
Therefore, the process of controlling the functional interactions between the uses of the urban land and the awareness of t

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculated the diffuse and direct parts of global solar radiation in Baghdad city for the period (1983-2005) depending on clearness index by applying the two world models of Liu -Jordan

In this paper solar radiation was studied over a region of Baghdad (Latitude 33.3o and longitude 44.4o). The two parts of global solar radiation: diffuse and direct solar radiation were estimated depending on the clearance index of measured data (Average Monthly mean global solar radiation). Metrological data of measured (average monthly mean diffuse and direct solar radiation) were used to comparison the results and show the agreement between them. Results are determined by applying Liu and Jordan two models (1960). Excel 2007program is used in calculation, graphics and comparison the results.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 25 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of World's Poultry Research
Comparison of Weight, Components and Chemical Composition of Eggs in Guinea Fowl, Turkey, and Domestic Chicken.

The present study was carried out to compare the physicochemical characteristics of eggs of guinea fowl, turkeys and domestic chickens outdoor reared in traditional farms in Baghdad, Iraq. A total of 166 fresh eggs; 32 eggs from guinea fowls (Numida meleagris), 44 eggs from turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) and 90 eggs from domestic chickens; were collected. Egg weight, percentage of egg components, chemical composition (protein, lipids, and ash), and lipid profile were determined. Results revealed the significant differences in egg weight among studied birds. The average egg weights for guinea fowl, turkey, and indigenous chicken were 48.51 ± 0.72, 52.15 ± 0.74 and 61.24 ± 0.22 g, respectively. No significant differences were found in egg c

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Renewable energy (solar energy) and its potential for electricity generation in Iraq

The world's renewable energy sources have taken on great importance, for its cleanness and its environmental effects as well as being a renewable source, Increased demand for fossil energy sources is also causing global warming and climate change. Iraq is an appropriate area for renewable energy This study shows that renewable alternative energy has not been used sufficiently enough at present. But this energy can play an important role in the future of renewable energy in Iraq. This research aims to study the renewable energy in Iraq (solar energy) and it is appropriate to develop this alternative energy for crude oil, which is characterized by the use of the most appropriate and less economical and more environmentally friendly. Solar

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 06 2022
Journal Name
Kuwait Journal Of Science
AVO analysis for high amplitude anomalies using 2D pre-stack seismic data

Amplitude variation with offset (AVO) analysis is an 1 efficient tool for hydrocarbon detection and identification of elastic rock properties and fluid types. It has been applied in the present study using reprocessed pre-stack 2D seismic data (1992, Caulerpa) from north-west of the Bonaparte Basin, Australia. The AVO response along the 2D pre-stack seismic data in the Laminaria High NW shelf of Australia was also investigated. Three hypotheses were suggested to investigate the AVO behaviour of the amplitude anomalies in which three different factors; fluid substitution, porosity and thickness (Wedge model) were tested. The AVO models with the synthetic gathers were analysed using log information to find which of these is the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Iraqi Sentiment and Emotion Analysis Using Deep Learning

Analyzing sentiment and emotions in Arabic texts on social networking sites has gained wide interest from researchers. It has been an active research topic in recent years due to its importance in analyzing reviewers' opinions. The Iraqi dialect is one of the Arabic dialects used in social networking sites, characterized by its complexity and, therefore, the difficulty of analyzing sentiment. This work presents a hybrid deep learning model consisting of a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and the Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) to analyze sentiment and emotions in Iraqi texts. Three Iraqi datasets (Iraqi Arab Emotions Data Set (IAEDS), Annotated Corpus of Mesopotamian-Iraqi Dialect (ACMID), and Iraqi Arabic Dataset (IAD)) col

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Batch and continuous study of one-step sustainable green graphene sand hybrid synthesized from Date-syrup for remediation of contaminated groundwater

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Radon concentrations assessment in tap water for different areas in Baghdad city using Rad7

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Slow sand filtration as a tertiary treatment for the secondary effluent from sewage treatment plant

A field-pilot scale slow sand filter (SSF) was constructed at Al-Rustamiya Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Baghdad city to investigate the removal efficiency in terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Chloride concentrations for achieving better secondary effluent quality from this treatment plant. The SSF was designed at a 0.2 m/h filtration rate with filter area 1 m2 and total filter depth of 2.3 m. A filter sand media 0.35 mm in size and 1 m depth was supported by 0.2 m layer of gravel of size 5 mm. The secondary effluent from Al-Rustamiya STP was used as the influent to the slow sand filter. The results showed that the removal of BOD5, COD, TSS, and Chloride were

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
the Optical Properties of Electrostatic Design and Study Mirror By using Bimurzaev Technique

In this research a computational simulation  has been carried out on the design and properties of the electrostatic mirror and a mathematical expression has been suggested  to represent the axial potential of an electrostatic mirror. The electron beam path using the Bimurzaev  technique had been investigated as mirror trajectory with the aid of Runge – Kutta  method. The spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients of mirror has computed and normalized in terms of the focal length. The choice of the mirror depends on the operational requirements. The Electrode shape of mirror two electrodes has been determined by using package SIMION computer program. Computations have shown that the suggested potentials giv

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