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The Reduce of CO2 Emissions in Morocco: Case Study in A Landfill
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In a global context increasingly concerned with climate change, understanding the impact of economic growth on the environment is becoming crucial, especially for developing countries. Morocco has been committed to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to achieve the objectives set for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 13% by 2030, with 2010 as the reference year. Such a target could reach 32% by the same horizon under certain technical, financial and capacity building support conditions.
The main emitters of greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) are landfills because during the decomposition of solid waste CO2 is the most present gas pollutant is for this reason focuses this case study carried out in a landfill located in Fez, the development of a new calculation method or we could have a reduction in CO2 41261,69 teq CO2/year and with a yield of 85%.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of budget on the basis of activities in the implementation of competitive strategiesApplied Study in the General Company for Electrical Industries - Tammuz Laboratory
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The Contemporary Business Environment is Surrounded by many quick and continues variable and changes which has an effect on the economic units. These variables and changes like the high competition which need many tools to help them to continue and achieve The critical success. So to achieve this they have many competitive strategies like cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy.

Budget is regarded one of main tools to execute objectives polices and programs of the economic units, beside show how the economic units had execute the available economic resources.

Activity based on budgeting is regarded one of the modern technique in the m

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Performance evaluation of vocational and administrative institutions in the media using the bench-marking of new media: analytical study in the Journal of time
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Provides the style of benchmarking the best possible use whenevaluating the performance and evaluation, as well as improved performance,due to its consistency with the principles of good evaluation of theperformance, an extension of the completion of several functions of the timeand cost less, thereby increasing the efficiency of the management of theinstitutions, especially institutions, the media, as it became public the future ofthe message sender to the same time Zaorosaúl new media is challenging thetraditional media of what distinguishes this new interactive media and mass ledto this transition . However, the media Aljdidhoosaúl traditional mediacontinue to coexist and reinforce each Menhmaalakhr, for his wealth offreedom of opin

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Study the effect of essential oils of some plants in protection from Cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus in laboratory
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The experiments were conducted in laboratory conditions of a temperature of 25± 2C and relative moisture of 40± 5 % to evaluate the effectiveness of the cinnamon, lavender and clove essential oils on some biological life aspects of cowpea beetle, C. maculates. Results of the obligative experiment for the effect of the oils on insect adult killing showed that the concentration of 5% caused a mortality percentage averaged 13.33% of the insect males. The mortality percentage of the insect females was 11.3% for the cinnamon and lavender oils. The lavender oil had the lowest effect on adult killing, not exceeding 0. For the effect of the oils on egg laying, clove oil affected the number of eggs highly at the concentration of 5%, result

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Study the effect of essential oils of some plants in protection from Cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus in laboratory
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The experiments were conducted in laboratory conditions of a temperature of 25± 2C and relative moisture of 40± 5 % to evaluate the effectiveness of the cinnamon, lavender and clove essential oils on some biological life aspects of cowpea beetle, C. maculates. Results of the obligative experiment for the effect of the oils on insect adult killing showed that the concentration of 5% caused a mortality percentage averaged 13.33% of the insect males. The mortality percentage of the insect females was 11.3% for the cinnamon and lavender oils. The lavender oil had the lowest effect on adult killing, not exceeding 0. For the effect of the oils on egg laying, clove oil affected the number of eggs highly at the concentration of 5%, result

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Study of some Flavonoids Present in the Fruits of Two Ammi L. Species Wildly Grown in Iraq
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Ammi species belong to the family Umbellifereae that provide a host of bioactive compounds (mainly coumarins and flavonoids) of important biological activities, like prevention and treatment of heart and vascular disease and some types of cancer. Literature survey revealed that there was no study concerning Ammi flavonoids in Iraq. Ammi majus and Ammi visnaga, which are wildly grown in Iraq, were chosen for this study. This study concerned with extraction, identification, isolation, and purification of some biologically important flavonols quercetin and kaempferol from the fruits of Ammi majus and Ammi visnaga. Extraction of these flavonols was carried out using 85% methanol and 90% e

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ethics (stop harming, guarding the tongue, spreading peace and spending) in the hadiths of the Prophet, book (Faith) from Sahih Al-Bukhari / model - analytical study: : Ethics of restraining harm in the hadiths of the Prophet "Analytical study"
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(Social values) are of great importance in the lives of nations and peoples as they are the frame of reference that governs the relations of members of society to each other and regulates their life affairs.

And the Prophet of Islam (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) has told about a group of (social values) such as: spreading peace, feeding food, being fair in dealing with others, and clarifying what a Muslim should have towards his Muslim brother from the safety of the chest and refraining from harming him with the tongue and hand, and so on. Ethics and behaviors that are directly and closely related to (social values).

The best book that abounds with these (social valu

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 12 2023
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Pure And Applied Sciences
Cavitation microbubbles in the medical ultrasound imaging: A Review
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Ultrasound is a mechanical energy which can generate altering zones of compression and rarefaction along its path in the tissues. Ultrasound imaging can provide a real time screening for blood and multiple organs to aiding the diagnostic and treatment. However, ultrasound has the potential to deposit energy in the blood and tissues causing bio effects which is depending on ultrasound characteristics that including frequency and the amount of intensity. These bio effects include either a stable cavitation presented non thermal effects or inertial cavitation of harmful effect on the tissues. The non-thermal cavitation can add features in diagnostic imaging and treatment more than the inertial cavitation. Ultrasound Contrast agents are a micro

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Tribal Power in Contemporary Iraq: A Sociological Analysis
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This is an empirical investigation of the tribal power in Iraq and its consequences on the socio-political system. A theoretical background concerning thestate kinship, tribe and tribal involvement in politics has been displayed with example of tribal power over people within the social context. Socio-anthropological method of data collection has been used, including a semi-structured interview with a sample of 120 correspondents. The outcome revealed that the feeble and corrupted state (government) play a vital role in encouraging the tribe to be dominant. The people of Iraq are clinging to the tribe regardless of whether they believe in it or not. Although they are aware that the tribe is a pre-state organisation and marred shape of ci

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The reality of corporate tax and its role in the tax Revenues in Iraq: An analytical study for the years 2005-2010
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This study showed the basic features of corporate tax in Iraq by showing what was in the Income Tax Law in force .The study aims of this to indicate the role of tax corprates in tax revenue and then the possibility of strengthening the revenue of this tax as an important source of local funding sources in the form that is with him reduce dependence on oil revenues to finance the general budget in Iraq, the risks and the study found a number of conclusions from the most important: that the corporate tax comes in the introduction to the components of the income tax structure in terms of relative importance and formed a revenue source of prime The gross proceeds of the income tax in Iraq, where it contributed to more than a quarter of that

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Counter Psychological Warfare in the partisan press during the operations of Mosul liberation: An analytical study in the “Tareek Al Shaab” Newspaper
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The research aims to monitor the methods of Counter psychological warfare in the Iraqi press during the operations to liberate Mosul from the control of the terrorist organization ISIS.The research used the survey method, and “Tareek Al Shaab” Newspaper as a research sample, chosen according to the systematic random sample.
The research reached the following results:
1- The Communicator’s relied on the contents of the counter-psychological warfare and its methods in the battle of “Qadimun Ya Naynawa” used in the newspaper. The methods used were labels assigning such as : inevitable victory, prodding and morale, consensus, breaking of opposition morale, stereotyping, demonization of the opponent

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