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The Reduce of CO2 Emissions in Morocco: Case Study in A Landfill

In a global context increasingly concerned with climate change, understanding the impact of economic growth on the environment is becoming crucial, especially for developing countries. Morocco has been committed to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to achieve the objectives set for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 13% by 2030, with 2010 as the reference year. Such a target could reach 32% by the same horizon under certain technical, financial and capacity building support conditions.
The main emitters of greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) are landfills because during the decomposition of solid waste CO2 is the most present gas pollutant is for this reason focuses this case study carried out in a landfill located in Fez, the development of a new calculation method or we could have a reduction in CO2 41261,69 teq CO2/year and with a yield of 85%.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Study of Steroidal Sapogenin “Tigogenin” Present in the Leaves of Agave americana Cultivated in Iraq

The presence of the most important steroidal sapogenin “Tigogenin” in the leaves of Agave americana  cultivated in Iraq was detected. The absence of any study concerning the Tigogenin content of this medicinal plant in Iraq, and the industrial importance of Tigogenin depending on its role as a precursor in the synthesis of some steroidal drugs, acquired this study its value. This search include extraction,  isolation,  purification and dentification of Tigogenin from the leaves of Agave americana. Extraction of this compound was carried out using two methods. Identification of this compound is carried out by using thin layer chromatography (TLC) where three different mobile phase have been use

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the requirements of Total Quality Environmental Management in promoting environmental sustainability-An Empirical Study in the Iraqi Drilling Company


quality issue is the only issue the interesting in recent years of the last century, but also came out of sync with the other issue is the issue of environment, Where they have become represent two sides of one currency, challenges faced by the world and raised by the environmental problems have made industrial organizations pay great attention to the environment by improving their environmental performance, and that's where the oil industry is one of the most dangerous industries, influential and damaging to the environment due to the organizations move away from oil for adoption The application of EMS then a tool to improve environmental performance has been chosen sam

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Biological Chemistry
Functional and phylogenetic evidence of a bacterial origin for the first enzyme in sphingolipid biosynthesis in a phylum of eukaryotic protozoan parasites

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Leader: His Qualifications and Attributes in the Quranic Perspective in Light of Surat Al-Naml - An Objective Study

Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after :
For the Holy Qur’an is the constitution of this nation, and it has included everything that the nation needs, and it has appropriate solutions for all the problems it faces, and for a long time the nation has its vision for the future, waiting for a leader who carries the concerns of this nation and proceeds towards progress and progress, so that it rises to the glory and glory. He brings it out from what it is today, from its deterioration in all levels.
The world has witnessed in recent decades the development of programs and curricula, and books have been prepared showing how to prepare leaders and their industry, and what programs they should adopt

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the incidence of Candida infection in Diabetic patients submitted to the Balad Town Hospital in Salah –Eldeen, Province

This study was done at Al-Balad City Hospital on 60 diabetic patients (25 male and 35 female). The study included Fasting Blood Sugar and fungal diagnosis (systemic and superficial fungus). The results showed that the high concentration of blood sugar belonged to the group > 70 years among the diabetic patients with high significant differences in comparison with other groups P<0.001 . The result showed that percentage of female systemic fungus infection was higher than male systemic fungus infection ( female 63% and male 24%) and vice versa about superficial fungus infection (female 37% and male 76%) . Data showed that the percentage of nail fungus infection among female diabetic patients was higher than the percentage of male diabetic p

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 15 2018
Journal Name
Pollution Research

The mobile phone has become one of the most important in our days. The effects of waves from mobile base station may cause health effects on human. The aim of this work was to study the effect of radiofrequency (RF) emitted from mobile base station on the hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell (PCV), white blood cells (WBC) and liver enzymes activity including glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvie transaminase (GPT) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). In this study the people divided into control group who living away from mobile base station and experimental group who living near to the mobile base station. The present result found there is no significant differences (P<0.05) in the Hb and PCV, but there was a significant increases (

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nominal Ellipsis in English & Arabic and its Influence on the Translation of the Meanings of Some Selected Qurànic Verses ( A Contrastive study ): هدى فالح حسن & جمانة شكيب محمد

Nominal ellipsis is a linguistic phenomenon found in English and Arabic .It is
based on leaving out a part of a nominal construction or more for the sake of good
style , compactness and connectedness .This phenomenon is found in the language of
the Glorious Qur’an .The study in hand is concerned with how translators handle
translating Qur’anic verses which contain ellipted nouns , i ,e. , to what extent the
translated Qur’anic verses are close to the original ones , and to what extent their
translations serve understanding the meanings of the glorious verses while at the
same time maintaining their beauty in style. The study aims at shedding light on
nominal ellipsis in English and Arabic .The study undertak

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Church of Wisdom in Baghdad in 1929 Historical study

The study highlights the rivalry of foreign interests in Iraq, especially after the establishment of the monarchy in 1921. This period was characterized by extensive American activity in Iraq in general and Baghdad in particular. This activity increased after the Americans obtained the concession which came in the light of Article IV of the 1930 Treaty. Which officially guaranteed US interests in Iraq. The research also discussed the efforts of the Jesuit Fathers in Baghdad to convert the Church of Wisdom from a place of worship and rites of the Christian religion to a school of the propagation of science and culture along the lines of American schools, College Baghdad), which has become an important school in Baghd

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Semantic features in the phenomena in the pottery of Dr. Ahmed Sulaiman Al-Ahmed / Trees behind fence as a sample: Semantic features in the phenomena in the pottery of Dr. Ahmed Sulaiman Al-Ahmed / Trees behind fence as a sample

This research deals with studying and analysis of a poetic group under the
title (Trees behind fence) of the great poet Dr. Ahmed Sulaiman AlAhmed
who is the some of the Shek , Sulaiman Al-Ahmed who is the linguist - poet
and famous jurist member in the Arabic scientific assemble in Damascus and
brother of the great poet Badawi Al-Jabal. This poetic group include two big
poetic legends : the first one is (Trees behind fence , ) which include one
hundred and eighty four line and the second one ( AZ-Mebadia ) which is
consists of one hundred and seventy eight line, both of them from the (Al-
Camil ) meter which is free rhyme which bears a many meaning and pictures
and just the great poet composite the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine &amp; Toxicology
Morphological Study of the Esophagus in the Domestic Fowl Gallus Gallus Domesticus (Linnaeus 1758)

The esophageal morphology of domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) was investigated to fillthe dearth of information on the morphology of esophagus from available literature and help inunderstanding its digestive tract biology. The esophagus is under study as musculomembranous tubularshape, it began from oropharyngeal cavity and terminated on the proventriculus. The esophagus wasdivided into three regions are represented by cervical part, crop, and Thoracic part. Internal lining of theesophagus consisted of un-branched straight longitudinal folds The length of the cervical part, crop andthoracic part were 11.5 cm, 3.5 cm, 6 cm respectively.

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