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Morphology Detection in Archaeological Ancient Sites by Using UAVs/Drones Data and GIS techniques
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    Today, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Drones are a valuable source of data on inspection, surveillance, mapping and 3D modelling matters. Drones can be considered as the new alternative of classic manned aerial photography due to their low cost and high spatial resolution. In this study, drones were used to study archaeological sites. The archaeological Nineveh site, which is a very famous site located in heart of the city of Mosul, in northern Iraq, was chosen. This site was the largest capital of the Assyrian Empire 3000 years ago. The site contains an external wall that includes many gates, most of which were destroyed when Daesh occupied the city in 2014. The local population of the city of Mosul has also largely overtaken the central part of this archaeological site, while the northern and southern parts are still uninhabited. The awareness of the existence of unchanged surface and ground forms in the northern or southern parts led us to prepare an urgent study to interpret the outer surface of those parts and to analyze any discovery in the surface morphology. So, drone data and GIS technologies were used in this study to find any discovery that could aid in understanding the original surface of this ancient site. Visual and digital interpretations of satellite images, drone images, and Digital Surface Models (DSMs) were used to analyze and study the data. As a final result, certain morphological features were identified in the southern parts of the ancient site which could be a new archaeological and compositional discovery with reference to the earlier activities of the ancient society during the Assyrian empires, represented by the ditches and building lands used by the ancient inhabitants. Small modern tunnels penetrated the ancient wall were also discovered in addition, to a drainage canal and a motorway newly constructed during the occupation of the city that had penetrated the archaeological land.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The correlation between FEV1/ FVC with Arm span to height or chest to waist ratio as an index of pulmonary function in healthy subject.
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Estimation of the Effect of the Government Expenditure Growth Rate on the Rate of Inflation in the Iraqi Economy for the Period (1991- 2015)
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Government expenditure represents one of the controlling financial policies in the economic affairs and management of the economic cycle in order to achieve price stability, raise the rate of output growth and decrease the level of unemployment. The price stability represents one of the macroeconomic goals that all countries seek without exception, regardless of the economic philosophy adopted by each country; in addition to this is raising the productive capacity and reaching the actual output to the level of the expected output, that is, the level of output related to the natural unemployment rate or what is sometimes called the Non-inflationary unemployment rate. The restriction of government expenditure (G=T+∆B/iP+∆M/P) is

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Siriraj Medical Journal
The Potential of Vitamin-D-Binding Protein as a Urinary Biomarker to Distinguish Steroid-Resistant from Steroid-Sensitive Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome in Iraqi Children
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Objective: To determine the ability of uVDBP to discern SRNS from steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS) in Iraqi children. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled children with SRNS (n=31) and SSNS (n=32) from the pediatric nephrology clinic of Babylon Hospital for Maternity and Pediatrics over three months. Patients' characteristics in terms of demographics, clinical data, and urinary investigations were collected. Quantitative analysis of uVDBP levels was undertaken via a commercially available ELISA kit. Results: The median uVDBP values were significantly higher (p-value<0.001) in the SRNS group (median=10.26, IQR=5.91 μg/mL) than in the SSNS group (median=0.953, IQR=4.12 μg/mL). A negative correlati

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
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Development of Hybrid Intelligent Models for Prediction Machining Performance Measure in End Milling of Ti6Al4V Alloy with PVD Coated Tool under Dry Cutting Conditions
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Ti6Al4V alloy is widely used in aerospace and medical applications. It is classified as a difficult to machine material due to its low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity. In this study, hybrid intelligent models have been developed to predict surface roughness when end milling Ti6Al4V alloy with a Physical Vapor Deposition PVD coated tool under dry cutting conditions. Back propagation neural network (BPNN) has been hybridized with two heuristic optimization techniques, namely: gravitational search algorithm (GSA) and genetic algorithm (GA). Taguchi method was used with an L27 orthogonal array to generate 27 experiment runs. Design expert software was used to do analysis of variances (ANOVA). The experimental data were

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Natural Science
Determination of threshold random gain medium in dye: Polymer films containing TiO&amp;lt;sub&amp;gt;2&amp;lt;/sub&amp;gt; nanoparticles
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The propaganda content of the elements of expression in the face of the promotion of terrorist thought: (Military information of the popular crowd model)
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The propaganda war is one of the most dangerous weapons used in various conditions of war and peace within any intellectual, political or military conflict to be targeted by multiple social groups and their effects on the intellectuals to change the viewpoints at the local and global level, including the use of technical treatment of the audio and visual medium, The impact of the psychological dimensions of the arms in the confrontation and spread terror in the ranks of the enemies and in the forefront of what Iraq faces in its battle against the And the use of it as a propaganda content contributes to the development of the spirit of tranquility and tranquility in the hearts of Iraqis and the return of the right to the owners “th

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard strategic performance management in public institutions of Jordan )An Empirical Study on the Social Security Corporation – Irbid(
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The goal of this research to identify a set of criteria that can be measured on the basis of which the effectiveness of the application of the Balanced Scorecard in the Jordanian Public Institutions in order to identify the basic requirements to ensure the application of balanced performance measures. The study population consisted of the staff of the Public Institution for Social Security - Irbid of directors of departments and heads of departments and administrative staff, was the use of a random sample of (50) an employee and the employee. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data, and as a result of subjecting these standards for the field test and the use of statistical analysis tools to the results of the study c

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Criminology And Sociology
Semiotics in Political Discourse. An Analytical Treatment of Political Text Criticisms Since 2003: The Case of the Discourse of Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki
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This article discusses the function of semiotics in political discourse after the socio-political processes taking place in Iraq since 2003 and its role in the development of textual criticisms of some Iraqi politicians, analyzes the reasons for its functioning in the speech of politicians. The research is mainly focused on finding out to what extent political text studies draw on sign systems that can store and transmit information, the nature of its purpose and the use of available fields for the purpose to be achieved. The chief purpose of the study is to investigate and also clarify the symbols and signs appear within the framework of discursive Iraqi politicians, the nature of the symbols used, and the meanings that are include

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Applied Energy
Hourly yield prediction of a double-slope solar still hybrid with rubber scrapers in low-latitude areas based on the particle swarm optimization technique
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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Impact of the Method of Dealing with the Product of Wars in the Continuity of the Crisis Wars. Beirut city as an Example
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This research investigates the subject of the impact of wars (as a manifestation of crisis) on architecture, and the extent of continuing wars physical and moral results of wars, even after the end of the cause of the crisis. The impact of different rebuilding which exposed to the effects of the war seems different in crisis regions.

The problem of research is about the uncertainty of the impact of the way chooses for reconstructing the buildings after wars in the continuity of the crisis of war. The goals of this research are to clarify the influence of methods of reconstruction of buildings in a city chosen which is Beirut, on the continuation of the war crisis with the argument of demolishing and rebuilding newly or keeping tr

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