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Manufacture of Spongy Gravel from Obsidian to Produce Lightweight and Thermal-Insulating Concrete

    The present study aims to convert obsidian rocks into spongy gravel for the use in the production of lightweight and heat insulating concrete. The rocks were burned at 960°C to achieve maximum swelling of the samples, then broken into gravel and sand sizes. For comparison purposes, two other types of aggregates were used, namely pumice and basalt. The main physical tests, such as specific gravity, bulk density, porosity, and water absorption were performed. For testing the resistance of samples to alkalinity, KOH and Na OH solutions were used. The results showed that the obsidian sample gave the best specifications, where its specific gravity was 0.33, while the values were 1.1 for pumice and 2.7 for basalt, with the same results being applied to the other physical tests. After forming the concrete cubes of the three types of aggregates with three mixing proportions (1, 1.5, and 3 of cement, sand, gravel, respectively), the most important physical, mechanical, and chemical tests were performed along with their specific ages. The results were distinct, specifically the specific gravity values of the aggregate concrete samples A and B (1.3 and 1.5, respectively, as compared to the basalt sample, which recorded a value of 2.5. As for the thermal conductivity, a distinct value was recorded for the obsidian sample (0.16 W/m.k) as compared to the pumice and basalt samples (2.1 and 1.32 W/m.k, respectively). Perhaps the reason behind this variation is the pores type of the aggregate produced for the obsidian sample, which were of the closed system. This prevents the seeping of water and cement materials into the body of gravel, keeping it at light weight and providing it with high thermal insulation. As for the alkalinity test, there was no evidence of a reaction with the alkali cement in the obsidian and pumice samples, except for a slight reaction that appeared in the basalt sample.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stiffness Characteristics of Pile Models for Cement Improving Sandy Soil by Low-Pressure Injection Laboratory Setup

Soil improvement has developed as a realistic solution for enhancing soil properties so that structures can be constructed to meet project engineering requirements due to the limited availability of construction land in urban centers. The jet grouting method for soil improvement is a novel geotechnical alternative for problematic soils for which conventional foundation designs cannot provide acceptable and lasting solutions. The paper's methodology was based on constructing pile models using a low-pressure injection laboratory setup built and made locally to simulate the operation of field equipment. The setup design was based on previous research that systematically conducted unconfined compression testing (U.C.Ts.). Th

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Analyses of 15 kW Grid-Tied Photo Voltaic Solar System Type under Baghdad city climate

The performance analyses of 15 kWp (kW peak) Grid -Tied solar PV system (that considered first of its type) implemented at the Training and Energy Research Center Subsidiary of Iraqi Ministry of Electricity in Baghdad city has been achieved. The system consists of 72 modules arranged in 6 strings were each string contains 12 modules connected in series to increase the voltage output while these strings connected in parallel to increase the current output. According to the observed duration, the reference daily yields, array daily yields and final daily yields of this system were (5.9, 4.56, 4.4) kWh/kWp/day respectively. The energy yield was 1585 kWh/kWp/year while the annual total solar irradiation received by solar array system was 198

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Specifications study of Hydrophobic Silica Aerogel Doped with Rhodamine 6G Prepared via Sub-Critical Drying Technique

The influence of dye laser Rhodamine 6G (R6G) on the molecular structure of silica aerogel prepared by normal drying method is reported. The study also tests the effect of dye concentration on morphological and physical properties. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to examine this effect, in addition to Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), contact angle, and surface area measurement. It was found from FTIR data that the dye laser stays with the inner structure of samples and, at high concentration, it gives a good influence by reducing (OH) band and increasing (CH) band, leading to changing the contact angle from (123á´¼) to (145á´¼). Whereas particle size varied from 22 n

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 20 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
8th Conference On Power Electronics, Machines And Drives (pemd), Glasgow, Uk
Design of tubular moving magnet linear alternator for use with an external combustion - free piston engine

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Control And Automation
Power Flow Control of Iraqi International Super Grid with Two-Terminal HVDC Techniques Using PSS/E

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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The Effectiveness of the Virtual Design Environment in Digital Advertising: بتول راضي كاظم-ابراهيم حمدان سبتي

   Advertising design is one of the arts of communication of various levels and one of the aspects of the fields of design arts, and that the construction of the design environment in the advertising is one of the important entry points in making the recipient feel this environment and feel as if being one of its elements. It is an entrance worthy of study and research and is a problem worth raising according to the following question: - What is the effectiveness achieved in the virtual design environment for digital advertising? The two  researchers dealt with the research in three frameworks, the methodological framework which identified (the problem of research, its importance, purpose, limits, and the definition of ter

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Antifungal Activity of Propolis Ethanol Extract Against Botrytis cinerea, Altrnaria sp Which Caused Many Plant Diseases

  This study was conducted to determine the effect of different concentrations of   ethanol  extract of propolis against two  fungi Botrytis cinerea, Altrnaria sp.      The most important chemical constituents of propolis diagnosed by the Infra Red Spectroscopy, were the  Flavonoids  specificaly.       Results showed a high antifungal activity of ethanol  extract of propolis, evidently with a high concentration  of extract (5) mg\ml, which completely inhibited the radial growth on both  solid and liquid media (PDA &PD Broth ) of both fungi .         We observed that , ethanol  extract p

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimating the Population Mean in Stratified Random Sampling Using Combined Regression with the Presence of Outliers

In this research, the covariance estimates were used to estimate the population mean in the stratified random sampling and combined regression estimates. were compared by employing the robust variance-covariance matrices estimates with combined regression estimates by employing the traditional variance-covariance matrices estimates when estimating the regression parameter, through the two efficiency criteria (RE) and mean squared error (MSE). We found that robust estimates significantly improved the quality of combined regression estimates by reducing the effect of outliers using robust covariance and covariance matrices estimates (MCD, MVE) when estimating the regression parameter. In addition, the results of the simulation study proved

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The problems of Google Translate: Los servicios de la traducción automática de Google y sus problemas

There are numbers of automatic translation services that internet users can choose to automatically translate a certain text, and Google translate is one of these automatic services that proposes over 51 Languages. The present paper sheds light on the nature of the translation process offered by Google, and analyze the most prominent problems faced when Google translate is used. Direct translation is common with Google Translate and often results in nonsensical literal translations, particularly with long compound sentences. This is due to the fact that Google translation system uses a method based on language pair frequency that does not take into account grammatical rules which, in turn, affects the quality of the translation. The

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