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Manufacture of Spongy Gravel from Obsidian to Produce Lightweight and Thermal-Insulating Concrete
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    The present study aims to convert obsidian rocks into spongy gravel for the use in the production of lightweight and heat insulating concrete. The rocks were burned at 960°C to achieve maximum swelling of the samples, then broken into gravel and sand sizes. For comparison purposes, two other types of aggregates were used, namely pumice and basalt. The main physical tests, such as specific gravity, bulk density, porosity, and water absorption were performed. For testing the resistance of samples to alkalinity, KOH and Na OH solutions were used. The results showed that the obsidian sample gave the best specifications, where its specific gravity was 0.33, while the values were 1.1 for pumice and 2.7 for basalt, with the same results being applied to the other physical tests. After forming the concrete cubes of the three types of aggregates with three mixing proportions (1, 1.5, and 3 of cement, sand, gravel, respectively), the most important physical, mechanical, and chemical tests were performed along with their specific ages. The results were distinct, specifically the specific gravity values of the aggregate concrete samples A and B (1.3 and 1.5, respectively, as compared to the basalt sample, which recorded a value of 2.5. As for the thermal conductivity, a distinct value was recorded for the obsidian sample (0.16 W/m.k) as compared to the pumice and basalt samples (2.1 and 1.32 W/m.k, respectively). Perhaps the reason behind this variation is the pores type of the aggregate produced for the obsidian sample, which were of the closed system. This prevents the seeping of water and cement materials into the body of gravel, keeping it at light weight and providing it with high thermal insulation. As for the alkalinity test, there was no evidence of a reaction with the alkali cement in the obsidian and pumice samples, except for a slight reaction that appeared in the basalt sample.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 05 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Acceleration of canine movement by laser assisted flapless corticotomy [An innovative approach in clinical orthodontics]
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Background: Corticotomy-assisted orthodontic treatment is done to induce a state of increased tissue turnover and transient osteopenia, which is followed by a faster rate of orthodontic tooth movement. It considered as an adjunct treatment option for orthodontic treatment of adults. The aim of this Study was to elucidate the effectiveness of a new surgical approach for acceleration of maxillary canine retraction in human with laser assisted flapless corticotomy and evaluate its effect on vitality of pulp and gingival sulcus depth. Materials and methods: the sample comprised of 15 Iraqi patients (9 females and 6 males; mean age 21.7), who were required extraction for their maxillary first premolars followed by retraction of the canines as pa

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 17 2020
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
Photocatalytic activity of Ag-doped TiO2 nanostructures synthesized by DC reactive magnetron co-sputtering technique
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Blow-up Time of a One-Dimensional Semilinear Parabolic Equation with a Gradient Term
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  This paper deals with numerical approximations of a one-dimensional semilinear parabolic equation with a gradient term. Firstly, we derive the semidiscrete problem of the considered problem and discuss its convergence and blow-up properties. Secondly, we propose both Euler explicit and implicit finite differences methods with a non-fixed time-stepping procedure to estimate the numerical blow-up time of the considered problem. Finally, two numerical experiments are given to illustrate the efficiency, accuracy, and numerical order of convergence of the proposed schemes.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the Effect Some of Electrodeposition Parameters on Wear Resistance for Cu-MWCNT Composite Coating
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A Copper- Mullet walled Carbon Nanotube Cu/MWCNT composite coatings prepared by direct and pulse electrodeposition with various contents of MWCNT particles, using electrodeposition method from acidic sulfate bath. The effect of the current density, pulse frequency and  particle loading (PL) of MWCNT particle in the electrolyte on the morphology and volume fraction Vol% of MWCNT in deposit were investigate. The experimental results indicated that the depositing condition affect on the microstructure of deposited copper and MWCNT Vol% in deposit. Also, the Vol% of MWCNT increases in deposit with particle loading (PL) increasing in the bath and increased with increased current density. Increasing MWCNTs in electrolyte produced increase

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Preservation of Required Chlorine Concentration in Baghdad Water Supply Networks using On-Site Chlorine Injection
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The chlorine concentration variation in Baghdad water networks was studied. The
chlorine data were collected from Mayoralty of Baghdad and Ministry of Environment
(MOE) for the networks for both sides of the city Karkh and Rasafa for (2008-2009). The
study of these data indicates that there are no systematic testing program .Classified GIS
maps showed that the areas far from the treatment plants have almost always low
chlorine concentration .This indicates that the problem of the low chlorine concentration
in the far areas is due to cracks of pipe along the conveyance path ,as expected. The area's
most frequently have low concentration are Al-sadir,Al-Kadhimya, and Al-Amiria . It
was found also that the chlorine c

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Adding High-Density Polyethylene Polymer on the Engineering Characteristics for Sandy Soil
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The loose sand is subject to large settlement when it is exposed to high stresses. This settlement is due to the nature of the high drainage of sand, which displays foundations and constructions to a large danger. The densification of loose sandy soils is required to provide sufficient bearing capacity for the structures. Thus soil stabilization is used to avoid failure in the facilities. Traditional methods of stabilized sandy soil such as fly ash, bituminous, and cement often require an extended curing period. The use of polymers to stabilize sandy soils is more extensive nowadays because it does not require a long curing time in addition to being chemically stable. In this study, the effect of adding different percent

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Synthesis of New Ibuprofen Derivatives Containing (Oxothiazolidin-3-yl) Amino Moiety with Expected Biological Activity
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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are drugs that help reduce inflammation, which often helps to relieve pain. In this research new ibuprofen oxothiazolidnone derivatives were synthesized from the reaction of Schiff base derivatives of Ibuprofen with mercapto acetic acid VI a-c, to improve the potency and to decrease the drug's potential side effects, a new series of 4-thiazolidinone derivatives of ibuprofen was synthesized VI a-c . The characterizations of the compounds were identified by using FTIR, 1HNMR technique and by measuring the physical properties.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stability Improvement of The Iraqi Super Grid (400kV) using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission
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This research analyzes the level of the short circuit effect of the Iraqi super network and decides the suitable location for the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) connections in order to obtain the best short circuit reduction of the total currents of the buses in the network. The proposed method depends on choosing the transmission lines for Alternating current (AC) system that suffers from high Short Circuit Levels (SCLs) in order to reduce its impact on the transmission system and on the lines adjacent to it and this after replacing the alternating current (AC) line by direct current (DC) line. In this paper, Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) is used to model two types of HVDC lines in an effective regi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
An Investigation of Seismic Velocity Variation through a Tectonic Boundaries-Case Study in Central Iraq
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      A 3D velocity model was created by using stacking velocity of 9 seismic lines and average velocity of 6 wells drilled in Iraq. The model was achieved by creating a time model to 25 surfaces with an interval time between each two successive surfaces of about 100 msec.  The summation time of all surfaces reached about 2400 msec, that was adopted according to West Kifl-1 well, which penetrated to a depth of 6000 m, representing the deepest well in the study area. The seismic lines and well data were converted to build a 3D cube time model and the velocity was spread on the model. The seismic inversion modeling of the elastic properties of the horizon and well data was applied to achieve a corrected veloci

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of soaking with bread yeast extract on sorghum seed germination under salt stress conditions
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Salt stress negatively affects germination and seedling growth. Sorghum cultivars (Bohuth70, Inqath and Rabeh), seed soaking in dry yeast extract (3, 6 and 9 g l-1) in addition to dry seeds and electrical conductivity (4, 10 and 16 dS m-1) were studied. Traits of germination ratio at first and final counts, lengths of radicle and plumule, seedling dry weight and seedling vigour index were studied. The cultivar of Bohuth70 and concentration of yeast extract (9 g l-1) were superior at all studied traits, while all traits values were reduced with increased saline stress. The combination (Bohuth70×9×4) was superior to most other treatments at first and final counts, radicle length and seedling dry weight, while superiority of plumule length a

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