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Manufacture of Spongy Gravel from Obsidian to Produce Lightweight and Thermal-Insulating Concrete
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    The present study aims to convert obsidian rocks into spongy gravel for the use in the production of lightweight and heat insulating concrete. The rocks were burned at 960°C to achieve maximum swelling of the samples, then broken into gravel and sand sizes. For comparison purposes, two other types of aggregates were used, namely pumice and basalt. The main physical tests, such as specific gravity, bulk density, porosity, and water absorption were performed. For testing the resistance of samples to alkalinity, KOH and Na OH solutions were used. The results showed that the obsidian sample gave the best specifications, where its specific gravity was 0.33, while the values were 1.1 for pumice and 2.7 for basalt, with the same results being applied to the other physical tests. After forming the concrete cubes of the three types of aggregates with three mixing proportions (1, 1.5, and 3 of cement, sand, gravel, respectively), the most important physical, mechanical, and chemical tests were performed along with their specific ages. The results were distinct, specifically the specific gravity values of the aggregate concrete samples A and B (1.3 and 1.5, respectively, as compared to the basalt sample, which recorded a value of 2.5. As for the thermal conductivity, a distinct value was recorded for the obsidian sample (0.16 W/m.k) as compared to the pumice and basalt samples (2.1 and 1.32 W/m.k, respectively). Perhaps the reason behind this variation is the pores type of the aggregate produced for the obsidian sample, which were of the closed system. This prevents the seeping of water and cement materials into the body of gravel, keeping it at light weight and providing it with high thermal insulation. As for the alkalinity test, there was no evidence of a reaction with the alkali cement in the obsidian and pumice samples, except for a slight reaction that appeared in the basalt sample.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Improved High order Euler Method for Numerical Solution of Initial value Time- Lag Differential Equations
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The goal of this paper is to expose a new numerical method for solving initial value time-lag of delay differential equations by employing a high order improving formula of Euler method known as third order Euler method. Stability condition is discussed in detail for the proposed technique. Finally some examples are illustrated to verify the validity, efficiency and accuracy of the method.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Assessment natural radioactivity of marl as raw material at Kufa Cement Quarry in Najaf Governorate
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This Research involves radiological study to assess the marl layer in the Euphrates Formation (Early Miocene) as a raw material for Portland cement industry. Nine wells are drilled penetrating the marl layer to the limestone beneath it. Nine samples were collected from core wells. Each sample represents one well. The concentration of the natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K are 14.91, 5.16 and 223.98 Bq/kg-1, respectively. They are determined by using the technique of gamma-ray spectroscopy with HPGe detector. The radiation doesn't exceed the globally
permissible limits. Then the results were compared with the reported data of other countries and with the world average activity of cement raw materials. The radium equivalent (Rae

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Improvement the Action Efficiency of Microwave Vacuum Tube Type GI-19B by Activation its Intersurfaces
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In this research an improvement of the efficiency  of vacuum microwave  tube  type      Gl-19B     had  been  done  by activation    of internal surfaces   using two specific  procedures  which can qualify  the tubes to be reused again.

The first method  was the reevacuuated  and heating treatment.

The second  method wa:s the glow discharge  method which  used ro

clean the electrodes and improve the vacuum to about!o·8 mbar.

In order   to study  the  using of  both processes   together,  Copper

samples  heate

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Sustainable development in islam: A study regarding the possibility of achieving development goals in Iraq
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Sustainable human development means meeting the basic needs of society and striving for continuous improvement in quality, as it seeks to increase economic well-being while providing adequate housing and nutrition, as well as providing electricity, water, health and education services . Ten centuries ago, Islam highlighted the importance of the development effort and the necessity of its sustainability before the West took it in the 1970s. There are a number of challenges that greatly affect the reality of achieving and ensuring Millennium Development Goals. The research recommends the importance of fighting administrative and financial corruption, as this is one of the biggest challenges facing the possibility of advancing the economy and

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Increasing validation accuracy of a face mask detection by new deep learning model-based classification
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During COVID-19, wearing a mask was globally mandated in various workplaces, departments, and offices. New deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) based classifications were proposed to increase the validation accuracy of face mask detection. This work introduces a face mask model that is able to recognize whether a person is wearing mask or not. The proposed model has two stages to detect and recognize the face mask; at the first stage, the Haar cascade detector is used to detect the face, while at the second stage, the proposed CNN model is used as a classification model that is built from scratch. The experiment was applied on masked faces (MAFA) dataset with images of 160x160 pixels size and RGB color. The model achieve

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 16 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Numerical analysis of molecules intersystem crossing effect on a passively Q- switched laser pulse characteristics
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The effect of molecules intersystem crossing (Kisc) on characteristics
(energy and duration) of a Passive Q- switched Laser Pulse has been
studied by mathematical description (rate equations model) for
temporal performance of which was used as a saturable absorber
material (passive switch) with laser. The study shows that the energy
and duration pulse are decreasing while the molecules intersystem
crossing into saturable absorber energy levels is increasing.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Establish Growth Curve in Light of Body Mass Index for Infertile Women in Baghdad City
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Objective: To establish growth curve for a sample of infertile women and to assess Body Mass Index.
Methodology: Non-probability (purposive sample) of (100) infertile women, who visit Kamal Al-Samaraee
Hospital/ fertility and IVF center . The data are collected through the use of constructed questionnaire, which
consists of two parts. Part 1: consists of (5) items about demographic characteristics, part 2: consists of (4) items
about reproductive status, descriptive statistical analysis procedures (frequency, percentage, Contingency
coefficients, polynomial cube order).
Results: Revealed that the infertile women in the study group had decrease in their Body Mass Index with aging
(with increase of infertility duration

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Characteristics of Electrical Power Generation by Wind for Al-Tweitha Location Using Weibull Distribution Function
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In this paper, the 5 minutes measured wind speed data for year 2012 at 10 meter height for Tweitha have been statically analyzed to assess the time of wind turbine electrical power generation. After collection Tweitha wind data and calculation of mean wind speed the cumulative Weibull diagram and probability density function was ploted, then each of cumulative Weibull distribution, cut-in and furling turbine wind speed could be used as a mathematical input parameters in order to estimate the hours of electrical power generation for wind turbine during one day or one year. In Tweitha site, found that the average wind speed was (v= 1.76 m/s), so five different wind turbines were be selected to calculate hours of electrical generation for A

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fixed Point Theory for Study the Controllability of Boundary Control Problems in Reflexive Banach Spaces
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      In this paper, we extend the work of our proplem in uniformly convex Banach spaces using Kirk fixed point theorem. Thus the existence and sufficient conditions for the controllability to general formulation of nonlinear boundary control problems in reflexive Banach spaces are introduced. The results are obtained by using fixed point theorem that deals with nonexpanisive mapping defined on a set has normal structure and strongly continuous semigroup theory. An application is given to illustrate the  importance of the results.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Space-Charge Effect on the Theoretical Design of Electron Gun Operated under Zero Magnification Condition
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A computational investigation is carried out in the field of charged –particle optics with the aid of numerical analysis method using the personal computer. The work is concerned with the design of electron gun with space-charge effect. The Finite element method (FEM) used in the solution of Poison's equation for determine the axial potential distribution of the two-electrode immersion lens operated under zero magnification condition , and from the solution of the paraxial ray equation the optical properties such as the focal length , spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients are determined, also a calculation of the brightness and perveance for the lens. The electrodes geometry was determined in two and three dimensi

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