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Splitting the e-Abacus Diagram in the Partition Theory
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In the partition theory, there is more then one form of representation of dedication, most notably the Abacus diagram, which gives an accurate and specific description. In the year 2019, Mahmood and Mahmood presented the idea of merging more than two plans, and then the following question was raised: Is the process of separating any somewhat large diagram into smaller schemes possible? The general formula to split e-abacus diagram into two or more equal or unequal parts was achieved in this study now.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Subject matter  for speakers
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions as a whole.
    The topic of attention was drawn to the attention of the speakers, as it made me ponder it carefully, and my goal in that is to know the reason for the interest of the speakers and their care for it, and to clarify from their books the purpose of making this topic one of the advanced investigations with them.

     The idea of ​​writing a paper on the subject of consideration was not absent from my thinking, because I saw the attention of speakers on this issue, as they made it one of the first issues that they deal with studying in their work

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Performance Evaluation of a Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Using Deionized Water and Oil-40
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This study examines experimentally the performance of a horizontal triple concentric tube heat exchanger TCTHE made of copper metal using water as cooling fluid and oil-40 as hot fluid. Hot fluid enters the inner annular tube of the TCTHE in a direction at a temperature of 50, 60 and 70 oC and a flow rate of 20 l/hr. On the other hand, the cooling fluid enters the inner tube and the outer annular tube in the reverse direction (counter current flow) at a temperature of 25 oC and flow rates of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 l/hr. The TCTHE is composed of three copper tubes with outer diameters of 34.925 mm, 22.25 mm, and 9.525 mm, and thicknesses of 1.27 mm, 1.143 mm, and 0.762 mm, respectively. TCTHE tube's length was 670

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Trade, Economics And Finance
Should Iraq Adopt IFRSs?
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Abstract—Over the two past decades, the rapid integration of capital markets underlined the necessity for developing a single set of high quality international accounting standards. The growing acceptance of international accounting standards has given power for International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to work and develop this project. Iraq is a country where its accounting practices have been influenced by different philosophies from outside and inside Iraq during its modern history. After the fall of Saddam Hussain international institutions have begun to play an important role in reshaping Iraq’s economy including its accounting for oil. This paper investigates the challenges and opportunities for Iraq in transitioning from it

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Non-Linear Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates under General Out-Of-Plane Loading
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The theoretical analysis depends on the Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT) that is based on the Von-K ráman Theory and Kirchhov Hypothesis in the deflection analysis during elastic limit as well as the Hooke's laws of calculation the stresses. New function for boundary condition is used to solve the forth degree of differential equations which depends on variety sources of advanced engineering mathematics. The behavior of composite laminated plates, symmetric and anti-symmetric of cross-ply angle, under out-of-plane loads (uniform distributed loads) with two different boundary conditions are investigated to obtain the central deflection for mid-plane by using the Ritz method. The computer programs is built using Ma

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate under Thermo- Mechanical Loading
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The present study focused mainly on the vibration analysis of composite laminated plates subjected to
thermal and mechanical loads or without any load (free vibration). Natural frequency and dynamic
response are analyzed by analytical, numerical and experimental analysis (by using impact hammer) for
different cases. The experimental investigation is to manufacture the laminates and to find mechanical
and thermal properties of glass-polyester such as longitudinal, transverse young modulus, shear modulus,
longitudinal and transverse thermal expansion and thermal conductivity. The vibration test carried to
find the three natural frequencies of plate. The design parameters of the laminates such as aspect ratio,

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Molecular assessment of some cardiovascular genetic risk factors among Iraqi patients with ischemic heart diseases
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Abstract Objective: The underlying molecular basis of ischemic heart diseases (IHDs) has not yet been studied among Iraqi people. This study determined the frequency and types of some cardiovascular genetic risk factors among Iraqi patients with IHDs. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study recruiting 56 patients with acute IHD during a 2-month period excluding patients >50 years and patients with documented hyperlipidemia. Their ages ranged between 18 and 50 years; males were 54 and females were only 2. Peripheral blood samples were aspirated from all patients for troponin I and DNA testing. Molecular analysis to detect 12 common cardiovascular genetic risk factors using CVD StripAssay® (ViennaLab Diagnostics GmbH, Austria) was performed

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics and Communication
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Verbal Communication is linked with the social event no matter how different Communities in their cultures and styles of living and it's intuitions and political systems remain involved in its need . It is a dialogue , a pillar of human Communication , all Communication process conditional on the where a bouts of the shrine and the cycle of words . Semiotics is based on two principles important to Communicate : one : offer intended to report to the speaker . And the other : The recipient of the message a (know led gment of this intent . And learn to measure intent rely on two types of units ; first is the evidence for which is available for reporting the intent and the other : Signals . semiotics Communicate evidence bother as a channel

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
دراسة علاقة بعض مؤشرات وضع القوة لذوي الإعاقة فئة (٤٠f ) بدفع الثقل من التقاطع بالإنجاز
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تعد فعالية دفع الثقل واحده من الفعاليات المميزة بألعاب القوى، وهي أحدى فعاليات الرمي الأربعة (رمي الرمح, رمي القرص, أطاحة المطرقة, دفع الثقل) وتطلب قدرات بدنية وقابليات حركية خاصة والتي تعتمد بشكل فعَال ومؤثر على النواحي البايوميكانيكية, خصوصا عندما يتعلق الأمر بذوي الأعاقة ومنهم فئة (40f) والذين يتمتعون بدعم كبير من المجتمع الدولي بصورة عامة وفي بلدانهم بصورة خاصة وأمكانية تطوير أنجازاتهم لرفع أسم بلدانه

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Design and implementation of a Deep Learning-based Intelligent Electronic Lock Door Entry Control System
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    The Internet of Things (IoT) technology and smart systems are playing a major role in the advanced developments in the world that take place nowadays, especially in multiple privilege systems. There are many smart systems used in daily human life to serve them and facilitate their tasks, such as alarm systems that work to prevent unwanted events or face detection and recognition systems. The main idea of this work is to capture live video using a connected Pi camera, save it, and unlock the electric strike door in several ways; either automatically by displaying a live video connected via USB webcam using a deep learning algorithm of facial recognition and OpenCV or by RFID technology, as well as by detecting abnormal entrance wit

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 05 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Fuzzy Nonparametric Regression Model Estimation Based on some Smoothing Techniques With Practical Application
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In this research, we use fuzzy nonparametric methods based on some smoothing techniques, were applied to real data on the Iraqi stock market especially the data about Baghdad company for soft drinks for the year (2016) for the period (1/1/2016-31/12/2016) .A sample of (148) observations was obtained in order to construct a model of the relationship between the stock prices (Low, high, modal) and the traded value by comparing the results of the criterion (G.O.F.) for three techniques , we note that the lowest value for this criterion was for the K-Nearest Neighbor at Gaussian function .

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