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Establishment of Lipid Profile Reference Intervals in a Sample Population of Halabja City, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
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     Every laboratory needs to establish its own community-based reference intervals for the achievement of the optimal and true diagnosis in the clinical practice. However, such vital experimentations are not been conducted sufficiently in Halabja city and Kurdistan region of Iraq as a whole. This study is an attempt to introduce for the first time a set of reference intervals of lipid profile variables that are based on the healthy and asymptomatic adult population of Halabja using international standards. The methodology recruited for this purpose is based on the IFCC, CLSI, and WHO’s standards, in which the study population was subjected to strict exclusion criteria for the sake of higher accuracy in the results.  The reference intervals are computed as the 95th percentile of the lipid profile variable values. The results are broken down based on the gender and age groups. All of the estimated intervals fall perfectly in the internationally known reference intervals. Even so, the outcome values are similar and sometimes higher than the currently used intervals by the laboratories and physicians for the diagnosis purposes. The out-turns from the study encourage us to demand the healthcare providers to reconsider the currently approved reference intervals for the lipid profile test (TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C, and VLDL-C) in the clinical practice and consider the results of this study for further diagnostic purposes.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
أثر المعالم في الفضاء الحضري المعالم (الأبنية) كنواة لتنظيم الفضاء الحضري
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare Linear Progamming With Other Methods to Finding Optimal Solution for Transportation Problem
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The researcher studied transportation problem because it's great importance in the country's economy. This paper which ware studied several ways to find a solution closely to the optimization, has applied these methods to the practical reality by taking one oil derivatives which is benzene product, where the first purpose of this study is, how we can reduce the total costs of transportation for product of petrol from warehouses in the province of Baghdad, to some stations in the Karsh district and Rusafa in the same province. Secondly, how can we address the Domandes of each station by required quantity which is depending on absorptive capacity of the warehouses (quantities supply), And through r

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