In the present work, radium (226Ra), thorium (232Th), potassium (40 K), and cesium (137Cs) (Bq/kg) was measured for 24 soil samples of some districts of Al-Doura city in Baghdad governorate. The gamma spectrometry method with NaI (Tl) detector was used for radiometric measurements. The average values of specific activity for 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in soil samples were 38.03, 42.48, 16.34 and 2.76 Bq/kg, respectively. The radiation indicators were measured and the average values recorded were 100 Bq/kg, 44.6 nGy/h, 0.27 Bq/kg, 0.373 Bq/kg, 0.219 mSv/y, 0.055 mSv/y and 0.689 Bq/kg for the parameters of radium equivalent activity (Raeq), the absorbed dose rate (D), the external hazard index (Hex), the internal risk index (Hin), and the annual effective equivalent dose for the indoor (In Eff.), outdoor annual effective dose equivalent (Out Eff.) and representative gamma index (Iγr), respectively. All the health hazard indices were well below their recommended limits, except in one soil sampling site (AL-Eskan site) which were found to be 0.495 Hex and 0.668 Hin.
In the present work, the radioactivity of ten soil specimens has been measured, which were gathered from various sites from AL-Taimeem area in Al-Anbar province, The qualitative activity of natural radionuclides 238U, 232Th and 40K for soil specimens were evaluated by utilizing gamma-ray spectroscopy with NaI(Tl) detector of (3"×3") dimension. The results revealed that, the qualitative activity, for 238U was varied from (14.730 Bq/kg) to (28.070 Bq/kg), for 232Th was varied from (16.510 Bq/kg) to (29.480 Bq/kg), for 40K was varied from (143.820 Bq/kg) to (231.550 Bq/kg) ,with an average values of (21.152±2.98 Bq/kg) , (24.219±3.93 Bq/kg), (190.720±22.20 Bq/kg), success
... Show MoreThe present study was designed to explore the relationship between radioactivity at Al-Rohban soil in Al-Najaf Governorate, located 30 km away from Najaf city center, and its microbial content. The radiological survey was conducted by γ–ray spectrometry, using purity Germanium (HPGe) detector. A selected surface soil layer (10 cm depth, 50 and 100 m expansion) was tested. The physical analyses were conducted in the Ministry of Environment, Center for Prevention of Radiation. The results showed that the estimated concentrations of Bi-214, Ra-226, Ac-228, Th-232, K-40 and Cs-137 were 47.93, 81.87, 5.03, 1.63, 126.3 and 3.5 Bq/Kg, respectively. Isotopes average concentrations were equivalent to the low
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Measurement of radon concentration level was carried out in 40 houses in Al – Najaf city during summer season of 2012. Long term measurement of indoor of old building radon concentrations have been taken, using a previously calibrated passive diffusion dosimeters containing CR – 39 solid state nuclear track detectors which are very sensitive for alpha particles. The measurement of the indoor radon concentration obtained in summer in these regions ranged from 11.654±4.216 Bq.m-3 to 53.610±8.777 Bq.m-3. The results were within universally permitted levels. |
The aim of the present work, was measuring of uranium concentrations in 25 soil samples from five locations of Al-Kut city. The samples taken from different depths ranged from soil surface to 60cm step 15 cm, for this measurement of uranium concentrations .The most widely used technique SSNTDs was chosen to be the measurement technique. Results showed that the higher concentrations were in Hai Al- Kafaat which recorded 1.49 ± 0.054 ppm . The uranium content in soil samples were less than permissible limit of UNSCEAR(11.7ppm).
In this study, gamma-ray spectrometry with an HPGe detector was used to measure the specific activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in soil samples collected from IT1 oil reservoirs in Kirkuk city, northeast Iraq. The “spectral line Gp” gamma analysis software package was used to analyze the spectral data. 226Ra specific activity varies from 9 0.34 to 17 0.47 232Th specific activity varies from 6.2 0.08 to 18 0.2 40K specific activity varies from 25 0.19 to 118 0.41 The radiological hazard due to the radiation emitted from natural r
... Show MoreEstimation of elements: Pb, Zn, Mn, Cd, and Cu, which were conducted seasonally from October-2021 till March-2022 in residential areas of Baghdad City using Geoaccumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor ratios (EF), the factor of contamination (CF), contamination degree (Cd), index of pollution load (PLI) and index of potential ecological risk (Eif). The overall contamination factor in the research area is limited from low contamination with Cu, Mn, and Zn, moderately contaminated to very high contamination with Pb and Cd, while the assessment according to the I-geo index shows categories that vary from a slightly polluted to unpolluted by those examined heavy metals. The pollution load index indicates that the soils in some resi
... Show MorePurification of fifteen NaCl samples from natural and different area in the middle and south of Iraq are prepared and studied the structural characteristics of samples by powder X-ray diffraction analysis at ð›Œ=1.542Ã…. The present work considered the specific activities of naturally occurring radioactive materials in salt samples, which are measured and analyzed using high resolution HPGe system. Also, the radiological parameters have been considered in this work. The average specific concentration (in of the salt samples is found 16.864.92 for 226Ra, 5.972.05 for 232Th and 9.852.8 for 40K, respectively, which are below the national levels,, 30Bq.k
... Show MoreAsbestos is a hazard pollutant to human health, exposure to asbestos cause serious health effects and wide range of asbestos-related diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma and it has been classified as carcinogen by the World Health Organization WHO which cause a carcinogenic effects. Fibers of asbestos are mainly released from friction product in brakes and clutch linings and from reinforce agent in the asbestos cement industry. The aim of this was to evaluate the levels of asbestos fibers in surroundings air of some dense traffic points in Baghdad, through winter 2020. Materials and Methods: Samples of airs was carried out by directing air flow to a mixed cellulose ester membrane filter mounted on an open face
... Show MoreThe steady consumption of fish led many researchers to study it preferences over other foods, especially for radioactivity content. The specific activity concentration (S.A) of natural occurring radioactive materials (NORM) have been measured for Cyprinus carpio fishes collected from several industrial fishes' lakes located in Baghdad governorate using gamma spectroscopy doped with high purity germanium coaxial detector (HPGe). Thirteen fishes' samples were collected from industrial lakes, three samples were collected from cages, and two samples were collected from Trigger River. The last two types of samples were collected in order to compare the results with it. The measured overall averages of S.A for Ra-226, Th-232, and K-40 were 58.
... Show MoreThe twelve samples of agricultural soils from four regions in Al-Najaf governorate with sampling plant with soil. Physical properties of the soil where studied, such as electrical conductivity ranged from (136.33-1070.00)μS/cm-3, and moisture which ranged between the values (0.39-36.48)%. The chemical analysis of the soil have included the proportion of calcium carbonate the ratio between (44.00-48.00%) has been observed increasing amounts of calcium carbonate in surface models. The pH where results indicate that pH values were close to study models ranged between (6.88-7.42) these values generally within the normal range for the measured pH values of the Iraqi soil. The amount of gypsum ranged betwe
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