Steganography is the art of concealing security data in media, such as pictures, audio, video, text, and protocols. The objective of this paper is hiding a secret message in a colour image to prevent an attacker from accessing the message. This is important because more people use the Internet all the time and network connections are spread around the world. The hidden secret message uses two general algorithms that are embedded and extracted. This paper proposes a new algorithm to conceal a secret message in a colour image in LSB. This algorithm includes three phases: 1) dividing the colour image into a number of blocks, 2) concealing the secret message, and 3) transmitting the stego-image from the sender in a multiplexer network and receiving it through a demultiplexer network using an electronic workbench. The outcome of the new algorithm demonstrates good efficiency, high security, and robustness and is executed quickly. The system is evaluated through the measurements of mean square error, peak signal-to-noise ratio, correlation, histogram, and capacity.
This study aims to design unified electronic information system to manage students attendance in Lebanese French university/Erbil, as a system that simplifies the process of entering and counting the students absence, and generate absence reports to expel students who passed the acceptable limit of being absent, and by that we can replace the traditional way of using papers to count absence, with a complete electronically system for managing students attendance, in a way that makes the results accurate and unchangeable by the students.
In order to achieve the study's objectives, we designed an information syst
... Show MoreThis paper presents a proposed method for (CBIR) from using Discrete Cosine Transform with Kekre Wavelet Transform (DCT/KWT), and Daubechies Wavelet Transform with Kekre Wavelet Transform (D4/KWT) to extract features for Distributed Database system where clients/server as a Star topology, client send the query image and server (which has the database) make all the work and then send the retrieval images to the client. A comparison between these two approaches: first DCT compare with DCT/KWT and second D4 compare with D4/KWT are made. The work experimented over the image database of 200 images of 4 categories and the performance of image retrieval with respect to two similarity measures namely Euclidian distance (ED) and sum of absolute diff
... Show MoreThe principal goal guiding any designed encryption algorithm must be security against unauthorized attackers. Within the last decade, there has been a vast increase in the communication of digital computer data in both the private and public sectors. Much of this information has a significant value; therefore it does require the protection by design strength algorithm to cipher it. This algorithm defines the mathematical steps required to transform data into a cryptographic cipher and also to transform the cipher back to the original form. The Performance and security level is the main characteristics that differentiate one encryption algorithm from another. In this paper suggested a new technique to enhance the performance of the Data E
... Show MoreHueckel edge detector study using binary step edge image is presented. The standard algorithm that Hueckel presented, in his paper without any alteration is adopted. This paper studies a fully analysis for the algorithm efficiency, time consuming and the expected results with slide window size and edge direction. An analysis for its behavior with the changing of the slide window size (disk size) is presented. The best result is acquired when the window size equals to four pixel.
The optical absorption data of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon was analyzed using a Dunstan model of optical absorption in amorphous semiconductors. This model introduces disorder into the band-band absorption through a linear exponential distribution of local energy gaps, and it accounts for both the Urbach and Tauc regions of the optical absorption edge.Compared to other models of similar bases, such as the O’Leary and Guerra models, it is simpler to understand mathematically and has a physical meaning. The optical absorption data of Jackson et al and Maurer et al were successfully interpreted using Dunstan’s model. Useful physical parameters are extracted especially the band to the band energy gap , which is the energy gap in the a
... Show MoreThe process of converting gray images or videos to color ones by adding colors to them and transforming them from one-dimension to three-dimension is called colorization. This process is often used to make the image appear more visually appealing. The main problem with the colorization process is the lack of knowledge of the true colors of the objects in the picture when it is captured. For that, there is no a unique solution. In the current work, the colorization of gray images is proposed based on the utilization of the YCbCr color space. Reference image (color image) is selected for transferring the color to a gray image. Both color and gray images are transferred to YCbCr color space. Then, the Y value of the gray image is combined w
... Show MoreBackground: The accuracy of fitness of any dental casting is imperative for the success of any prosthodontic treatment. From the time that dental casting was first introduced, efforts have been made to produce more accurate and better fitted castings with minimal marginal discrepancy. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of three different investing and burnout techniques on the vertical marginal discrepancies ofceramometalcopings invested with two types of phosphate- bonded investments. Materials and methods: Sixty wax patterns were fabricated on a standardized prepared brass die representing an upper central incisor by the aid of a custom-made split mold. Three different investing and burnout techniques were applied
... Show MoreWith the premise that effective use of online instructional practices is of vital importance in classrooms, the current study aimed to examine the effects of using Moodle applications to develop instructors’ skills in designing electronic tests at Dhofar University. The sample of this study consisted of (25) instructors participated in the experimental group. The researchers implemented a quasi-experimental design with one group pre- and post-test; in addition, an observation card was implemented to measure the target skills related to test design. The research instruments were subjected to validity and reliability measures to ensure valid and reliable data and results. The study results showed that those instructors who participated i
... Show MoreIn the latest years there has been a profound evolution in computer science and technology, which incorporated several fields. Under this evolution, Content Base Image Retrieval (CBIR) is among the image processing field. There are several image retrieval methods that can easily extract feature as a result of the image retrieval methods’ progresses. To the researchers, finding resourceful image retrieval devices has therefore become an extensive area of concern. Image retrieval technique refers to a system used to search and retrieve images from digital images’ huge database. In this paper, the author focuses on recommendation of a fresh method for retrieving image. For multi presentation of image in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),
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