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A Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation Problem in the Internet of Things

In the last few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining remarkable attention in both academic and industrial worlds. The main goal of the IoT is laying on describing everyday objects with different capabilities in an interconnected fashion to the Internet to share resources and to carry out the assigned tasks. Most of the IoT objects are heterogeneous in terms of the amount of energy, processing ability, memory storage, etc. However, one of the most important challenges facing the IoT networks is the energy-efficient task allocation. An efficient task allocation protocol in the IoT network should ensure the fair and efficient distribution of resources for all objects to collaborate dynamically with limited energy. The canonical definition for network lifetime in the IoT is to increase the period of cooperation between objects to carry out all the assigned tasks. The main contribution in this paper is to address the problem of task allocation in the IoT as an optimization problem with a lifetime-aware model. A genetic algorithm is proposed as a task allocation protocol. For the proposed algorithm, a problem-tailored individual representation and a modified uniform crossover are designed. Further, the individual initialization and perturbation operators (crossover and mutation) are designed so as to remedy the infeasibility of any solution located or reached by the proposed genetic algorithm. The results showed reasonable performance for the proposed genetic-based task allocation protocol. Further, the results prove the necessity for designing problem-specific operators instead of adopting the canonical counterparts.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot using Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm

This paper describes the problem of online autonomous mobile robot path planning, which is consisted of finding optimal paths or trajectories for an autonomous mobile robot from a starting point to a destination across a flat map of a terrain, represented by a 2-D workspace. An enhanced algorithm for solving the problem of path planning using Bacterial Foraging Optimization algorithm is presented. This nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm, which imitates the foraging behavior of E-coli bacteria, was used to find the optimal path from a starting point to a target point. The proposed algorithm was demonstrated by simulations in both static and dynamic different environments. A comparative study was evaluated between the developed algori

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Applying the WaterGEMS Software to Conduct a Comparison of the Darcy-Weisbach and Hazen-Williams Equations for Calculating the Frictional Head Loss in a Selected Pipe Network

Darcy-Weisbach (D-W) is a typical resistance equation in pressured flow; however, some academics and engineers prefer Hazen-Williams (H-W) for assessing water distribution networks. The main difference is that the (D-W) friction factor changes with the Reynolds number, while the (H-W) coefficient is a constant value for a certain material. This study uses WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition update 1 to find an empirical relation between the (H-W) and (H-W) equations for two 400 mm and 500 mm pipe systems. The hydraulic model was done, and two scenarios were applied by changing the (H-W) coefficient to show the difference in results of head loss. The results showed a strong relationship between both equations with correlation coefficients of 0.999,

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation The Performance efficiency of the general company for lather Industries (a practical study)

The performa of evaluation process is a process that should be carried out by all industrial management in order to stand on aspects of development or underdevelopment of the various departments and activities in its industrial project for the purpose of identifying obstacles and find out the causes and then avoid them quickly. And intended to rectify the performance evaluation of the  activities of  industrial project  or economic union by measuring the results achieved within a specific operational process and compare it to what is already targeted, and often the time for comparison of one year.

The process of performance evaluation depends upon several criteria and indicators within the

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 07 2019
Journal Name
Construction Innovation
A hybrid conceptual model for BIM in FM

The purpose of this paper is to develop a hybrid conceptual model for building information modelling (BIM) adoption in facilities management (FM) through the integration of the technology task fit (TTF) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) theories. The study also aims to identify the influence factors of BIM adoption and usage in FM and identify gaps in the existing literature and to provide a holistic picture of recent research in technology acceptance and adoption in the construction industry and FM sector.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The genetic inhibition of some pathogenic bacterial isolates related to Enterobacteriaceae by using Different leaves extracts of Cider (Nabag) Zizyphus spina-christa

The plant Zizyphus spina-christa grows wildly in the middle and southern of Iraq locally named Nabag. In this study the antibacterial activity of several different plant extract (alcoholic hot and cold extract 80%, aqueous hot and cold extract) was tested against some gram negative bacteria that related to Enterobacteriacea as follow; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherchia coli Proteus mirabilis, Serratia mercesence,. Aeromonas sp, Klebsiella pneumoniae ,Shigella sp, Salmonella enteritidis (134), S. typhi(97), S. typhimurium (300) , S. typhi, . The results showed that efficient method of extract was alcoholic hot extract from other extract methods that are used in this study. The detection of active compound in crude extracts of the leaves show

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of School Administration on Academic Achievement in Khartoum International Institute for Arabic language: A Practical Study

School administration has an effective role in stimulating academic achievement, as it is the ideal regulation and activation of material and human power to achieve the goals of the educational process. This role has axes in the form of interests, aids, and specific procedures exercised by the school administration in improving the educational process, and assisting researchers in achieving the highest levels of academic achievement. This activation is achieved through stages of planning, organizing, coordinating, and evaluating.

To achieve the aims of this research, the researcher pursued the descriptive analytical approach, which is considered one of the most appropriate approaches to the nature of this type of research. The qu

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CTJ: Input-Output Based Relation Combinatorial Testing Strategy Using Jaya Algorithm

Software testing is a vital part of the software development life cycle. In many cases, the system under test has more than one input making the testing efforts for every exhaustive combination impossible (i.e. the time of execution of the test case can be outrageously long). Combinatorial testing offers an alternative to exhaustive testing via considering the interaction of input values for every t-way combination between parameters. Combinatorial testing can be divided into three types which are uniform strength interaction, variable strength interaction and input-output based relation (IOR). IOR combinatorial testing only tests for the important combinations selected by the tester. Most of the researches in combinatorial testing appli

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Genetic Comparative Study of Staphyolococcus aureus& Staphylococcus epidermidis Isolated from Wounds, Burns and Skin Flora

One hundred specimens from wounds, burns, and skin swabs were collected
from patients laying and attended to Balad general hospital. It was found that 50
isolates belong to Staphylococcus spp., 38 isolates were identified as S. aureus and
12 isolates were identified as S. epidermidis according to microscopic, cultural and
biochemical testing. The study of seven extracellular enzyme as virulence factors
including the enzymes: urease, lipase, DNase, haemolysin, coagulase, β-lactamase,and lecithinase. Reavealed that 100% of S.aureus had the ability to produce these
enzymes, while S. epidermidis isolates were unable to produce the enzymes DNase,
lipase, coagulase, but they were capable to produce haemolysin, urease, lec

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 25 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Optimum Efficiency of PV Panel Using Genetic Algorithms to Touch Proximate Zero Energy House (NZEH)

By optimizing the efficiency of a modular simulation model of the PV module structure by genetic algorithm, under several weather conditions, as a portion of recognizing the ideal plan of a Near Zero Energy Household (NZEH), an ideal life cycle cost can be performed. The optimum design from combinations of NZEH-variable designs, are construction positioning, window-to-wall proportion, and glazing categories, which will help maximize the energy created by photovoltaic panels. Comprehensive simulation technique and modeling are utilized in the solar module I-V and for P-V output power. Both of them are constructed on the famous five-parameter model.  In addition, the efficiency of the PV panel is established by the genetic algorithm

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
q-Difference Equation for the Operator E ̃(x,a;θ) and their Applications for the Polynomials h_n (a,b,x|q^(-1))

This paper concentrates on employing the -difference equations approach to prove another generating function, extended generating function, Rogers formula and Mehler’s formula for the polynomials , as well as thegenerating functions of Srivastava-Agarwal type. Furthermore, we establish links between the homogeneous -difference equations and transformation formulas.

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