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A Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation Problem in the Internet of Things

In the last few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining remarkable attention in both academic and industrial worlds. The main goal of the IoT is laying on describing everyday objects with different capabilities in an interconnected fashion to the Internet to share resources and to carry out the assigned tasks. Most of the IoT objects are heterogeneous in terms of the amount of energy, processing ability, memory storage, etc. However, one of the most important challenges facing the IoT networks is the energy-efficient task allocation. An efficient task allocation protocol in the IoT network should ensure the fair and efficient distribution of resources for all objects to collaborate dynamically with limited energy. The canonical definition for network lifetime in the IoT is to increase the period of cooperation between objects to carry out all the assigned tasks. The main contribution in this paper is to address the problem of task allocation in the IoT as an optimization problem with a lifetime-aware model. A genetic algorithm is proposed as a task allocation protocol. For the proposed algorithm, a problem-tailored individual representation and a modified uniform crossover are designed. Further, the individual initialization and perturbation operators (crossover and mutation) are designed so as to remedy the infeasibility of any solution located or reached by the proposed genetic algorithm. The results showed reasonable performance for the proposed genetic-based task allocation protocol. Further, the results prove the necessity for designing problem-specific operators instead of adopting the canonical counterparts.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Development of six-degree of freedom strapdown terrestrial INS algorithm

Many of accurate inertial guided missilc systems need to use more complex mathematical calculations and require a high speed processing to ensure the real-time opreation. This will give rise to the need of developing an effcint

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determination of the lot size using the Wagner-Whitin algorithm under the Constraint Theory / Case Study of Diyala Public Company

         International companies are striving to reduce their costs and increase their profits, and these trends have produced many methods and techniques to achieve these goals. these methods is heuristic and the other Optimization.. The research includes an attempt to adapt some of these techniques in the Iraqi companies, and these techniques are to determine the optimal lot size using the algorithms Wagner-Whitin under the theory of constraints. The research adopted the case study methodology to objectively identify the problem of research, namely determining lot size optimal for each of the products of electronic measurement laboratory in Diyala and in light of the bottlenecks in w

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a model to reduce the cost of hajj in the Iraqi Authority for Hajj and Umrah

The research is summarized in the construction of a mathematical model using the most common methods in the science of Operations Research, which are the models of transportation and linear programming to find the best solution to the problem of the high cost of hajj in Iraq, and this is done by reaching the optimum number of pilgrims traveling through both land ports and the number Ideal for passengers traveling through airports by Iraqi Airways, instead of relying on the personal experience of the decision-maker in Hajj and Umrah Authority by identifying the best port for pilgrim's travel, which can tolerate right or wrong, has been based on scientific methods of Operations Research, the researcher built two mathematical models

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 23 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Model to Compute the Solar Parameters in Relation to Determining the Optimal Angles for Solar Panels in Many Locations in Iraq

     Directing solar panels in a way that collects the largest possible amount of solar energy is still attracting a lot of attention due to the continuous need to get clean, inexpensive renewable energy. Iraq is one of the countries characterized by the abundance of solar energy but the investment in this field has been far below ambition. In this study, an application developed with the visual basic programing language was used to compute precisely various solar angles and parameters , as a powerful tool for engineers and researchers. The outputs of the model were tested and discussed in detail. The air mass values were also computed for three cities: Mosul, Baghdad, and Basra. The results showed that the best time

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Principal Components Analysis in the Formation of a Sustainable Human Development Index for Arab Countries

This study aims to derive a sustainable human development index for the Arab countries by using the principal components analysis, which can help in reducing the number of data in the case of multiple variables.  This can be relied upon in the interpretation and tracking sustainable human development in the Arab countries in the view of the multiplicity of sustainable human development indicators and its huge data, beside the heterogeneity of countries in a range of characteristics associated with indicators of sustainable human development such as area, population, and economic activity. The study attempted to use the available data to the selected Arab countries for the recent years. This study concluded that a single inde

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Increasing the Accuracy of Orbital Elements for a Satellite in a Low Earth Orbit under the Influence of Atmospheric Drag Using Adams-Bashforth Method

The perturbed equation of motion can be solved by using many numerical methods. Most of these solutions were inaccurate; the fourth order Adams-Bashforth method is a good numerical integration method, which was used in this research to study the variation of orbital elements under atmospheric drag influence.  A satellite in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO), with altitude form perigee = 200 km, was selected during 1300 revolutions (84.23 days) and ASat / MSat value of 5.1 m2/ 900 kg. The equations of converting state vectors into orbital elements were applied. Also, various orbital elements were evaluated and analyzed. The results showed that, for the semi-major axis, eccentricity and inclination have a secula

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The factors that affecting in the recruitment of a teaching staff for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in university teaching at the University of Khartoum.

This research aimed at identifying the factors that affecting in the recruitment of a teaching staff for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in university teaching at the University of Khartoum. The descriptive method was followed. The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection,, which was distributed directly to a sample of (181) respondent of the teaching staff members of the senate at University of Khartoum from those who were attend at the senate meeting No. (409) which was held on 22 August 2016 Of (272). The researcher followed for the distribution the chance method, where each questionnaire was distributed to each of a teaching staff from different faculties at the University of Khartoum, according to his willingness

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Publication Date
Thu May 10 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Improvement of MRI Brain Images Classification Using Dragonfly Algorithm as Trainer of Artificial Neural Network

  Computer software is frequently used for medical decision support systems in different areas. Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) are widely used images for brain classification issue. This paper presents an improved method for brain classification of MRI images. The proposed method contains three phases, which are, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and an improved classification technique. In the first phase, the features of MRI images are obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT). In the second phase, the features of MRI images have been reduced, using principal component analysis (PCA). In the last (third) stage, an improved classifier is developed. In the proposed classifier, Dragonfly algorithm is used instead

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
SDN-assisted Service Placement for the IoT-based Systems in Multiple Edge Servers Environment

Edge computing is proved to be an effective solution for the Internet of Things (IoT)-based systems. Bringing the resources closer to the end devices has improved the performance of the networks and reduced the load on the cloud. On the other hand, edge computing has some constraints related to the amount of the resources available on the edge servers, which is considered to be limited as compared with the cloud. In this paper, we propose Software-Defined Networking (SDN)-based resources allocation and service placement system in the multi-edge networks that serve multiple IoT applications. In this system, the resources of the edge servers are monitored using the proposed Edge Server Application (ESA) to determine the state of the edge s

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Smart Leadership Dimensions In Crisis Management- A study For Opinions Of Sample Of Administrative Leaderships In A number Of Humanities Colleges At The University Of Mosul

This research aims at answering many questions raised by the research problem concerning the view of the organizations under consideration for the concept of smart leadership and its most important dimensions, as well as the view of crisis management and its concept and most important methods through research objectives that define and clarify the smart leadership with its dimensions and methods of crisis management.

For the purpose of reaching the results of the research and testing the assumptions about the relationship between smart leadership and methods of crisis management, the researcher adopted a questionnaire, designed especially to be a criterion for the research, as the main tool for data coll

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