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The association between Toxoplasma gondii seropositive status and diabetes mellitus in obese and non-obese subjects in Baghdad
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Anti-Toxoplasma gondii seropositive status among obese and diabetic patients has recently attracted substantial attention. The objective of this study was to assess the seropositive rate of T. gondii and its relation to high body mass index (BMI), diabetes, and metabolic syndrome among participants (n=100) who attended Al-Kadhimiya Teaching Hospital, Baghdad-Iraq. An observational analytical study was conducted from October 2019 to March 2020. Participants were divided into three groups based on their BMI; obese (n=38), overweight (n=32) and normal (n=30). In addition, they were divided into diabetic (n=45) and non-diabetic (n=55) based on clinical examination, laboratory examination, and medical interview. Another classification was considered: Obese-diabetic (n=24), obese- non-diabetic (n=14), overweight-diabetic (n=13), overweight non-diabetic (n=19), normal-diabetic (n=8) and normal-nondiabetic (n=28). Finally, participants were divided into metabolic syndrome-positive (n=64) and metabolic syndrome negative (n=36). Serum samples were taken from all participants and examined for the detection of anti-T.gondii IgG and IgM antibodies. The anti T.gondii IgG positive rate was higher in the “overweight” compared to the “obese” and “normal BMI” groups. No significant differences (P=0.22) in seropositive rate were indicated among groups. The results also showed that there was no significant difference (P=0.84) in anti-T. gondii IgG positive rate between diabetic and non-diabetic patients. While the anti T.gondii IgG was significantly (P=0.03) higher in patients with metabolic syndrome as opposed to those with no metabolic syndrome. The results also showed that normal-diabetic and overweigh-diabetic patients had the highest anti-T.gondii IgG positive rate, although no significant differences were noticed among groups. Some other parameters were also examined for the participants, including abdominal obesity, cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), glucose and glycated haemoglobin. Significant differences were noticed only for abdominal obesity and HDL (P˂0.05) between anti T.gondii IgG positive cases and anti T.gondii IgG negative cases. Other factors did not show significant differences between these two groups. Finally, this study showed that T. gondii seropositive status played a significant role in changing only HDL level while other parameters of lipid profile were not influenced by T.gondii seropositivity among obese, diabetic patients and metabolic syndrome patients.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
The spontaneous emission performance of a quantum emitter coupled to a hybrid plasmonic waveguide with specified output polarization for on-chip plasmonic single-photon source
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Publication Date
Tue May 11 2021
Journal Name
Photonics And Nanostructures - Fundamentals And Applications
The spontaneous emission performance of a quantum emitter coupled to a hybrid plasmonic waveguide with specified output polarization for on-chip plasmonic single-photon source
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Nowadays, most of the on-chip plasmonic single-photon sources emit an unpolarized stream of single photons that demand a subsequent polarizer stage in a practical quantum cryptography system. In this paper, we numerically demonstrated the coupling of the light emitted from a quantum emitter (QE) at 700 nm wavelength to the propagation mode supported by an on-chip hybrid plasmonic waveguide (HPW) polarization rotator. Our results proved that the light emitted is linearly polarized at 0º, 45º/−45º, and 90º with propagation lengths of 5 μm, 3.3 μm, and 3.9 μm, respectively. Moreover, high power-conversion efficiency was obtained from an applied transverse magnetic (TM) mode (0º-polarization) to a transverse electric (TE) (90º-polari

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison the effectiveness of using a magnetic field to control theColi phages isolated from rivulet water with water-treatment using magnetic field added iron filings
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The present study aimed to use the magnetic field and nanotechnology in the field of water purification, which slots offering high efficiency to the possibility of removing biological contaminants such as viruses and bacteria rather than the use of chemical and physical transactions such as chlorine and bromine, and ultraviolet light and boiling and sedimentation and distillation, ozone and others that have a direct negative impact on human safety and the environment. Where they were investigating the presence in water samples under study Coli phages using Single agar layer method and then treated samples positive for phages to three types of magnetic field fixed as follows (North Pole - South Pole - Bipolar) and compare the re

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
First Record of Streaked Rabbitfish Siganus Javus (L., 1766) from the Iraqi Marine Waters, with Re Description of White-Spotted Rabbitfish Siganus Canaliculatus (Park, 1797)
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Two Siganid fishes were described in the current study, the first one is Siganus javus (Linnaeus, 1766) as a new record and the other Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797), which was collected from the Iraqi marine waters. The samples were collected during December 2018. Streaked rabbitfish S. javus is diagnosed by a deep body, 54.01% in standard length, depth  of caudal peduncle, 7.27%, total gill rakers 19 and silvery blue undulating lines on mid and lower sides of the body. Whereas the body depth of White-spotted rabbitfish S. canaliculatus was 39.08-42.66%, Caudal peduncle depth ranged from 5.21 to 5.66%, total gill rakers ranged from 22 to 24 and it  is distinguished by a numerous pearly bl

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fundamentalist detective On matters of consensus   Of Khala book complete the teacher benefits of Muslim Judge Ayaz (May God have mercy on him): Comparative fundamentalist study
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Fundamentalist detective
On matters of consensus
  Of Khala book complete the teacher benefits of Muslim
Judge Ayaz
(May God have mercy on him)

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Geographic Information System (GIS) to estimate the volume of water for Al Dammam unconfined Aquifer within Al Salman basin, Al- Muthana Governorate, South West Iraq
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The groundwater represents the main source of water in the study area due to lack of surface water. The Dammam unconfined aquifer represents the main aquifer in the study area and Southern desert because of the regional extent, the quantity and quality of water. Many groundwater wells have been drilled in the study area to coverage the huge demand of water for agricultural purposes. The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to estimate the volume of water which calculated (25.6964 × 109 m3) within the study area , automate calculation of the area of Al Salman basin using digital elevation models, derive the thickness maps of Al
Dammam unconfined aquifer from Key holes (KH) and Bore holes (

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 07 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات الاقتصادية والادارية
Measuring readiness to accomplish organizational change through personal characteristics: Crisis management approach: An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of managers at Central Technical
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The self-evident truth existing in today's business environment is the continuity of change and its continuity and turmoil, also its increase over time as it is more abundant, abundant, wide and complex than ever before, and it is the dominant feature in the business environment, as different organizations and operating units can find themselves shifting from the top to the bottom. And then it requires its departments to strive to adapt to these rapid and turbulent shifts and changes by bringing about a series of organizational and adaptive changes that are not limited to one organizational aspect only but rather include all organizational components. Accordingly, this research came to determine the readiness of public organizations to chan

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 25 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Shapes of Nuclei for Heavy Elements with Mass Number Equal to (226≤A≤252) through Determination of Deformation Parameters for Two Elements (U&Cf)
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   The current paper focuses on the studying the forms of (even-even) nuclei for the heavy elements with mass numbers in the range from (A=226 - 252) for  isotopes. This work will consist of studying deformation parameters  which is deduced from the "Reduced Electric Transition Probability" which is in its turn dependent on the first Excited State . The "Intrinsic Electric Quadrupole Moments" (non-spherical charge distribution)  were also calculated. In addition to that the Roots Mean Square Radii (Isotope Shift) are accounted for in order to compare them with the theoretical results.

The difference and variation in shapes of nuclei for the selected isotopes were detected using &

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New Mode of On- Line Automation: Chemilumino-Fluoro Metric Method for the Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide by Fluorescence Energy Transfer Using Ploy Acrylic Acid Gel Beads
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Hydrogen peroxide was determined by a new , accurate , sensitive and rapid method via continuous mode of FIA coupled with total luminescence measurement which include the chemiluminescence generated ,based on the oxidation of Luminol which is loaded on poly acrylic acid gel beads by hydrogen peroxide in presence of Cobalt (II) ion as a chemiluminescence catalyst and the fluorescence that was created by the insitu radiation of the released chemiluminescence light. Fluorescien molecule was used as an accepter fluorophore where it is irradiated internally and instantly by the generation of luminol chemiluminescence light as internal source for irradiation of fluorescien molecule (Fluorescence Energy Transfer (FRET) ) . It can easily give fl

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Down syndrome construction
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Due to the increasing number of people with in Iraq, it has become necessary to treat seriously this problem, which was not considered significantly to the best of researcher knowledge. Thus, the current research aims to construct a scale to measure the physical down syndromes, which distinguish them from others. It consisted of (39) items. The researcher has presented some related literature that addressed the current problem

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