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Non-Resonant Reaction Rates of 13C(α,n)16O and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reactions in AGB Stars

Both 13C 16O and 22Ne 25Mg reactions perform a cosmic role in the production of neutrons in AGB stars, which significantly contributes to the nucleosynthesis via the s-process. The astrophysical S-factor for both reactions is calculated in this research, utilizing EMPIRE code and depending on two parameter sets for the optical potential. These datasets were published earlier by McFadden and Satchler (denoted here as MFS) and Avrigeanu and Hodgson (denoted as AH) for the non-resonant region of the spectrum and over a temperature range of . The extrapolated S-factor at zero energy is derived to be  and  for 13C 16O, while the values were  and  for 22Ne 25Mg, using MFS and AH parameter sets, respectively, which showed a reasonable agreement with the most recommended value. The differences in the S-factor, S(E), values obtained from these two adopted parameter sets are attributed to the variations of the real potential term's diffuseness parameter that affects the reaction cross section, hence S-factor, specifically at low energy region. Moreover, the present results imply an influential enhancement of the rates by the electron shielding effect at the low-temperature region  in which 13C 16O reaction is activated,  especially on 22Ne 25Mg reaction. In addition, for both adopted reactions and overall selected temperature range, the reaction rates using  values based on MFS showed acceptable results compared with previous compilations and reference libraries. While the results obtained from AH exceeded all the other compilations even though the resonance contributions are currently unconsidered.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of vegetation cover distribution using DVI, PVI, WDVI indices with 2D-space plot

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Surface Treatment of Epoxy/Al Composite by Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) at Atmospheric Pressure

       In this study, the surface of the epoxy/Al composite is treated using a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma in the presence of air. The epoxy composite was prepared by mixing 0.1g and 0.3 g aluminum powder with epoxy resin and its hardener in a ratio of 3:1. The surface epoxy/Al composite as a dielectric barrier layer (DB) is studied at an applied frequency of 8 kHz and at three exposure times 0, 2, and 4 min. The UV degradation process has been studied using UV-Visible spectroscopy, for these polymers. The absorbance intensity in the UV region (200–320 nm) was high. The absorbance level decreased after 2 minutes and increased after 4 min exposure time. Before exposure to plasma, the epoxy/Al composite at 0.1 g Al ha

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Adsorption of the Color Pollutant onto NiO Nanoparticles Prepared by a New Green Method

Green synthesis methods have emerged as favorable techniques for the synthesis of nano-oxides due to their simplicity, cost-effectiveness, eco-friendliness, and non-toxicity. In this study, Nickel oxide nanoparticles (NiO-NPs) were synthesized using the aqueous extract of Laurus nobilis leaves as a natural capping agent. The synthesized NiO-NPs were employed as an adsorbent for the removal of Biebrich Scarlet (BS) dye from aqueous solution using adsorption technique. Comprehensive characterization of NiO-NPs was performed using various techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett and Teller (BET) analysis, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Additionally, o

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Energy Absorption Evaluation of CFRP-Strengthened Two-Spans Reinforced Concrete Beams under Pure Torsion

For more than a decade, externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites successfully utilized in retrofitting reinforced concrete structural elements. The function of CFRP reinforcement in increasing the ductility of reinforced concrete (RC) beam is essential in such members. Flexural and shear behaviors, ductility, and confinement were the main studied properties that used the CFRP as a strengthening material. However, limited attention has been paid to investigate the energy absorption of torsion strengthening of concrete members, especially two-span concrete beams. Hence, the target of this work is to investigate the effectiveness of CFRP-strengthening technique with regard to energy absorption of two-span RC

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Fme Transactions
FAT-based adaptive backstepping control of an electromechanical system with an unknown input coefficient

This paper is focused on orthogonal function approximation technique FAT-based adaptive backstepping control of a geared DC motor coupled with a rotational mechanical component. It is assumed that all parameters of the actuator are unknown including the torque-current constant (i.e., unknown input coefficient) and hence a control system with three motor control modes is proposed: 1) motor torque control mode, 2) motor current control mode, and 3) motor voltage control mode. The proposed control algorithm is a powerful tool to control a dynamic system with an unknown input coefficient. Each uncertain parameter/term is represented by a linear combination of weighting and orthogonal basis function vectors. Chebyshev polynomial is used

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation of the longitudinal electron scattering form factors for the 2s-1d shell nuclei

An Expression for the transition charge density is investigated
where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into
consideration besides the shell model transition density. The
inelastic longitudinal C2 and C4 form factors are calculated using
this transition charge density for the Ne Mg 20 24 , , Si 28 and S 32
nuclei. In this work, the core polarization transition density is
evaluated by adopting the shape of Tassie model togther with the
derived form of the ground state two-body charge density
distributions (2BCDD's). It is noticed that the core polarization
effects which represent the collective modes are essential in
obtaining a remarkable agreement between the calculated inelastic

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 25 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

This study was aimed to investigate the response surface methodology (RSM) to evaluate the effects of various experimental conditions on the removal of levofloxacin (LVX) from the aqueous solution by means of electrocoagulation (EC) technique with stainless steel electrodes. The EC process was achieved successfully with the efficiency of LVX removal of 90%. The results obtained from the regression analysis, showed that the data of experiential are better fitted to the polynomial model of second-order with the predicted correlation coefficient (pred. R2) of 0.723, adjusted correlation coefficient (Adj. R2) of 0.907 and correlation coefficient values (R2) of 0.952. This shows that the predicted models and experimental values are in go

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 03 2021
Journal Name
Structural Concrete
Finite element analysis of rectangular RC beams strengthened with FRP laminates under pure torsion

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Adsorption Isotherm of Carbon Microparticles Prepared from Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) Seeds for Dye Removal

This study aims to evaluate the adsorption isotherm of carbon microparticles prepared from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seeds for adsorbing curcumin (as a model of dye). The results were derived and compared using the kinetics approach based on several standard adsorption isotherm models, namely the Langmuir, Temkin, Freundlich, and Dubinin-Radushkevich models. The second aim is to evaluate the effects of carbon particle size (from 100 to 1000 mm) on the adsorption characteristics. The experimental results showed that the adsorption on the surface of carbon microparticles occurred in monolayer with a physical phenomenon. This is because the active areas are located only on the outer surface of carbon and no surface structure in th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
Surface analysis of the PEKK coating on the cp ti implant using laser technique

Objective: Evaluation of the poly ether keton keton polymer (PEKK) coating material on the commercial pure titanium disks (CP Ti) with or without laser surface structuring. Design: In vitro experimental study of PEKK polymer coated material on the CP Ti disks with or without laser surface structuring. Materials and methods: coating the surface of the commercial pure titanium (CP Ti) disks with PEKK polymer was performed via using frictional mode CO2 laser, then the samples disks analyzed by using FESEM. Results: the FESEM reveal good adherence and distribution of the PEKK coated material over the CP Ti substrate by using the frictional mode CO2 laser at 2 watt and 6 ms pulse duration. Conclusion: the frictional mode CO2 laser considered an

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