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Quantifying Suicidal Ideation on Social Media using Machine Learning: A Critical Review
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Suicidal ideation is one of the severe mental health issues and a serious social problem faced by our society. This problem has been usually dealt with through the psychological point of view, using clinical face to face settings. There are various risk factors associated with suicides, including social isolation, anxiety, depression, etc., that decrease the threshold for suicide. The COVID-19 pandemic further increases social isolation, posing a great threat to the human population. Posting suicidal thoughts on social media is gaining much attention due to the social stigma associated with the mental health. Online Social Networks (OSN) are increasingly used to express the suicidal thoughts. Recently, a top Indian actor industry took the harsh step of suicide. The last Instagram posts revealed signs of depression, which if anticipated could have saved the precious life. Recent research indicated that the public information on social media provides valuable insights on detecting the users with the suicidal ideation. The motive of this study is to provide a systematic review of the work done already in the use of social media for suicide prevention and propose a novel classification approach that classifies the suicide related tweets/ posts into three levels of distress. Moreover, our proposed classification task which was implemented through various machine learning techniques revealed high accuracy in classifying the suicidal posts. Among all algorithms, the best performing algorithm was that of the decision tree, with an F1 score ranging 0.95-0.97. After thoroughly studying the work achieved by different researchers in the area of suicide prevention, our study critically analyses those works and finds various research gaps and solves some of them. We believe that our work will motivate research community to look into other gaps that will in turn help psychiatrists, psychologists, and counsellors to protect individuals suffering from suicidal ideation.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 14 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dentistry
Influence of Nonnutritive Sucking Habits on the Oral Carriage of Escherichia coli
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Objectives. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of nonnutritive sucking habits on the presence of oral Escherichia coli. Methods. One hundred and twenty children aged 3–5 years old were enrolled in the present case-control study, as follows: 60 children with continuous pacifier and thumb sucking habits (study group) and 60 children without any sucking habits (control group). The children in the two groups were matched in terms of age and gender. Information was gathered from the parents concerning their children using a special sheet. Sterile swabs were taken from both groups and cultured on agar plates. Then, they were subjected to further biochemical tests to identify E. coli species. The mean of the E. coli count was determ

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Asthma and Inhaled Corticosteroid Effect on the Dental Arch Morphology in Children
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Background: asthma has an influence on craniofacial development. Recently evidences show that there is an association between oral health problems and chronic lung disease. The present study was designed to estimate the changes in arch dimension measurements among asthmatic children aged 12 years old who were collected from AL- Zahra Center Advisory for Allergy and Asthma and compare them with the non-asthmatic children of the same age and gender. Material and Methods: Fifty children (25 asthmatic and 25 non- asthmatic children) were included for the odontometric measurement. For both upper and lower study models, photographs were taken using special photographic apparatus for each child, and the statistical analysis were done by using SPSS

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect Of Chlorothalonil On Some Cytogenetic Parameters Of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes
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The study aimed to investigate the effect of fungicides chlorothalonil at different concentrations ( 0.1 , 0.5 , 5 , 25 , 50 ) × 10 - 5 M on some cytogenetic parameters of human peripheral blood lymphocytes . The genotoxicity parameters were estimated by the number of chromosomal aberrations (CAs) and their types and by estimating the induced micronuclei (Mn) . Cytotoxic effect recorded by estimating the mitotic index (MI) . Results revealed that the fungicide increased the CAs in dose – response pattern with positive correlation coefficient ( r = + 0.964) , there was a significant differences among the concentrations (P<0.01) . The major CAs records chromosomal breakage at concentrations. 0.5 , 5 , 25 , and 50 , while the lowest concen

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of q-Mittag-Leffer Function on Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions
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The main objective of this paper is to introduce and study the generality differential operator involving the q-Mittag-Leffler function on certain subclasses of analytic functions.  Also, we  investigate the inclusion properties of these classes, by using the concept of subordination between analytic functions.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum
An analysis of Baghdad’s masterplans based on the development of green areas
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Motives: Baghdad is the capital city and an important political, administrative, social, cultural and economic centre of Iraq. Baghdad’s growth and development has been significantly influenced by efforts to accommodate various needs of its steadily growing population. Uncontrolled population and urban growth have exerted negative effects in numerous dimensions, including environmental sustainability because urban expansion occurred in green spaces within the city and the surrounding areas.Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the planning solutions in Baghdad’s green areas in the past and at present, and to identify the key changes in the city’s green areas, including changes in the ratio of green urban spaces to the tota

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Effect of Freezing On Some Morphometric Features of Planiliza Abu ( Hekel,1843)
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The present study attempts to determine the effect of freezing for different periods on preserved bodies of fish in the laboratory to keep for the research and diagnosis of taxonomic studies and not for consumption. It also endeavors to identify the effect of freezing on some morphometric features of the preserved bodies of fishes. Planiliza abu fish were used to conduct the present study. Fish were frozen by regular freezing in the home refrigerator freezer with temperatures reaching four degrees centigrade below zero. Freezing time is distributed over four months; biometric measurements of frozen fish have been taken in these periods represented by body total length, Standard length, and Head length in centimeters using a ruler ve

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advance Science And Technology
MR Images Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Based on Deep Belief Network Method
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Background/Objectives: The purpose of this study was to classify Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients from Normal Control (NC) patients using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Methods/Statistical analysis: The performance evolution is carried out for 346 MR images from Alzheimer's Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. The classifier Deep Belief Network (DBN) is used for the function of classification. The network is trained using a sample training set, and the weights produced are then used to check the system's recognition capability. Findings: As a result, this paper presented a novel method of automated classification system for AD determination. The suggested method offers good performance of the experiments carried out show that the

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 28 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Gamma irradiation on The Optical properties of (PVA: CuCl2) films
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The study effect irradiation on optical properties of film (PVA: CuCL2) prepared by casting method, with thickness of (30±1) μm. And used Cs137 to obtained Gamma ray with energy (662)keV and time irradiation(5,6 and 7) weeks and affectivity (4.3) ci. The spectra absorbance and transmittance register in range (300-1100) nm .
Results show that the optical band gap for (PVA: CuCl2) decreasing after irradiation with gamma ray from (3.2,3.1,3 and 2.7)eV, urbach energy values increase with the increasing time radiation. And the absorption constants (α,k,n,) and the optical conductivity are changing after irradiated with gamma ray .

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Licorice Extract on Sperm Motility of Chilled Stored Ram Semen
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  This study was designed to investigate the effects of licorice extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) addition to semen diluters on ram sperm progressive motility during storage at 5 ËšC for 72 h. Semen was collected from 3 proven Awassi rams. Licorice extract powder was added at levels of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 µg per ml. of diluter. Diluter containing no licorice extracts served as control (0).Progressive motility was estimated subjectively after dilution (0h), and at 24, 48, and 72 h of storage. The experiment was replicated 2 times with egg yolk-tris (EYT) diluter and 2 times with yolk- glucose-citrate diluter. Progressive motility increased significantly (p < 0.01) in levels of licorice extract 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 µg / ml

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of the cold atmospheric plasma on the number of platelets
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This study includes the direct influence of (single & multi) dose of Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) on the no. of platelets for mice for different exposure time (15, 30, 60, and 120) sec. the influence of CAP on mice was measured after 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14 day from exposure.
The results obtained in this study indicate that the effect of low doses of CAP on platelets was stimulatory effect in the first few hours from exposure (1day) but the high dose was inhibitory, It was found that after two weeks of exposure that the number of platelets became normal comparable to the control one, and this indicates that plasma effect was removed after this period.

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