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Chromogenic in Situ Hybridization for Human Cytomegalovirus-DNA Detection in Tissue Subsets with Prostatic Adenocarcinoma and Benign Hyperplasia
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     Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infects a wide range of human cells, resulting in both benign and malignant tumors. In the last few decades, proteins and/or nucleic acids of the virus were found to be often highly expressed in in patients with basal cell hyperplasia and prostatic neoplasia.

This research aimed to unravel the rate of HCMV infections among prostatic tissue subsets from Iraqi patients with adenocarcinoma and benign hyperplasia.

One hundred, formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded prostatic tissues were obtained from 40 tissue samples collected from different grades of prostate carcinoma; 40 from benign prostatic hyperplasia and 20 from apparently healthy prostatic tissues. These tissue specimens were collected from the archives of different public and private histopathological laboratories in Baghdad. Detection of HCMV-DNA was achieved by a highly sensitive version of chromogenic in situ hybridization technique.

The signals of chromogenic in situ hybridization reactions for HCMV-DNA detection in prostatic adenocarcinoma tissues were found in 65% (26 out of 40) of the tissues, whereas in BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), HCMV-DNA was detected in 57.5% (23 out of 40) of the tissues, and in the healthy control group in 25% (5 out of 20) of the tissues. The highest percentage of positive- HCMV- DNA-CISH reactions (57.5%) was found in prostatic adenocarcinomatous tissues that showed poor differentiation.

Our results could show that HCMV might contribute to the development of the studied subsets of prostatic adenocarcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Innovation Diffusion Elaboration into Architectural Movement
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The research investigates the term innovation and its role in elaborating architectural practice based on diffusion. The complexity of the architectural field compared with other fields shows a problem in explaining how innovations in architecture diffuse as a thought and act in a certain context of practice. Therefore, the research aims to build an intellectual model that explains the way personal thoughts resembled by unique models introduced by creative and innovator designers diffuse in a certain pattern elaborate these models into a state of prevailing thought resembled by the movement in architecture. The research will apply its model to the more comprehensive movement in architecture, which is the modern movement,

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 06 2023
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Study of the Effect of Ce <sup>3+</sup> on the Gas Sensitivity and Magnetic Properties of Cu<sub>x</sub>Ce<sub>0.3-X</sub>Ni<sub>0.7</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Ferrite Nanoparticles
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This study includes the preparation of the ferrite nanoparticles CuxCe0.3-XNi0.7Fe2O4 (where: x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) using the sol-gel (auto combustion) method, and citric acid was used as a fuel for combustion. The results of the tests conducted by X-ray diffraction (XRD), emitting-field scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX), and Vibration Sample Magnetic Device (VSM) showed that the compound has a face-centered cubic structure, and the lattice constant is increased with increasing Cu ion. On the other hand, the compound has apparent porosity and spherical particles, and t

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Compressive Strength of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Containing Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
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Fire is the most sever environmental condition affecting on concrete structures, thus investigating for fire safety in structural concrete is important for building construction. The slow heat transfer and strength loss enables concrete to be effective for fire resistance. Concrete structures withstand when exposed to fire according to: their thermal properties, rate of heating, characteristic properties of concrete mixes and their composition and on the duration of fire, and concerned as thermal property with other factors such as loss of mass which affected by aggregate type, moisture content, and composition of concrete mix. The present research goal is to study the effect of rising temperature on the compressive strength of the rea

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Compressive Strength of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) Containing Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
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Fire is the most sever environmental condition affecting on concrete structures, thus investigating for fire safet, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political development on the royal regime era : A perusal according to the standards of Alexis de Tocqueville
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Abstract: The researcher aims to highlight the historical frames of political development in royal regime era (1921-1949) and study its transitions on social-political aspect for the various periods during this consistent era of Iraq history. As some elements played an important role in shaping this era’s features ,as well as 2hat succeed it, which mainly affected the political progression’s configuration, such as : political culture role, social and cultural foundation, state policy essence and the unofficial institutions remarkable role in influencing public awareness and concerning it's relation to the state ,the clan and religious institutions. The researcher employed Alexis de Tocqueville’s evaluation criteria and indi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2011
Journal Name
Bayt Alhekma
formations of abstract nouns from groups of goagols
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Abstract The study aimed at reviewing translation theories proposed to address problems in translation studies. To the end, translation theories and their applications were reviewed in different studies with a focus on issues such as critical discourse analysis, cultural specific items and collocation translation.

Publication Date
Tue Jul 30 2019
Journal Name
Atilim Ünİversİtesİ
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With the emergence of globalization,‎ international and diplomatic relations have developed among countries and led to the creation of new words, concepts and diplomatic terminology. The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze the types of written, oral and nonverbal diplomatic language and to shed light on the types of diplomatic translation/interpretation. In addition to that, the thesis investigates the role of translator/interpreter when translating diplomatic texts and interpreting diplomatic speeches in international conferences, organizations, etc. It also tackles the difficulties faced during translation/interpretation and how to overcome these problems and find appropriate solutions for them. The main purpose of this thesi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Scientific And Technical Research
Topological Generalizations of Rough Concepts
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The importance of topology as a tool in preference theory is what motivates this study in which we characterize topologies generating by digraphs. In this paper, we generalized the notions of rough set concepts using two topological structures generated by out (resp. in)-degree sets of vertices on general digraph. New types of topological rough sets are initiated and studied using new types of topological sets. Some properties of topological rough approximations are studied by many propositions.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 21 2021
Journal Name
Recent Innovations In Chemical Engineering (formerly Recent Patents On Chemical Engineering)
Soap Production Using Vacuum Reactive Distillation: Batch Model
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Introduction: Although soap industry is known from hundreds of years, the development accompanied with this industry was little. The development implied the mechanical equipment and the additive materials necessary to produce soap with the best specifications of shape, physical and chemical properties. Objectives: This research studies the use of vacuum reactive distillation VRD technique for soap production. Methods: Olein and Palmitin in the ratio of 3 to 1 were mixed in a flask with NaOH solution in stoichiometric amount under different vacuum pressures from -0.35 to -0.5 bar. Total conversion was reached by using the VRD technique. The soap produced by the VRD method was compared with soap prepared by the reaction - only method which

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
D-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Toxic Metal Ions (Arsenic) Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
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In this work, a Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) sensor based on the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology was proposed. A thin layer of gold (Au) was deposited on a D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF), which was coated with plasmonic chemically stable gold material with a thickness of 40nm. The performance parameters like sensitivity including wavelength sensitivity and amplitude sensitivity and resolution were evaluated by simulation using COMSOL software. The proposed sensor was created by using the finite element approach, it is numerically examined. The results show that the surface of D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber coated with Au behaves as a sensor to detect the refractive index (IR) of toxic metal ions. The impacts of the str

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