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Investigation for some Aminoglycosides Modifying Enzymes- Encoding Genes and Co-Resistance to Fluoroquinolones among Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Different Clinical Cases
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In this study, we investigated the prevalence of aminoglycosides modifying enzymes (AMEs)-encoding genes, including aac(3′)-ΙΙ, ant(3′′)-Ι, aph(3′)-VΙ, and aac(6′)-Ιb-cr and their potential effect on the development of resistance to aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. According to the phenotypic and biochemical characteristics of 150 clinical samples, 50 (33%) isolates were identified as K. pneumoniae. These isolates were collected from different clinical sources, including urine (15, 30%), blood (12, 24%), sputum (9, 18%), wounds (9, 18%), and burns (5, 10%). The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) assay revealed that the resistance values of isolates were 25 (50%) to gentamicin (≥16µg/ml), 21 (42%) to amikacin (≥64 µg/ml), 15 (30%) to ciprofloxacin (≥4 µg/ml), and 11 (22%) to levofloxacin (≥8 µg/ml). Genotypic detection revealed that aac(3′)-ΙΙ, aac(6′)-Ιb-cr, aph(3′)-VΙ, and ant(3′′)-Ι were found in 47 (94%), 38 (76%), 18 (36%), and 8 (16%) of K. pneumoniae isolates, respectively. The co-resistance pattern for both aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones was detected in 14 (28%) isolates, of these 10 (71.4%) harbored aac(6′)-Ιb-cr. DNA sequencing for some isolates revealed the presence of point and frameshift mutations in the studied genes. Our study findings suggest that the presence of missense and frameshift mutations may contribute to the elevated resistance to amikacin and gentamicin. The increased prevalence of AMEs-encoding genes among K. pneumoniae isolates could contribute in reducing susceptibility to amikacin and gentamicin. The co-resistance pattern for aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones was highly associated with the presence of the aac(6′)-Ιb-cr gene.      

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The significance of the saying of Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar (has a vision) and the impact of this on the hadith, an applied study through the approximation of Refinement.
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This research revolves around the probing of those whom Ibn Hajar said, "He has a vision", its significance, and the ruling on the connection and transmission to it.  The number of narrators reached fifty-one (51) narrators, among whom it was said, “He has a vision, whether it is definite or possibly. Some of them had a vision and companionship.”They are eleven (11) narrators, And among them were those who had visions and had no company, and their number was twenty-one (21) narrators, and among them were those who had no vision and nor company, and their number is nineteen (19) narrators.
As a result , whoever said about him “has a vision” and has companions, his hadith is connected, even i

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
The role of angiotensin converting enzyme (insertion)/(deletion) and angiotensin II type 1 receptor (A1166C) gene polymorphisms in antiproteinuric effect of ACE inhibitors in type 2 diabetic Iraqi patients
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The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) I\D gene polymorphism influences the blood ACE enzyme activity. Renoprotective effect of ACE inhibitors (ACEIs) varies among patients due to genetic variation, particularly in Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System genes. This study investigates the genetic variations of ACE I\D and AGT1RA1166C gene polymorphisms in the antiproteinuric effect of ACEI therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. This is a cross-sectional study that included 76 T2DM patients who are ACEI users, divided into two groups: T2DM without diabetic kidney disease (DKD) included 31 patients, and T2DM with DKD included 45 patients. Urine samples were taken for measurement of urine albumin and creatinine, then calcul

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Strategy and the Traditional Teaching Approach on Nursing Students' Knowledge toward Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation at the College of Nursing in University of Baghdad: Randomized Comparative Trial
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Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a technique or procedure that combined chest compression and rescue breathing to maintain enough circulation that prevents brain damage until other essential steps are taken to control the main cause of cardiac and respiratory arrest. The health care personnel should be qualified in the performing of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to improve the survival rate of the victims. Therefore; it is necessary to use new methods for learning [1]. Objectives: the study aims to compare the effectiveness of self-instructional teaching strategy and traditional teaching approach on student’s knowledge toward cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Methods: A randomized comparative trial (RCT) design was ca

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The universal banking reality of the Industrial Bank through the causal relationship between the deposits of the Industrial Bank and the total loans granted - during the period (2004-2015)
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Deposits with the Industrial Bank, together with loans received from others, are non-financial financial resources, which are sources of supply to the Industrial Bank of funds that allow the Bank to expand the granting of loans. The increases in this resource indicates that the bank is practicing comprehensive banking, which is consistent with the nature of the transformation of the banking system towards multiple businesses. Therefore, the research comes to highlight the causality of the trend between total deposits and total loans. And if the causality is found, is it one-way or two-way? How long is the impact?

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Das literarische Bild und die sprachliche Struktur der Sprichwörter bei der gegenseitigen Übersetzung im Deutschen und Arabischen The literary image in the translation of the German and Arabic proverbs
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                              Die Übersetzung gilt in der Vergangenheit als Brücke zwischen  verschiedenen Gesellschaften. Sie spielt eine große Rolle im Bereich Kulturaustausch der Länder. Die Araber haben das früh betrachtet, und die Übersetzung als Wissenschaft wird eine der wichtigsten Lehren. Viele griechische Wissenschaften waren durch Übersetzung in den arabischen Ländern bekannt.

In dieser Forschung findet man einen Überblick über die Wichtigkeit der Sprichwörterübersetzung und welche Rolle spielt diese Übersetzung im Z

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "Astonishment" by the novelist Aharon Applefield, Morphological study.: מבנה שמות עצם והפעלים ברומן תימהון לסופר אהרון אפלפלד עיון מורפולוגי
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This research sheds light on the morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "ASTONISHMENT" by the novelist Aharon Applefield by analysing selected models from the novel in a morphological analysis in order to identify the most important morphological features of this structure according to a statistical analytical approach.

 The morphological structure is the main pillar of the linguistic structure of the literary text. Morphology is the science that studies the word, by which its structure and original letters are known, and the change that has occurred to it.  The aesthetics of the fictional text is reflected in this structure, through which the writer conveys his ideas and narrations to the reader.  The research

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Clouds Height Classification Using Texture Analysis of Meteosat Images
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In the present work, pattern recognition is carried out by the contrast and relative variance of clouds. The K-mean clustering process is then applied to classify the cloud type; also, texture analysis being adopted to extract the textural features and using them in cloud classification process. The test image used in the classification process is the Meteosat-7 image for the D3 region.The K-mean method is adopted as an unsupervised classification. This method depends on the initial chosen seeds of cluster. Since, the initial seeds are chosen randomly, the user supply a set of means, or cluster centers in the n-dimensional space.The K-mean cluster has been applied on two bands (IR2 band) and (water vapour band).The textural analysis is used

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Techhub Journal
The effect of increasing the intensity of specialized endurance training on runners' ability in the advanced 1500-meter run in terms of vital capacity indicators (V.C.) and heart rate (S.V.)
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The 1500m race event is part of the athletics system, and the continuous competition to break records and achieve the highest levels of achievement in athletics events, especially the 1500m race event, is one of the topics that occupies the minds of many people interested in achieving digital development for this event, given the distance of the race and the time it takes to complete it. Because it is unique from other events, it has characteristics that distinguish it from other events, despite it being a middle-distance event, which shares with them that its speed is measured by the step, which consists of the length of the step and its frequency. Increasing any of these two factors while keeping one of them constant or increasing

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
האלמנטים המשותפים בשיריהם של משה בן עזרא ואבו פיראס אלחמדני (מחקר השוואתי) Elements common in the poems of Musa son of Izra and Abu Firas al-Hamdani (A comparative study)
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     Musa son of Yaqoob son of Izra, the Spanish poet, linguist, and  philosopher, was born in Granada. He has many poems representing  types of poetry. Also, he had important books, such as "the Poetry of Israel" and "Contemplative Research". He is knowledgeable in both Hebrew and Arabic, because most of his books were written in Arabic and the then translated to Hebrew. It seemed that he was influenced by Arab poets, specifically Abo Firas, and borrowed many issues, such as comparison, repetition, exaggeration, etc. and included them in his poetry.

     All know that Arabic literature clearly influenced Hebrew literature in the Spanish era. Ara

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparative Study of The Amount of Apically Extrusion Of Debris During Root Canal Preparation Using Wave Oneâ„¢, Trushape 3Dâ„¢, Hyflexâ„¢ CM and One Shapeâ„¢ Instrumentation Systems (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: Many types of instruments and techniques are used in the instrumentation of the root canal system. These instruments and techniques may extrude debris beyond the apical foramen and may cause post-instrumentation complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris resulted by using 4 types of nickel-titanium instruments (WaveOne, TRUShape 3D conforming files, Hyflex CM, and One Shape files) during endodontic instrumentation. Materials and methods: Forty freshly extracted human mandibular second premolar with straight canals and a single apex were collected for this study. All teeth were cut to similar lengths. Pre-weighted glass vials were used as collecting containers. Samples were randoml

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