Human Herpes Virus-8 (HHV-8) is a sexually transmitted viral infection that can infect the prostate epithelium in immunocompromised adults. Recently, HHV-8 was related to the development and progression of several human malignancies like prostatic adenocarcinoma. This retrospective research was designed to analyze the distribution and possible impact of HHV-8 infection on prostatic adenocarcinogenesis. A total number of one hundred formalin-fixed prostatic tissues were enrolled in this research; forty Prostate Adenocarcinoma (PAC) biopsies, forty biopsies from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), and twenty Apparently Normal Prostatic Tissues (ANPT) as a control group. Detection of HHV -8 DNA was achieved by a highly-sensitive variant of Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization (CISH) technique. In the mean age of PAC patients was 64.08±7.54years. Detection of CISH reactions for HHV 8- DNA was observed in tissues of 70% (28 out of 40) of PAC patients and 30% (12 out of 40) of BPH tissues, whereas no positive reactions were detected in the ANPT group. Detection of CISH reactions for HHV 8- DNA was observed in 55.6% of tissues of PAC patients with well grade histopathological examination, 87.5% of moderate grade, and 69.6% of poorly differentiated grade. It can be concluded that HHV-8 infection might contribute in prostate oncogenesis, together with other essential oncogenic viruses.