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Intelligent Age Estimation From Facial Images Using Machine Learning Techniques

     Lately, a growing interest has been emerging in age estimation from face images because of the wide range of potential implementations in law enforcement, security control, and human computer interactions. Nevertheless, in spite of the advances in age estimation, it is still a challenging issue. This is due to the fact that face aging process is not only set by distinct elements, such as genetic factors, but by extrinsic factors, such as lifestyle, expressions, and environment as well. This paper applied machine learning technique to intelligent age estimation from facial images using J48 classifier on FG_NET dataset. The proposed work consists of three phases; the first phase is image preprocessing which include five stages: gray scale image, noise removable, face detection, image size normalization and clipping process. The second phase is a data mining process which includes three stages: feature extraction, feature selection and classification using j48 classifier. The third phase includes two stages, estimation and evaluation. FG-NET dataset is used which is divided into three classes; first class represents (3-7), (26-30) ages and this class represents the ages from 3 to 7 years and from 26 to 30 years because this class have four attributes from any one of this images, second class represents (8-25) ages and this class represents the ages from 8 to 25 years because this class have five attributes from any one of this images, last class represents (31-50) ages and have nine attributes from any one of this images. The Experimental results illustrate that the proposed system can give results with high precision and low time complexity. The practical evaluation of the proposed system gives accuracy up to 89.13 % with time taken of 0.023.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analyzing impact of competitive dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning: دراسه استطلاعيه

The aim of this research is to diagnose the impact of competitive dimensions represented by quality, cost, time, flexibility on the efficiency of e-learning, The research adopted the descriptive analytical method by identifying the impact of these dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning, as well as the use of the statistical method for the purpose of eliciting results. The research concluded that there is an impact of the competitive dimensions on the efficiency of e-learning, as it has been proven that the special models for each of the research hypotheses are statistically significant and at a level of significance of 5%, and that each of these dimensions has a positive impact on the dependent variable, and the research recommended

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of using active learning model in the achievement of fourth -grade material in the de partment of physics teaching aids students and the development then critical thinking

Goal  of  research  is  to  investigate  the  impact  of the  use  of  effective  learning  model in the  collection  of  the  fourth  grade  students/Department of  physics in the material  educational methods  and the  development  of  critical thinking  .to teach  this goal  has  been  formulated  hypothesis cefereeten zero  subsidiary  of the second hypothesis  .To  investigate  the  research  hypothesis  were  selected  sample  of  fourth-grade  students of the  department  of physics at the univers

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Strategic Management Accounting Techniques on the Reliability of Financial Statements:: The Impact of Strategic Management Accounting Techniques on the Reliability of Financial Statements:

The objective that the researcher seeks to achieve through this research is to clarify the relationship between strategic management accounting techniques and the reliability of financial statements, and to measure the impact of these techniques as an independent variable with its three dimensions, which are: activities-based cost, target cost, and benchmarking on the reliability of financial statements as a dependent variable. To achieve this objective, the researcher did the following: First: Determine the research problem through the following question: Do strategic management accounting techniques affect the reliability of financial statements in industrial companies listed on the Palestine Exchange? Second: Making the analytical des

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Comparison of some Bayesian estimation methods for type-I generalized extreme value distribution with simulation

The Weibull distribution is considered one of the Type-I Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, and it plays a crucial role in modeling extreme events in various fields, such as hydrology, finance, and environmental sciences. Bayesian methods play a strong, decisive role in estimating the parameters of the GEV distribution due to their ability to incorporate prior knowledge and handle small sample sizes effectively. In this research, we compare several shrinkage Bayesian estimation methods based on the squared error and the linear exponential loss functions. They were adopted and compared by the Monte Carlo simulation method. The performance of these methods is assessed based on their accuracy and computational efficiency in estimati

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 02 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
Modified Opposition Based Learning to Improve Harmony Search Variants Exploration

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 03 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Contributions From Engineering, Science & It
The Influence E-Learning Platforms of Undergraduate Education in Iraq

Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
An optimized deep learning model for optical character recognition applications

The convolutional neural networks (CNN) are among the most utilized neural networks in various applications, including deep learning. In recent years, the continuing extension of CNN into increasingly complicated domains has made its training process more difficult. Thus, researchers adopted optimized hybrid algorithms to address this problem. In this work, a novel chaotic black hole algorithm-based approach was created for the training of CNN to optimize its performance via avoidance of entrapment in the local minima. The logistic chaotic map was used to initialize the population instead of using the uniform distribution. The proposed training algorithm was developed based on a specific benchmark problem for optical character recog

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2019
Journal Name
Acm Journal On Emerging Technologies In Computing Systems
Neuromemrisitive Architecture of HTM with On-Device Learning and Neurogenesis

Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) is a biomimetic sequence memory algorithm that holds promise for invariant representations of spatial and spatio-temporal inputs. This article presents a comprehensive neuromemristive crossbar architecture for the spatial pooler (SP) and the sparse distributed representation classifier, which are fundamental to the algorithm. There are several unique features in the proposed architecture that tightly link with the HTM algorithm. A memristor that is suitable for emulating the HTM synapses is identified and a new Z-window function is proposed. The architecture exploits the concept of synthetic synapses to enable potential synapses in the HTM. The crossbar for the SP avoids dark spots caused by unutil

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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Computers, Materials & Continua
Hybrid Deep Learning Enabled Load Prediction for Energy Storage Systems

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2013
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2013 Fourth International Conference On E-learning "best Practices In Management, Design And Development Of E-courses: Standards Of Excellence And Creativity"
Students' Perspectives in Adopting Mobile Learning at University of Bahrain

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