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Automatic Vehicles Detection, Classification and Counting Techniques / Survey
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Vehicle detection (VD) plays a very essential role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that have been intensively studied within the past years. The need for intelligent facilities expanded because the total number of vehicles is increasing rapidly in urban zones. Traffic monitoring is an important element in the intelligent transportation system, which involves the detection, classification, tracking, and counting of vehicles. One of the key advantages of traffic video detection is that it provides traffic supervisors with the means to decrease congestion and improve highway planning. Vehicle detection in videos combines image processing in real-time with computerized pattern recognition in flexible stages. The real-time processing is very critical to keep the appropriate functionality of automated or continuously working systems. VD in road traffics has numerous applications in the transportation engineering field. In this review, different automated VD systems have been surveyed,  with a focus on systems where the rectilinear stationary camera is positioned above intersections in the road rather than being mounted on the vehicle. Generally, three steps are utilized to acquire traffic condition information, including background subtraction (BS), vehicle detection and vehicle counting. First, we illustrate the concept of vehicle detection and discuss background subtraction for acquiring only moving objects. Then a variety of algorithms and techniques developed to detect vehicles are discussed beside illustrating their advantages and limitations. Finally, some limitations shared between the systems are demonstrated, such as the definition of ROI, focusing on only one aspect of detection, and the variation of accuracy with quality of videos. At the point when one can detect and classify vehicles, then it is probable to more improve the flow of the traffic and even give enormous information that can be valuable for many applications in the future.

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Load Distribution Factors For Horizontally Curved Composite Concrete-Steel Girder Bridges
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This paper focuses on Load distribution factors for horizontally curved composite concrete-steel girder bridges. The finite-element analysis software“SAP2000” is used to examine the key parameters that can influence the distribution factors for horizontally curved composite steel
girders. A parametric study is conducted to study the load distribution characteristics of such bridge system due to dead loading and AASHTO truck loading using finite elements method. The key parameters considered in this study are: span-to-radius of curvature ratio, span length, number of girders, girders spacing, number of lanes, and truck loading conditions. The results have shown that the curvature is the most critical factor which plays an important

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Selection of the initial value of the time series generating the first-order self-regression model in simulation modeAnd their impact on the accuracy of the model
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In this paper, compared eight methods for generating the initial value and the impact of these methods to estimate the parameter of a autoregressive model, as was the use of three of the most popular methods to estimate the model and the most commonly used by researchers MLL method, Barg method  and the least squares method and that using the method of simulation model  first order autoregressive through the design of a number of simulation experiments and the different sizes of the samples.


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Publication Date
Thu Dec 24 2020
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The Use of Ergative Verbs to Background the Role of the Agent in two Selected Short Stories: A Syntactico-Semantic Study
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The study explores the use of ergative verbs in constructing clauses and their impact on the backgrounding of the agent's role in two selected short stories. Contrary to hypothesis No. 1, the research indicates that changes in sentence patterns don't affect the meaning of the process. Additionally, hypothesis No. 2 is refuted as the middle structure is found to highlight the agent's role in the science fiction short story, Terra Infirmum, rather than concealing it as hypothesized for "The Invisible Man." The analysis uncovers that writers utilize ergative processes to narrate stories in various ways, including transitive/active voice, intransitive/active voice, and transitive/passive voice. Furthermore, the findings suggest that writers emp

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Non-Parametric Quality Control Methods
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    Multivariate Non-Parametric control charts were used to monitoring the data that generated by using the simulation, whether they are within control limits or not. Since that non-parametric methods do not require any assumptions about the distribution of the data.  This research aims to apply the multivariate non-parametric quality control methods, which are Multivariate Wilcoxon Signed-Rank ( ) , kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and k-nearest neighbor (

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Integrability of Christou’s Sixth Order Solitary Wave Equations
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We examine the integrability in terms of Painlevè analysis for several models of higher order nonlinear solitary wave equations which were recently derived by Christou. Our results point out that these equations do not possess Painlevè property and fail the Painlevè test for some special values of the coefficients; and that indicates a non-integrability criteria of the equations by means of the Painlevè integrability.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Building Engineering
The influence of earthquake characteristics on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia with varying heights
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In Australia, most of the existing buildings were designed before the release of the Australian standard for earthquake actions in 2007. Therefore, many existing buildings in Australia lack adequate seismic design, and their seismic performance must be assessed. The recent earthquake that struck Mansfield, Victoria near Melbourne elevated the need to produce fragility curves for existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Australia. Fragility curves are frequently utilized to assess buildings’ seismic performance and it is defined as the demand probability surpassing capacity at a given intensity level. Numerous factors can influence the results of the fragility assessment of RC buildings. Among the most important factors that can affe

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Quantitative Analysis To Assess The Efficiency Of The Transport Network In Sader City
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     This research examines the quantitative analysis to assess the efficiency of the transport network in Sadr City, where the study area suffers from a large traffic movement  for the variability of traffic flow and intensity at peak hours as a result of inside traffic and outside of it, especially in the neighborhoods of population with  economic concentration.                                                           &n

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Impact of High Voltage Direct Current Link on Transmission Line in Kurdistan Power System
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Kurdistan power system is expanded along years ago. The electrical power is transmitted through long transmission lines. The main problem of transmission lines is active and reactive power losses. It is important to solve this issue, unless, the most of electrical energy will lost over transmission system. In this study, High Voltage Direct Current links/bipolar connection were connected in a power system to reduce the power losses. The 132kV, 50 Hz, 36 buses Kurdistan power system is used as a study case. The load flow analysis was implemented by using ETAP.16 program in which Newton-Raphson method for three cases. The results show that the losses are reduced after inserted HVDC links.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The effect of Al-Wand lake on the shallow groundwater aquifer in Khanaqin area, Diyala Governorate, Iraq
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     The relationship between Al-Wand lake and groundwater was studied in Khanaqin cityby identifying water levels for Al-Wand lake and the shallow groundwater aquifer for 2019 and 2020. The hydrochemical analyses of Al-Wand river water, Al-Wand lake water and shallow groundwater, and identifying the grain size analysis and mineralogy of the surface sediments have been done. This relationship was adopted on climate data of the study area by knowing which seasons contained water surplus or water deficit, and  porosity and permeability define of soil that affects groundwater movement, and identify the salinity that effect on water quality.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Reflection of the application TD-ABC approach on profits persistence Applied study in the General State of Hydraulic Industries Factory of Plastic*
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The interest of many companies has become dealing with the tools and methods that reduce the costs as one of the most important factors of successful companies, and became the subject of the attention of many economic units because of the impact on the profits of company, and since the nineties of the last century the researchers and writers gave great attention to this subject, especially in light of the large competition and rapid developments in cost management techniques, as well as the wide and significant change in production methods that have been directed towards achieving customer satisfaction, all this and more driven by economic units in all sectors whether it is service or productivity to find methods that would reduc

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