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Representative Sector Modeling and Waterflooding Performance in Rumaila Oilfield

Rumaila supergiant oilfield, located in Southern Iraq has a huge footprint and is considered as the second largest oilfield in the world. It contains many productive reservoirs, some known but without produced zones, and significant exploration potential. A fault divides the field into two domes to the north and south. Mishrif reservoir is the main producing reservoir in the North Rumaila oilfield. It has been producing for more than 40 years and is under depletion. However, it was subjected to water injection processes in 2015, which assisted in recovery and pressure support. Thus, requirements of managing flooding strategies and water-cut limitations are necessary in the next stages of the field life.

     In this paper, sector modeling was applied to a specific portion of the field, rather than full-field modeling, to accelerate history matching strategy and correlate static to dynamic models’ efficiently, with a minimum level of tolerance. The sector was modeled by surrounding with additional grid blocks and two pseudo wells to achieve a good matching with actual available data.

     PVT data were used for fluid modeling of a well contained in the sector, and two rock functions were inserted to the model to achieve acceptable history matching. Twelve wells were considered in this research, two of them were injectors and the remaining are producers. For future performance, some of these wells were subjected to new completion and workover processes for field development and pressure maintenance. The importance of the development plan is to represent a way for field development without new wells to be drilled. This was conducted by adding perforations to some wells, plugging the high water-cut production zones, changing production and injection rates, and converting the producers to injectors.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Numerical simulation to the effect of applying rationing system on the stability of the Earth canal: Birmana canal in Iraq as a case study
Abstract<p>Extreme conditions will cause the water level of high fill canal segment to change suddenly, which will affect the velocity and pore pressure of the slope. A 9 km irrigation earth canal in the city of Alsyahy, 15 km away from Al-Hilla city, and branching off from the left side of Shatt Al-Hilla at 57 km, was studied. The aim of this work is to study and analyze the effect of rationing system on the Birmana earthen canal during rapid drawdown case. Finite element modeling with Geo-Studio software was used in the present study to analyze the combined seepage and slope stability for three cycles. The resulting minimum safety factor obtained from the analysis using the saturated and</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

The monogenean Gyrodactylus taimeni Ergens, 1971 was recorded in this study for the first time in Iraq from gills of the common carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758. The description and measurements of this parasite as well as illustration were given. In addition, a list of species of Gyrodactylus so far recorded from C. carpio in Iraq is also included together with a list of all other hosts recorded for each gyrodactylid species.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Big Data Approch to Enhance Organizational Ambidexterity An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Managers at ASIA Cell For Mobile Telecommunication Company in Iraq

               The research aimed at measuring the compatibility of Big date with the organizational Ambidexterity dimensions of the Asia cell  Mobile telecommunications company in Iraq in order to determine the possibility of adoption of Big data Triple as a approach to achieve organizational Ambidexterity.

The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach to collect and analyze the data collected by the questionnaire tool developed on the Likert scale After  a comprehensive review of the literature related to the two basic study dimensions, the data has been subjected to many statistical treatments in accordance with res

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Radioactivity of Some Soils in the University of Tikrit, Iraq, college of Education for Girls using Solid-State Nuclear Track Detector type CR-39

     In this research radon concentrations in soil samples of some sites of the College of Education for Women, University of Tikrit, were measured using CR-39 nuclear impact detector. Soil samples were  prepared according to classical protocols whereby they were irradiated for a period of 65 days in propagation chambers chemically treated and subjected to optical microscopy to calculate nuclear effects. The results show differences in the concentrations of radon gas in the samples collected from different sites  ranging between a lowest value in the location of the department of English and a highest value of  in the location of the cafeteria of College compared to the radiation background of due to th

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Technology And Engineering Exploration
Investigation of phase change characteristics for refrigerant R-134a flow in a double pipe heat exchanger with the use of thermal non-equilibrium model

Almost all thermal systems utilize some type of heat exchanger. In a lot of cases, evaporators are important for systems like organic Rankine cycle systems. Evaporators give a share in a large portion of the capital cost, and their cost is significantly attached to their size or transfer area. Open-cell metal foams with high porosity are taken into consideration to enhance thermal performance without increase the size of heat exchangers. Numerous researchers have tried to find a representation of the temperature distribution closer to reality due to the different properties between the liquid and solid phases. Evaporation heat transfer in an annular pipe of double pipe heat exchanger (DPHEX) filled with cooper foam is investigated numerical

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Aging effect of different types of composite resin restoration on shear bond strength to different orthodontic adhesives with sapphire bracket (In vitro comparative study)

Background: This study was performed to determine the effect of aging of different types of composite material restorations on: Shear bond strength (SBS) to light cure and no mix chemical cure orthodontic adhesives with sapphire bracket and the debonding failure sites. Materials and methods: One hundred forty four composite disks were made from three different composite resin materials which are: 3M Filtek Z250, 3M filtek Z350 and 3M Valux plus, each group with (48) disks each, then according to the duration of storage each group was subdivided into two equal groups one of them stored for one day and the other was stored for one month, then each group was further subdivided into two equal subgroups with (12) disks each one bonded with ligh

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Using Rational Judgment Strategy in Teaching Science on the Developing of Scientific Thinking at the Male Students of Intermediate Second Grade

The study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using rational judgment strategy in teaching science to develop scientific thinking for second-grade students. The researcher utilized the quasi-experimental approach based on (the pre/post designing) of two groups: experimental and control. As for tools: a test of scientific thinking prepared by the researcher that proved its verification of their validity and reliability. The test applied on a random sample of (66) students, divided into two groups: (34) experimental, and (32) control. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-application of the scientific thinking test, In each skill separately, and in the total skills. The study recommende

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of The Kind of Feeding on The Average of Body Growth for The Infant of The Age (3-6) Months in Baghdad.City

This paper was conducted to identifying the body growth averages for the infants of the age (3-6) months and their relation with brest (natural ) or artificial feeding The results showed that the higher percentage was for the infants with the natural feeding in comparison with those of the artificial or mixed feeding. Also there was a clear increase in the average of the body growth for those with the natural feeding and such results were closer to the standard criterion. While the averages of body growth for those with the artificial or mixed feeding were low. In addition, it was clear that the averages of body growth of the i

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

For the first time in Iraq, two species of monogenetic tretamtodes of the genus Dactylogyrus were recorded from gills of Alburnus caeruleus from Tigris river at Al-Zaafaraniya, south of Baghdad during June 1995. The first species, Dactylogyrus sphyrna is characterized by having the seventh pair of marginal hooklets almost twice as large as other marginal hooklets, powerful inner and outer processes of median hooks especially the inner one which is expanded terminally, one connecting bar and long spirally twisted copulatory organ. The second species, Daclytogyrus phoxini differs from the first one by having marginal hooklets of the same size, inner and outer processes of median hooks are not powerful, two connecting bars

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Literary Style of Ali Baba Chahi’s collected poems In Caves full of Daffodils: سبک ادبی مجموعه شعری «درغارهای پر از نرگس» علی باباچاهی

Post Modern Persian poetry that is rich with visions and creations has slowly but firmly regained its statues in modern Persian literature and poetry. Ali Baba Chahi is considered one of Iran’s most prominent postmodern and post-Nimaie writer and poet.

     The present paper discusses the general style characteristics as well as the distinctive stylistic creations of Ali Baba Chahi as presented in his collected poems In Caves full of Daffodils.

      In conclusion, the study crystallizes some of the stylistic characteristics of Ali Baba Chahi as a leading figure in postmodern poetry. The study, also, provides a comprehensive critical analysis of the collection of

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