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Dynamic Fault Tolerance Aware Scheduling for Healthcare System on Fog Computing
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 Internet of Things (IoT) contributes to improve the quality of life as it supports many applications, especially healthcare systems. Data generated from IoT devices is sent to the Cloud Computing (CC) for processing and storage, despite the latency caused by the distance. Because of the revolution in IoT devices, data sent to CC has been increasing. As a result, another problem added to the latency was increasing congestion on the cloud network. Fog Computing (FC) was used to solve these problems because of its proximity to IoT devices, while filtering data is sent to the CC. FC is a middle layer located between IoT devices and the CC layer. Due to the massive data generated by IoT devices on FC, Dynamic Weighted Round Robin (DWRR) algorithm was used, which represents a load balancing (LB) algorithm that is applied to schedule and distributes data among fog servers by reading CPU and memory values of these servers in order to improve system performance. The results proved that DWRR algorithm provides high throughput which reaches 3290 req/sec at 919 users. A lot of research is concerned with distribution of workload by using LB techniques without paying much attention to Fault Tolerance (FT), which implies that the system continues to operate even when fault occurs. Therefore, we proposed a replication FT technique called primary-backup replication based on dynamic checkpoint interval on FC. Checkpoint was used to replicate new data from a primary server to a backup server dynamically by monitoring CPU values of primary fog server, so that checkpoint occurs only when the CPU value is larger than 0.2 to reduce overhead. The results showed that the execution time of data filtering process on the FC with a dynamic checkpoint is less than the time spent in the case of the static checkpoint that is independent on the CPU status.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
Analytical Methods for the Identification of Pigments in Tattoo Inks and Some of Their Physiological Side Effects: A Review
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In this review, numerous analytical methods to distinguish pigments in tattoo, paint, and ink items are discussed. The selection of a method was dependent upon the purpose, e.g., quantification or identification of pigments. The introductory part of this review focuses on describing the importance of setting up a pigment-associated safety profile. The formation of different degradation chemical substances as well as impurity trends can be indicated through the chemical investigation of pigments in tattoo products. It is noteworthy that pigment recognition in tattoo inks can work as a preliminary method to identify the pigments in a patient's tattoo before being removed by laser therapy. Contrary to the stud

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analyzing the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade according to the skills of knowledge economy
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The current research aims to identify the extent to which cognitive economics skills are included in the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade, and the research sample was represented in the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade. A list of knowledge economy skills was prepared (6) main skills (basic skills, communication skills, thinking skills, work skills Group, information-gathering skill, behavioral skills (and (20) sub-skills) (reading, writing, operations, computer skills and employability, oral expression and written communication, dialogue, persuasion, influence and arousal, analysis, problem-solving, decision-making, suggestions and hypotheses and employing them. Controlling, directing

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Connection Between Partical Size and Lattice Distortions Through X - Ray Diffraction Line Profile Analysis for CaO Powder
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The integral  breadth  method  has been utilized to analyse line

proIiles broadening and lattice strain of CaO at different temperatures

The effect of tcmperattre on crystallite size and strain has also been investigated  . The crystall i tes are found to be highly anisotropic even at high temperatures

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Jordanian Journal Of Computers And Information Technology
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Beyond the immediate content of speech, the voice can provide rich information about a speaker's demographics, including age and gender. Estimating a speaker's age and gender offers a wide range of applications, spanning from voice forensic analysis to personalized advertising, healthcare monitoring, and human-computer interaction. However, pinpointing precise age remains intricate due to age ambiguity. Specifically, utterances from individuals at adjacent ages are frequently indistinguishable. Addressing this, we propose a novel, end-to-end approach that deploys Mozilla's Common Voice dataset to transform raw audio into high-quality feature representations using Wav2Vec2.0 embeddings. These are then channeled into our self-attentio

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Deep Learning Techniques in the Cancer-Related Medical Domain: A Transfer Deep Learning Ensemble Model for Lung Cancer Prediction
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Problem: Cancer is regarded as one of the world's deadliest diseases. Machine learning and its new branch (deep learning) algorithms can facilitate the way of dealing with cancer, especially in the field of cancer prevention and detection. Traditional ways of analyzing cancer data have their limits, and cancer data is growing quickly. This makes it possible for deep learning to move forward with its powerful abilities to analyze and process cancer data. Aims: In the current study, a deep-learning medical support system for the prediction of lung cancer is presented. Methods: The study uses three different deep learning models (EfficientNetB3, ResNet50 and ResNet101) with the transfer learning concept. The three models are trained using a

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Equilibrium and kinetic study for the reaction of Trans-K[Cr(ox}z(H20)2).3Hz0 with 4-aminoantipyrine
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A   new   complex  of   Cr(UI)   has   been   prepared.  The   kinetics  and eqailibrium study of  the substitution reaction   for  the complex Trans­ KfCr(ox)z(H 0)2].3l--h0 {T I }, with 4-aminoantipyrine {AAP}, bave been per£Qrm d      in  aqueous  media   at  .(pH. = 4.9,   5.6 and 6.0)   (!!?0.4M NaN03).   Activation  pararrieters   for  the  reac(ions are  {Eat= l.89l  kCal

mor 1 ,        l:t=89.29  kCal  mo1"1  &nbsp

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Suggested Model for Using a Students Attendance Management Information Systems/ A Case Study In Lebanese French University/ Erbil
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This study aims to design unified  electronic information system to manage students attendance in Lebanese French university/Erbil, as a system that simplifies the process of entering and counting the students absence, and generate absence reports to expel students who passed  the acceptable limit of being absent, and by that we can replace the traditional way of  using papers to count absence,  with  a complete electronically system for managing students attendance, in a way that makes the results accurate and unchangeable by the students.

            In order to achieve the study's objectives, we designed an information syst

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations using twin cup dosimeter for indoor Al-Madaan city – Baghdad – Iraq
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In this study, the activity concentrations of indoor radon, thoron
and their progeny have been measured in air for 61 different
locations of Al-Maddan city using twin cup dosimeter. Furthermore,
some useful parameters concerning the health hazards have been
estimated; working level month (WLM), annual effective dose (Eff),
and excess lung cancer per million person per year (ELC).The results
show that the values of radon gas levels in the investigated districts
varied from 56.28 to 194.43Bq/m3with an overall average value
132.96Bq/m3, while 0.313 to 1.085 for WLM with an overall average
0.740, respectively. The value of Eff and ELC have been found to
vary from 1.420 to 4.918 mSv/y with an overall average valu

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of matter density distributions, elastic charge form factors and size radii for halo 11Be, 19C and 11Li nuclei
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In this work, the calculation of matter density distributions, elastic charge form factors and size radii for halo 11Be, 19C and 11Li nuclei are calculated. Each nuclide under study are divided into two parts; one for core part and the second for halo part. The core part are studied using harmonic-oscillator radial wave functions, while the halo part are studied using the radial wave functions of Woods-Saxon potential. A very good agreement are obtained with experimental data for matter density distributions and available size radii. Besides, the quadrupole moment for 11Li are generated.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measurement of Government Debt Indicators and the most Its important Effects in Iraq for The period of 1990 – 2013
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Indicators of government debt is of extreme importanse in economic activity through knowledge of the economic impact of government debt, if the phenomenon is accepted or prepared to dangerous stage by stage, and there fore it can Through these indicators to measure the degree of indebtedness in relation to the economic activity of the Government on the one hand, the governments  ability to repay  the other hand.

      Due to this it inferred that the degree of indebtedness in Iraq  specificratio has exceed 60% during the period 1990 – 2002 ntejh lack of political and economic stability of the government, which led to the governments  inability to repay the ma

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