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Modeling the Contamination of Soil Adjacent to Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad
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The aim of this paper is to estimate the concentrations of some heavy metals in Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad city for different distances by using the polynomial interpolation method for functions passing from the data, which is proposed by using the MATLAB software. The sample soil in this paper was taken from the surface layer (0-25 cm depth) at the two sides of the road with four distances (1.5, 10, 25 and 60 m) in each  side of the road. Using this method, we can find the concentrations of heavy metals in the soil at any depth and time without using the laboratory, so this method reduces the time, effort and costs of conducting laboratory analyzes.

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Publication Date
Thu May 01 2014
Journal Name
European Journal Of Pharmacology
The effects of different doses of silibinin in combination with methotrexate on testicular tissue of mice
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Methotrexate (MTX) is widely used chemotherapeutic agent with different side effects including germ cells toxicities. Silibinin is one of the structural isomers of silymarin, with different phytotherapeutic applications, and its possible protective effects against MTX induced germ cells damage were investigated in this work. Twenty five male mice were divided into five groups (n=5) allocated as follows: Group 1 received buffer for five days given by single intraperitoneal (IP) injection per day; Group 2 in addition to buffer for five days, animals received at day five single dose of 20mg/kg of MTX IP. Groups (3, 4, and 5) received respectively, (50, 100, or 150mg/kg body weight) of silibinin IP single daily dose for five days then at day fi

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Levels of Sex Hormones and Zinc in Blood of Smokers
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   Smoking has multiple effects on sex hormone , some of which are associated with important clinical implication .The present study was undertaken to  investigate the biochemical changes  of sex hormones associated with long standing cigarette smoking in 40 heavy smokers comparing with non- smoker and to correlate it with BMI for each .The sex hormones levels were determined by RIA  technique . Atomic absorption technique was used to measure the zinc levels.         The serum testosterone and estrogen levels of non – smoker group were 17.775ng\ml and 38.65ng\ml at p< 0.05, respectively .While the serum testosterone and estrogen levels of smoker group were 17.615n

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
First Occurrence of the Crustacean Ergasilus ogawai from Gills of Four Species of Fishes in Iraq
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For the first time in Iraq, the crustacean Ergasilus ogawai Kabata,

1992 was recorded from the gills of Silurus triostegus, Mastacembelus mastacembelus, Mystus pelusius and Acanthopagrus latus out of 12 fish species caught from Garmat Ali river north of Basrah city during the period from September 1999 till August 2000. The percentage incidence of infestations of these four fish species were 98.9%, 100%,

49.6% and 71.4% while the intensity of infestations were 417, 81.8,

3.4 and 2, respectively. No significant differences in infestations of

male and female hosts  with this crustacean were detected.


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Publication Date
Sun Aug 22 2021
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research was conducted in order to monitor and measure the dimensions of media policy in satellite channels directed from the point of view of the communicator, and this research is classified among the descriptive studies, as the researcher used the survey method to answer the questions that were formulated in light of the research problem represented by the main question: What are the dimensions of media policy in Directed satellite channels? .
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the following tools:
The questionnaire, in order to survey the attitudes of communicators about the extent to which the media policy during crises reflects on their professional standards. The research community is represente

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of Magnitudes and Orientation of the Paleostress of Bekhme Structure in Shaqlawa area, Northerneastern Iraq
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This study presents the determination of the paleostress magnitudes and orientation of Bekhme Structure in Shaqlawa area, northeastern Iraq. Paleostress analysis of slip-fault measurements is performed using Right dihedral, Lisle diagram, and Mohr Circles methods. Depending on Mohr Circles, Bott law, and vertical thickness, the magnitudes of the paleostress at the time of the tectonic activity were determined. Firstly, Georient Software was used to estimate the orientation of the paleostresses (σ1, σ2, and σ3). Secondly, using the rupture –friction law, taking into account the depth of the overburden and the vertical stress (σv),the magnitudes of the paleostresses were calculated (σ1=4500 bars, σ2=1900 bars and σ3=700 bars). &nb

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of some robust methods in the presence of problems of multicollinearity and high leverage points
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The multiple linear regression model of the important regression models used in the analysis for different fields of science Such as business, economics, medicine and social sciences high in data has undesirable effects on analysis results . The multicollinearity is a major problem in multiple linear regression. In its simplest state, it leads to the departure of the model parameter that is capable of its scientific properties, Also there is an important problem in regression analysis is the presence of high leverage points in the data have undesirable effects on the results of the analysis , In this research , we present some of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
English Influence of Workplace Incivility on Psychological Well-being of Nurses in the Southern of Iraq
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Objectives: The main objective of this study is to find the influence level of nursing incivility on psychological well-being among nurses in southeastern Iraq.

Methods: In this descriptive correlational study, a convenience sample of 250 nurses working in three government hospitals in Missan province in the south of Iraq were surveyed using the nursing incivility scale (NIS) and Ryff's psychological well-being scale (PWB) from November 2021, to July 2022. A multivariate multiple regression analysis was done to analyze the multivariate effect of workplace incivility on the psychological well-being of nurses.

Results: The study results show a

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use the Style of the Activity Based Cost time Drivine (TDABC) and its Impact on the Untapped Resources: Empirical study in the General Company for Textile Industries - Wasit
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   The research aims to identify the importance of using the style of the cost on the basis of activity -oriented in time TDABC and its role in determining the cost of products more equitably and thus its impact on the policy of allocation of resources through the reverse of the changes that occur on an ongoing basis in the specification of the products and thus the change in the nature and type of operations . The research was conducted at the General Company for Textile Industries Wasit / knitting socks factory was based on research into the hypothesis main of that ( possible to calculate the cost of activities that cause the production through the time it takes to run these activities can then be re- distributed product cost

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analyzing of the Relationship between the Financial Development, Economic growth, and Poverty in Iraq with the Autoregressive Distributed lag Model framework for the period (1980-2010)
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The developed financial system is essential for increasing economic growth and poverty reduction in the world. The financial development helps in poverty reduction indirectly via intermediate channel which is the economic growth. The financial development enhancing economic development through mobilization of savings and channel them to the most efficient uses with higher economic and social returns. In addition, the economic growth reduces the poverty through two channels. The first is direct by increasing the introduction factors held by poor and improve the situations into the sectors and areas where the poor live. The second is indirect through redistribution the realized incomes from the economic growth as well as the realiz

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Environment Effects of Fish Cages Farming in the Euphrates River at Mysayyib District on Water Quality at the Farms and at the Myssayyib Water Purification Stations-2013
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    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of cages of fish farming of Mussayyib district,The fish farming have been selected at Euphrates river with in Mussayyib districtBabylon province the area of study extend 3 Km at the river and includes 541 cages in water with in 46 fish farming . Water samples were taken from 3 stations three times within one month for each two of them were taken from two water purification stations in mussayyib ,physical and chemical examination of water quality were taken ,The results for samples from the fish farming indicated that PH and salinity of water within acceptable levels, high proporation of dissolved oxygen and vital oxygen required were very high while the turbidity was more t

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