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External Switching Dynamics of Optical Bistability System Simulation
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In this work, the external switching dynamics of a Fabry-Perot etalon are studied via optical bistability system simulation. The simulated set-up of this investigation consists of two laser beams; the first beam is continuous (CW) which is considered as a biasing beam and capable of holding the bistable system for a certain range, which we are interested in, from a point that is very close self-switching to a point where the switching is unachievable. The second beam is modulated by passing the first beam through an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to produce pulses with a minimum rise time and is used as an external source (coherent switching). In this work, we obtained the optical bistable loops by applying absorption coefficient (α) = 20cm-1, e sample etalon thickness (D) = 110μm, forward mirror reflectivity (Rf) = 0.6, and backward mirror reflectivity (Rb) = 0.95. The steady state characteristic of an initial detuning of the cavity (φ0) = 0.8 was studied at the conditions of no external input pulse intensity (M(t) = 0) and switching that takes place at Is(ON)= 0.57mW and Is(OFF) = 0.4mW.

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Substrate Temperature Influence on Optical Properties of C60 Thin Films Within the Visible Range
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Fullerene thin films of about 200 nm thicknesses have been deposited by thermal evaporation method on soda lime glass at substrate temperature 303 and 403K under pressure about 10-5 mbar. This study concentrated on the influence of substrate temperature on the optical properties of C60 thin films within the visible range. Optical characterization has been carried out at room temperature using the absorption spectra, at normal incidence, in range (200-900) nm.

The absorption and extinction coefficients of the samples have been evaluated according to the variation in the UV- Visible spectrum. Increasing substrate temperature causes decreasing in optical band gap energy, for direct allowed tran

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fabrication of a Chemical Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance via Plastic Optical Fiber
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In this work, a chemical optical fiber sensor based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) was designed and implemented using plastic optical fiber. The sensor is used for estimating refractive indices and concentrations of various chemical materials (methanol, distilled water, ethanol, kerosene) as well as for evaluating the performance parameters such as sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, resolution and the figure of merit of the fabricated sensor. It was found that the value of the sensitivity of the optical fiber-based SPR sensor, with 40 nm thick and 10 mm long Au metal film of exposed sensing region, was 3μm/RIU, while the SNR was 0.24, the figure of merit was 20, and the resolution was 0.00066. The sort of optical fiber utilized i

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical, Structural, Morphological Properties of Chromium (III) Oxide Nanostructure Synthesized Using Spray Pyrolysis Technique
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Nanostructure of chromium oxide (Cr2O3-NPs) with rhombohedral structure were successfully prepared by spray pyrolysis technique using Aqueous solution of Chromium (III) chloride CrCl3 as solution. The films were deposited on glass substrates heated to 450°C using X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows the nature of polycrystalline samples. The calculated lattice constant value for the grown Cr2O3 nanostructures is a = b = 4.959 Å & c = 13.594 Å and the average crystallize size (46.3-55.6) nm calculated from diffraction peaks, Spectral analysis revealed FTIR peak characteristic vibrations of Cr-O Extended and Two sharp peaks present at 630 and 578 cm-1 attributed to Cr-O “stretching

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 23 2022
Journal Name
Specialusis Ugdymas
Intrusion Detection System Techniques A Review
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With the high usage of computers and networks in the current time, the amount of security threats is increased. The study of intrusion detection systems (IDS) has received much attention throughout the computer science field. The main objective of this study is to examine the existing literature on various approaches for Intrusion Detection. This paper presents an overview of different intrusion detection systems and a detailed analysis of multiple techniques for these systems, including their advantages and disadvantages. These techniques include artificial neural networks, bio-inspired computing, evolutionary techniques, machine learning, and pattern recognition.

Publication Date
Fri Nov 26 2010
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Security Problems in an RFID System
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Semantic Based Video Retrieval System: Survey
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In this review paper a number of studies and researches are surveyed, in order to assist the upcoming researchers, to know about the techniques available in the field of semantic based video retrieval. The video retrieval system is used for finding the users’ desired video among a huge number of available videos on the Internet or database. This paper gives a general discussion on the overall process of the semantic video retrieval phases. In addition to its present a generic review of techniques that has been proposed to solve the semantic gap as the major scientific problem in semantic based video retrieval. The semantic gap is formed because of the difference between the low level features that are extracted from video content and u

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hybrid Cipher System using Neural Network
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The objective of this work is to design and implement a cryptography system that enables the sender to send message through any channel (even if this channel is insecure) and the receiver to decrypt the received message without allowing any intruder to break the system and extracting the secret information. In this work, we implement an interaction between the feedforward neural network and the stream cipher, so the secret message will be encrypted by unsupervised neural network method in addition to the first encryption process which is performed by the stream cipher method. The security of any cipher system depends on the security of the related keys (that are used by the encryption and the decryption processes) and their corresponding le

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy Research
Pulsatile drug delivery system-review article
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Pulsatile drug delivery systems (PDDS) are developed to deliver drug according to circadian behavior of diseases. They deliver the drug at the right time, action and in the right amount, which provides more benefit than conventional dosages and increased patient compliance. The drug is released rapidly and completely as a pulse after a lag time. These systems are beneficial for drugs with chrono-pharmacological behavior, where nighttime dosing is required and for the drugs having a high first-pass effect and having specific site of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This article covers methods and marketed technologies that have been developed to achieve pulsatile delivery. Diseases wherein PDDS are promising include asthma, peptic u

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy Research
Transdermal drug delivery system: A review
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Transdermal drug delivery has made an important contribution to medical practice but has yet to fully achieve its potential as an alternative to oral delivery and hypodermic injections. Transdermal therapeutic systems have been designed to provide controlled continuous delivery of drugs through the skin to the systemic circulation. A transdermal patch is an adhesive patch that has a coating of drug; the patch is placed on the skin to deliver particular amount of drug into the systemic circulation over a period of time. The transdermal drug delivery systems (TDDS) review articles provide information regarding the transdermal drug delivery systems and its evaluation process as a ready reference for the research scientist who is involved

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Dewatering System Control by MATLAB Software
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The aim was to design a MATLAB program to calculate the phreatic surface of the multi-well system and present the graphical shape of the water table drawdown induced by water extraction. Dupuit’s assumption is the base for representing the dewatering curve. The program will offer the volume of water to be extracted, the total number of wells, and the spacing between them as well as the expected settlement of soil surrounding the dewatering foundation pit. The dewatering well arrangement is required in execution works, and it needs more attention due to the settlement produced from increasing effective stress.

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