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Geology and Structural Description of Shakrok Anticline; Northern Iraq

The studied area is a part of the Arabian plate located within the High Folded Zone of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt in northeastern Iraq (Kurdistan Region). The Study area deals with the Shakrok Anticlines is located between Safin Mountain and Sork Mountain. These structures are formed during the Alpine Orogeny in Cretaceous-Tertiary period. Generally, the folded structures are trending NW-SE direction which is parallel to the main Zagros Orogenic trends.

The exposed stratigraphic succession of the studied area that represented by 4 formations deposited from the Early Cretaceous which are Shiranish, Aqrah, Bekhme and Qamchuqa formations. Shakrok Anticline are asymmetrical, double plunging and verging toward northeast. This establishes that Merawa is a Tertiary continuation part of Cretaceous Shakrok Anticline, but there is a deflection in the direction of the fold axis that affected the Merawa Anticline due to the effect of strike slip fault addition to Lineament. Shakrok Anticline with Cretaceous successions formed due to the effect of Cretaceous and Tertiary folding phases. But Merawa Anticline with Tertiary succession that formed due to the effect of Tertiary folding phases.

The high stress and intensity of the major fault on the southwestern limb rotated and overturned Tertiary successions and changed its dip toward NE.

The differences in fold geometry, fold axis, axial surface, and curvilinear hinge imply that the structure formed as a result of two folding phases & lateral growth of folds that developed by changing the direction of the compressional tectonic processes due to Alpine Orogene of Zagros. The fold axis of Shakrok Anticline rotated 16o in anticlockwise trend from Merawa to Sork anticlines. Because of anticlockwise rotation of the Arabian plate due to its collision with Iranian and Anatolian plates.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the Best production function of the General Company for Iraqi Cement for the period (1996-2010)

     The General Company for Iraqi Cement is regarded as one of the companies that contribute to support the Iraqi economy. It contributes to provide the material of cement which fulfils the consumer and investment need in the markets in competitive prices and not to resort to the importing of the cement from abroad. That would save a great share of the purchase parity of the poor sectors of society. The estimation  of production function will contribute to putting the company.

The application functions of  the standard production of  benefit critical to clarify the actual relationship between production & its components, & allow to clarify the i

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Assessment of Pile Models Chemically Grouted by Low-Pressure Injection Laboratory Device for Improving Loose Sand

The complexity and partially defined nature of jet grouting make it hard to predict the performance of grouted piles. So the trials of cement injection at a location with similar soil properties as the erecting site are necessary to assess the performance of the grouted piles. Nevertheless, instead of executing trial-injected piles at the pilot site, which wastes money, time, and effort, the laboratory cement injection devices are essential alternatives for evaluating soil injection ability. This study assesses the performance of a low-pressure laboratory grouting device by improving loose sandy soil injected using binders formed of Silica Fume (SF) as a chemical admixture (10% of Ordinary Portland Cement OPC mass) to di

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Continuous Classical Boundary Optimal Control Vector Governing by Triple Linear Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type

In this paper, the continuous classical boundary optimal control problem (CCBOCP) for triple linear partial differential equations of parabolic type (TLPDEPAR) with initial and boundary conditions (ICs & BCs) is studied. The Galerkin method (GM) is used to prove the existence and uniqueness theorem of the state vector solution (SVS) for given continuous classical boundary control vector (CCBCV). The proof of the existence theorem of a continuous classical boundary optimal control vector (CCBOCV) associated with the TLPDEPAR is proved. The derivation of the Fréchet derivative (FrD) for the cost function (CoF) is obtained. At the end, the theorem of the necessary conditions for optimality (NCsThOP) of this problem is stated and prov

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Pocessing of Extremism’s Manifestations in the T.V Talk Shows : A Paper Extracted from A Masters Thesis

This study aims to know how and what is the media processing presented by the television talk shows for the religious extremism topics in terms of topics, hosted personalities, and ways to address this global phenomenon.

The study is based on descriptive research, and the researcher used the analytical-survey method, analyzing the episodes of (Awkar Al Dhalam) T.V Show which was presented on Al-Iraqiya News Channel, and (Islam Hur) T.V Show which was presented on Al-Hurra in 2019 with 25 episodes from each Show, The sample and research community was chosen with the intent to cover the research problem and its

The study reached several conclusions, including:

  • The various dialogs in the episo

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Autophagy or Apoptosis: Anticancer Molecular Mechanism of Epigallocatechin Gallate with Natural Polyphenol Effect on HepG2 Cells Viability

Background: The anticancer impact of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) the highly active polyphenol of green tea was abundantly studied.  Though, the exact mechanism of its cytotoxicity is still under investigation. Objectives: Hence, the current study designed to investigate the molecular target of EGCG in HepG2 cells on thirteen autophagy- and/or apoptosis- related genes. Methods: The apoptosis detection analyses such as flow cytometry and dual apoptosis assay were used. The genes expression profile was explored by the real-time quantitative-PCR. Results: EGCG increases G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and the real-time apoptosis markers proteins leading to stimulate apoptos

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
8th International Conference On Agricultural, Environment, Biology And Medical Sciences
Histological Structure of the Kidney in the Iraqi Weasel, Small Asian Mangoose, (Herpestes Javanicus ) (E.Geoffroy Saint.Hilaire,1818)

The present study aims to describe the histological structure of kidney of, (Herpestes javanicus ) that inhabits Iraqi lands. Transverse sections of kidney stained with hematoxylin and eosin showed two distinct regions, the outer thin darkly stained cortex and inner thick lightly stained medulla, which further subdivided into external and internal medullary zones linked with one conical renal papilla. The lateral margin of the outer medullary tissue forms a secondary renal pyramid with a specialized fornix. All the nephrons in the kidney start with the renal corpuscle [Malpighian], which is formed from two distinct parts, these are a centrally located glomerulus, which represented by a tuft of blood capillaries and an outer Bowman’s capsu

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multiple Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays Erγ)nEr(n, From 168 168 Reaction  Using a2 – Ratio Method

The -mixing of  - transition in Er 168 populated in Er)n,n(Er 168168  reaction is calculated in the present work by using a2- ratio method. This method has used in previou studies [4, 5, 6, 7] in case that the second transition is pure or for that transition which can be considered as pure only, but in one work we applied this method for two cases, in the first one for pure transition and in the 2nd one for non pure transitions. We take into accunt the experimental a2- coefficient for p revious works and -values for one transition only [1]. The results obtained are, in general, in agood agreement within associated errors, with those reported previously [1], the discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Reliability of Two Different Laser Wavelengths in Inducing Bone Healing Around Dental Implants: Comparative Clinical Trial

Background/purpose: Dental implantology involves different treatments that have been used in conjunction with dental implant surgery to increase implant stability and bone regeneration process. Photobiomodulation( PBM) can be one of these techniques. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bone density around implants. Materials and methods: in this study, 10 individuals had 20 implants inserted in the posterior of their mandibles. each patient received two implants the left side served as the control whereas the right side served as the study group with a diode laser (same patients). measurements were made for each implant. Measurements were obtained using cone-

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment Strategies of Fixed Firefighting system in Residential Multi-Story Building for Improving Fire Safety: A Review

A fixed firefighting system is a key component of fire safeguarding and reducing fire danger. It is installed as a permanent component in a structure to protect the entire or a portion of the building and its contents. The study aims to review the previous studies that deal with the evaluation of fire safety measures and their use in resolving problems associated with fire threats in buildings. For this reason, a number of previous studies in this field were reviewed compared with the NFPA code. The findings revealed that regulatory developments over the last several decades had created an atmosphere conducive to innovation. This has resulted in a growth in the number of fixed firefighting system types now obtainable. Th

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Social service in Addressing Social Problems Aversion for Teenagers (A field Study in Baghdad)

Adolescence important and sensitive stage in social terms, being a stage where learns teenager bear social responsibilities and composition of their ideas about family life, as well as it is the stage where the teenager looking to himself for an important place in the community to become independent socially people, so it highlights the role of Social Work to do better effort and I believe him in order to prepare for the adolescent stage of adolescence and help him overcome the problems so that makes it adapts to the society in which he lives

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