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Molecular Comparison of Free -Living Amoeba Isolated From Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish Waters
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Amoebas live freely in different climates and parts of the world. Several species of Free Living Amoeba (FLA) are capable of causing serious as well as fatal infections in human beings. The aim of this study was to identify and compare genotypes of water-polluting FLA in major rivers and lakes of Iraq and compare them with FLA isolates from Iran and Turkey. For this purpose, the study included 20 water samples from the Tigris River, Euphrates River , Najaf Sea and Dukan lake in Iraq, 20 water samples from  Marivan, Velasht, and Soleimanshah lakes and Caspian sea in Iran, and 20 water samples from Sabanca, Seyfi , Hazar and Yay lakes in Turkey. The samples were studied by culture methods, invert microscope, and molecular methods.

    After inoculation and microscopic examination, cysts and trophozoites were detected in 18 cultured specimens. Overall, out of 60 water samples, 30 cases (30%) were found to be contiminated in the three countries. The highest pollution was in Turkish waters (40%), while the rate in the Iraqi and Iranian water samples was the same (25%). Because of the various species of FLA , it may be difficult to distinguish pathogenic from non-pathogenic species by culture on non-nutrient agar. Therefore, the molecular technology was applied in this study. Only a specific band of Acanthamoeba Rns genes which ranged from 423 to 551 nucleotides was observed. The isolates belonged to the T3 genotype . In addition, it was a new isolate that differs from what exists in other neighboring countries , registered in the GenBank under accession number MN462973 as the Acanthamoeba genotype T3 isolate T3 Iraq . This is  the first study to detect pathogenic FLA in Iraq by PCR and Sequencing techniques. Given the high prevalence of Acanthamoeba potential pathogenic genotypes in various environmental sources and the evidence of T3 genotype in Iraqi specimens , more studies about Acanthamoeba and other pathogenic FLA for various environmental sources in Iraq are required.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2025
Journal Name
Political Issues
(The Libyan crisis in the Turkish and Iranian perspectives)
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The Turkish intervention in the Libyan crisis in the recent period was a trigger for more tension than a solution - as Turkey claims - as Turkey seeks to quickly set a welcome military footing in Libya to prevent the reconciliation government from falling and planning to start exploration for gas and oil in Libya to solve the Turkish energy crisis, that is, the energy exchange for security and trying to exploit the situation to establish a new gathering of proTurkish political Islam, as for the Iranian position on the Libyan crisis, it does not exceed a logistical role and provide Turkey with expertise in circumventing international sanctions and assisting it in transporting fighters and weapons to Libya, Iran has also deliberately added so

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Studies in Iraq that concerned identification of free-living Protozoa (sarcodina) are scarce; so the current study deals with these protozoan communities inhabiting the Tigris River in Baghdad City. Sampling collection stations have been selected at each of AL-Gheraiˈat and AL-Adhamiyah area adjacent to the river. Monthly intervals sampling with three samples were collected from each station from June to September 2020. Total of 23 sarcodina taxa were listed, out of them 5 taxa were new record to the Tigris River in Baghdad: Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Arcellinida, Difflugiidae), Heleopera perapetricola Leidy, 1879 (Arcellinida, Heleoperidae), Rhaphidiophrys pallida F.E. Schulze, 1874 (Centrohelida, Raphidiophridae), Saccamoeba sp

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Turkish and Iranian attitudes toward Political changes in Middle East
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There are many developments in political, strategic aspects in the middle east either in
international field which represented by U.S.A as first polar in world or territorial field which
represent by Turkey and Iran, as territorial powers in the region, Turkish role is fit with
American position in order to draw new map of middle east, Turkey advocate new policy to
confirm its attitude in Euro peen Union and its relation with U.S.A.
Iran adopted policy of Expansion in Iraq, Yamen, Lebanon and Syria, in addition Iran
enlist all it efforts to develop its Nuclear program and enter Nuclear club which make Iran,
Super power in middle east and the world, each Turkey and Iran have certain attitudes toward
all political c

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Publication Date
Sun May 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Molecular detection and identification of Enterococcus faecium isolated from dental root canals
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Enterococci are usually encountered and predominate in oral infections, especially those associated with dental root canal infections of necrotic pulp and periodontitis. This study aimed to detect and identify Enterococcus faecium isolated from infected root canals, using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR). Thirty samples were collected from patients with  necrotic pulp, infected root canals, and endodontic treatment failure, attending the Conservative Treatment Department, College of Dentistry, Mosul University, Dental Teaching Hospital. The samples were obtained by inserting sterile paper points into the root canals and transferred in brain heart infusion broth vials to be  inoculated in a selective M-Enterococcus Agar Base . T

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Molecular Characteristics of Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Isolated from Baghdad Hospitals
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A total of 100 clinical sample from (urine, sputum and swabs of wound , burn and ear) were collected from patients in different hospitals of Baghdad during the period from December 2013 to May 2014. 15 isolates (15%) identified belong to Acinetobacter baumannii, swabs of wounds were represented in high percentage of A.baumannii isolates (40%) while percentage of other samples were variable. Susceptibility of 15 A.baumannii isolates were tested toward 16 different Antimicrobial agents, the results showed all isolates were multi drug resistant. In addition, Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique (PCR) was performed to detection the resistance genes encoding the Oxacillinases enzymes. The PCR analysis showed that the presence of insertion sequ

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Advanced Research And Reviews
Distribution and seasonal spread of zooplankton in Iraqi waters
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A summary of zooplankton research done in Peruvian marine waters is presented. We first provide a brief overview of the evolution of zooplankton studies off Peru before reviewing zooplankton biodiversity, regional distribution, seasonal and interannual fluctuation, trophodynamics, secondary production, and modeling are some of these topics. We evaluate research on various meroplankton, macroplankton, mesoplankton, and microplankton groups and provide a list of species from both published and unpublished sources. Three regional zooplankton groups have been identified: A shelf group on the continental shelf dominated by Acartia tonsa and Centropages brachiatus; A slope group on the continental shelf with siphonophores, bivalves, foramin

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Social Anxiety and Mindfulness In Iraqi Women Living In Iraq And The UK; A Comparison Study
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The continuous pressure of work and daily life and the increasing financial and social stress that Iraqi women are experiencing (both inside and outside Iraq) is one of the main causes of anxiety, particularly in those of working class women. This group of women carry the burden of carrying out multiple roles and responsibilities at the same time. All this collectively make them more prone to developing anxiety compared to men. In addition, the physiological and psychological nature of women, as females, on top of the other roles in life, like being a wife or mother or daughter or sister, all add extra pressure on women especially for those who are considered as productive working individuals in the society. In order to study the relatio

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Molecular screening of the entA gene of Enterococcus faecium isolated from Food and clinical sources
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Background: The microbial production of substances that have the potency to suppress the growth of other microorganisms is probably one of the prevalent defense strategy developed in nature, microorganisms produce a variable bunch of microbial defense systems, which include antibiotics, metabolic by-products, lytic agents, bacteriocins and others. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to isolate and identify Enterococcus faecium isolates then detecting its ability of carrying the gene responsible for enterocin production in this species. Materials and methods: Out of 50 samples from different sources (food and clinical sources) were collected for the Enterococcus faecium isolation, and the isolated bacteria Enterococ

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some Organic Pollutants (furfural and toluene) on Biological Aspects of Free- living Ciliate Oxytricha falax
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Samples of Oxytricha falax were collected from Tigris River by 55µ. mesh net. Culturing of O. falax were cultivated in specific conditions (DO 3-5mg/l.; W.Temp. 24±1ºC; pH: 6.8-7.5).The effect of various furfural concentration 0, 20, 40, 80,100 and 124 ppm and toluene concentration 0, 15, 30, 34.2, 34.5 and 35 ppm after two periods of treatment (24 and 48 hr.) on the physiological parameters of O. falax ciliate were observed. This study showed that the lethal concentration of furfural was 124ppm and 80ppm after 24hr. and 48hr. from treatment which killed all the individual community respectively. Furthermore the treatment of O. falax individuals with different concentrations of toluene indicated that 34.5 ppm of it caused disappearance o

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Parasitological examination of gills of three species of sparid fishes in the territorial waters of Iraq was performed, two diplectanid monogenoids were isolated and described; Lamellodiscus indicus Tripathi, 1959 from both Haffara seabream Rhabdosargus haffara (Forsskål, 1775) and Goldline seabream R. sarba (Forsskål, 1775) and Protolamellodiscus senilobatus Kritsky, Jiménez-Ruiz and Sey, 2000 from King soldierbream Argyrops spinifer (Forsskål, 1775). The record of the parasites is considered new to the parasite fauna of Iraq. The redescription of L. indicus for the first time which is collected from a new distribution area (Arabian Gulf). R. haffara is considered a new host record .

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