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Bacteremia Associated with Pressure Ulcers at Alyarmuk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad

     Fifty patients(24 female and 26 male)with pressure ulcersassociated with different diseasesand attending AL-yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad were selected in this study. The duration of sample collection was from March  to December 2018. All blood samples collected from patients were submitted to a blood culturing technique to examine bacteremia. The results showed that12 blood bacterial isolates were obtained. The isolated bacteria were subjected to Vitek-2, which is an accurate identification technique. The results of the blood culturing technique revealed that 33.3% were Gram negative bacteria, while 66.6% were Gram positive. Diagnosis by Vitek-2 showed that 33.3%  wereStaphylococcus spp. , 33.3% were Enterococcus  spp. , 25.1% wereSerratiamarcescens and 8.3% comprised Acinetobacterbaumannii. The results of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)by Vitek-2showed that Trimethoprime –Sulfamethazole concentration at 320 µg\ml was the MIC for Acinetobacterbaumanni, while piperacilin, Ticarcillin, and Ticarcillin-Clavulanic acidat 128 µg\ml were the MIC for Serratia marcescens . Acinetobacterbaumanniishowed 100% resistance to all antimicrobial agents, while for the Serratiamarescenceresistancevalues were 54.55%, 54.55%, and 45.45% for isolate numbers 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Gram positive bacteria recorded NitrofurantionMIC of 256 µg\ml against Staphylococcus epidermidisand Enterococcus spp., withboth species showinghigh resistance  compared with the others which had a value of87.50%.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The expression is similar at Explain the gold nuggets

The expression is a prominent feature of the Arabic language, but it is one of the characteristics that are inseparable from it. The expressive aspects of each other.
The issue of Arab differences and their impact on the divergence of meaning is one of the issues that have preoccupied the minds of the Arabic language owners and their views went to various doctrines. Introduction: (Whenever I finished a question concluded with a verse related to any download, and followed by the need for expressing, interpretation and interpretation) I found him in some of the Aarabip more than the face of some of the vocabulary raised and erected and a jar, when the verses of the Koran, resulting in a research lies between Grammar and the Koran under

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Characteristic of Discrete Raman Amplifier at Different Pump Configurations

Discrete Raman amplifier have many attractive aspects over rare-earth doped fiber amplifier such as (EDFA) including arbitrary gain band, better adjustability of gain shape, and better linearity. This paper shows that discrete Raman amplifier has higher gain in bidirectional pumping than counter pumping. The gain increases with increasing fiber length, and the noise figure remain at the same value for short fiber length.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Differential Item Functioning at the scal of mental health

At the last years, the interesting of measurement spicilists was increased to study differential item functioning (DIF) wich is reflect the difference of propability true response for test item from subgroups which have equal level of ability . The aims of this research are, inform the DIFat Namers’scale(2009) for mental health to prepare students and detect items that have DIF. Sample research contants (540) students, we use Mantel- Haenzel chi-square to detect DIF. The results are point to there are (26) items have DIF according to gender which are delated form the scale after that.


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
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Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the evaluation of large-scale water treatment plants in Baghdad.
Abstract<p>This paper aims to evaluate large-scale water treatment plants’ performance and demonstrate that it can produce high-level effluent water. Raw water and treated water parameters of a large monitoring databank from 2016 to 2019, from eight water treatment plants located at different parts in Baghdad city, were analyzed using nonparametric and multivariate statistical tools such as principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The plants are Al-Karkh, Sharq-Dijlah, Al-Wathba, Al-Qadisiya Al-Karama, Al-Dora, Al-Rasheed, Al-Wehda. PCA extracted six factors as the most significant water quality parameters that can be used to evaluate the variation in drinkin</p> ... Show More
Publication Date
Mon Jun 26 2023
Journal Name
International Conference On Scientific Research &amp; Innovation (icsri 2022)
Age and gender profile of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) in Quarantine Center in Baghdad, Iraq

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Detection and Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon from Selected Areas in Tigris River in Baghdad City

Aromatic hydrocarbons present in Iraqi national surface water were believed to be raised principally from combustion of various petroleum products, industrial processes and transport output and their precipitation on surface water.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were included in the priority pollutant list due to their toxic and carcinogenic nature. The concern about water contamination and the consequent human exposure have encouraged the development of new methods for
PAHs detection and removal.
PAHs, the real contaminants of petroleum matter, were detected in selected sites along Tigris River within Baghdad City in summer and winter time, using Shimadzu high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Pharmacy Practice
Physician-pharmacist agreement about off-label use of medications in private clinical settings in Baghdad, Iraq

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Salivary Physicochemical Characteristics in Relation to Oral Health Status Among Institutionalized Autistic Adolescents in Baghdad/Iraq

Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, restricted patterns of behavior, and unusual sensory sensitivities. Saliva may provide an easily accessible sample for analysis. Some salivary constituents levels altered in adolescents with ASD including antioxidants . This study aimed to investigate salivary physicochemical characteristic in relation to oral health status among adolescent with ASD. Materials and methods: Two groups were included in this study: forty institutionalized autistic adolescents and forty apparently healthy school adolescents with age range (12-15 years old, only males) selected randomly from Baghdad. Each group subdivided into two groups according

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measurement of Radon Concentration in Drink and Well Water Samples for Selected Regions in Baghdad City

 The concentration of radon gas in the samples for drinking water and wells in the same place from selected homes in which wells were built in the Hay-al-Bayaa region of Baghdad was measured, by using a CR-39 nuclear track detector. It turns out that the maximum value of the concentration of radon in drinking water was 3.83 Bq/L, and the lowest was 2.30 Bq/L. As for the estimation of radon gas concentration in well water samples, the highest value was 5.6 Bq/L, while the lowest one was 3.1 Bq/L. In order to assess the committed effective dose received by the public due to the inhalation of radon gas. The highest value of the annual effective dose in drinking water was recorded in Al-Bayaa region, which is equal to 14.30 μSv/y, while th

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Prosthetic Status in Relation to Weight Status and Occupation among Parkinson's Disease Patients in Baghdad-Iraq

Background: The symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) can lead to problems in movement and coordination that lead to difficulty in maintaining well oral cleaning which can then negatively affect dental status of those Patients. The aim of present study: To evaluate prosthetic status in relation to weight status and occupation by age and gender among Parkinson's disease Patients in Baghdad-Iraq. Methods: The sample consisted of 104 patients with Parkinson disease attended to the Neurosciences Hospital in Baghdad city / Iraq, aged 60-79 years Prosthetic Status was recorded according to WHO(1997). Weight status was recorded according to Trowbridge 1988 and occupation was recorded according to Erikson and Goldthorpe (1992) and Ganzeboom et al (

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