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Fog-based Spider Web Algorithm to Overcome Latency in Cloud Computing

The cloud-users are getting impatient by experiencing the delays in loading the content of the web applications over the internet, which is usually caused by the complex latency while accessing the cloud datacenters distant from the cloud-users. It is becoming a catastrophic situation in availing the services and applications over the cloud-centric network. In cloud, workload is distributed across the multiple layers which also increases the latency. Time-sensitive Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services, usually in a cloud platform, are running over various virtual machines (VM’s) and possess high complexities while interacting. They face difficulties in the consolidations of the various applications containing heterogenetic workloads. Fog computing takes the cloud computing services to the edge-network, where computation, communication and storage are within the proximity to the end-user’s edge devices. Thus, it utilizes the maximum network bandwidth, enriches the mobility, and lowers the latency. It is a futuristic, convenient and more reliable platform to overcome the cloud computing issues. In this manuscript, we propose a Fog-based Spider Web Algorithm (FSWA), a heuristic approach which reduces the delays time (DT) and enhances the response time (RT) during the workflow among the various edge nodes across the fog network. The main purpose is to trace and locate the nearest f-node for computation and to reduce the latency across the various nodes in a network. Reduction of latency will enhance the quality of service (QoS) parameters, smooth resource distribution, and services availability. Latency can be an important factor for resource optimization issues in distributed computing environments. In comparison to the cloud computing, the latency in fog computing is much improved.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The redesign of the accounting system to banks in the local environment in accordance with international Islamic banking applications

At the local level in the early 1990s first established an Islamic bank 1993 is called Iraqi Islamic bank and was established by Dr. abdullatef hmim and with capital of 200 Million Iraqi dinars .

After 2003 began the attention of Iraqis tend to create Islamic banks until now up to 30 banks in the present ,  He confirmed Mr. Governor of the Iraqi Central Bank recently that there is more than 40 iintroduction licence to establish an Islamic bank in Iraq , That banking activity which is compatible with Sharia law widely welcomed by savers and those in need for more development and modernization in order to gain a greater share within the Iraqi market , and allowed the Iraqi Central Bank in recent years

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Antibacterial effect of cardamom and black tea aqueous extract on mutans streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine (in vitro study)

Background: Antimicrobial agents have been considered as having potential for the prevention of dental caries. This study aimed to test the effect of different concentrations of cardamom and black tea extracts on the sensitivity and growth of salivary mutans streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2%) in vitro. Materials and methods: In this study. Mutans streptococci were isolated from saliva of 34 healthy people (aged between 22-40yrs). The bacteria was isolated, purifiedand diagnosed according to morphologicalcharacteristic and biochemical tests. Aqueous extracts of cardamom and black tea were prepared. Different concentrations of extracts were prepared and estimated in gm/ 100ml deionized water. The agar diffusion techn

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral health in relation to nutritional status among 10 years old primary school children in Al-Hillah city/ Iraq

Background: Oral health and nutrition are in interdependent relationship that good nutritional health enhancing good oral health. Nutrition can affect the development and integrity of oral cavity and the progression of oral disease. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of the gingival health condition in relation to the nutritional status, among 10 years old primary school children in urban and rural area in Al-Hillah city. Material and method: Eight hundred ninety one (891) students, aged10 years old, selected randomly from different primary schools, in urban and rural area in Al-Hillah city, were included in this study. Oral examination including of plaque index assessment, which was done according to the criteria

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Archives Of Razi Institute
Assessment of Interleukin-13(rs20541) Genomic Polymorphism in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Relation to COVID19 Infection

Elevated Interleukin-13 (IL-13) may play an important role in the pathophysiology of COVID-19, yet, the attenuated response did not notice across all severe cases. Susceptibility to asthma in specific populations is associated with several SNPs of multifunctional cytokines, such as IL-13, IL-31 and IL-33. This prospective case-control study is designed to investigate the extent of genetic susceptibility in subsets of Iraqi patients with COVID-19 by targeting the variants of interleukin IL-13rs20541 polymorphism in relation to disease susceptibility and severity of clinical presentation. One hundred samples were obtained from the throat, nasopharyngeal and nasal swabs enrolled in this study. Eighty samples of the throat, nasopharyngeal and

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of Sport Sciences
Comparison study in some kinematics variables in (100) meter butterfly swimming to first and second ranking in world swimming championship Espana 2003

The aim of study was making comparison in some kinematics variables in (100) meter butterfly swimming to first and second ranking in championship 2003 Espana, so noticed there is no such like this study in our country in comparison study for international champions therefore not specific and scientific discovering to these advanced levels, also the researchers depend on group of kinematics variables when the comparison making and it was included (50 meter the first, 50 meter the second, the differences between the first (50) meter and the second , more over basic variables in (100) meter butterfly , after having the results and treat it statistically the researchers reaches to two conclusions which was: • Success the first rank in startin

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Sports Science
The use of training methods in accordance with special exercises to develop flexibility and perform the skills of shooting from above the chest (abduction) to wrestlers ages (14-15)"

Evolution has become a feature of this era because of the speed that makes it open multiple horizons and many to identify everything that is new in different areas and also characterized by the competitive position of emotional attitudes changing depending on the positions of winning and defeat, and the use of training methods are the most important pillars of the game of wrestling, The methods contribute to raising the level of the wrestler and refining his physical and skill potential. The problem of the research is that the shooting exercises from above the chest are very important in Roman wrestling and can be terminated by the player. Through very personal interviews for coaches and concluded that there is a weakness in the level of fl

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Steganographic scheme to avoid statistical Steganalysis

significant bits either in the spatial domain or frequency domain sequentially or pseudo
randomly through the cover media (Based on this fact) statistical Steganalysis use different
techniques to detect the hidden message, A proposed method is suggested of a stenographic
scheme a hidden message is embedded through the second least significant bits in the
frequency domain of the cover media to avoid detection of the hidden message through the
known statistical Steganalysis techniques.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
From Passive Learning to Critical Thinking

Many Iraqi students are reluctant to actively participate in the English
language classroom. This reluctance is attributed to a number of factors, above which
is students' lack of thinking skills necessary to express their points of view. This
eventually results in passive learning, a real problem in English language learning in
A need for educational reforms and innovations seems essential. These involve
developing relevant teaching materials, adopting learner-centered approach,
promoting learner autonomy, and enhancing critical thinking.
This study is hoped to assist teachers of English to initiate change and foster
the expansion of thinking, and adopt various new strategies to increase classroom

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
To Develop of Arabian high Education

The research focuses,in the first place, on six fields.The most important one is
curriculum field which includes the revision of the current academic curriculums and
substitute them with recent ones, beside the rehabilitation of academic labs and factories by
providing them with modern scientific technologies employed in the world. Regarding the
economical field, it seeks to provide high-level training staffs to serve different social and
economical sectors through modern effective technological and scientific
curriculums.Whereas the social field assures the concern of different social classes who
deprived from the grace of higher education such as retirees and elderly people and to set-up
some educational and ent

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the response to service marketing failure

Because of the tremendous changes in the business environment and significant growth in living standards, increased demand for services in general and about the realized practitioners in the field of service that traditional marketing strategies and models administrative based solutions to mono as the price alone does not lead to the desired outcomes with customers and even organizations as it does not apply always for the manufacture of their services unique . therefore , the need to learn marketing service order and a clear and critical to avoid failures in service and the marketing document to knowledge would avoid the organization that the failure in the delivery of service and enhances the desired response to fix it in a tim

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