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Neotectonic Activity of Segmented Alluvial Fans Along Hemr in South Anticline, East Iraq
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A quantitative analysis of geomorphic indices was carried out to understand the impacts of tectonics on the geomorphological relief of drainage basins and alluvial fans. Based on field work, satellite images and aerial photographs interpretation, five stages of alluvial fanswere recognized within the study area. Theyare of a coalesced type, forming continuous belt of Bajada, andcovering vast areas whichextend along the southwestern limb of Hemrinanticline. The alluvial fans’ sediments lie unconformably over pre- Quaternary sediments represented by angular unconformity.The earlier stages of the fanswere developed during the Plio- Pleistocene age, whereas the later stage represents the sediments of the Holocene age. Fourdistinct segmented alluvial fans were considered under this study, located within Torsaq and Shosharin basins. They aredeveloped in the first, second and third stagesof alluvial fans. Some morphotectonic parameters were calculated in order to understand the tectonic dynamics of these fans, includingmountain front sinuosity (Smf), ratio of valley floor’s width to height (Vf), fan tilting(β), and drainage basin asymmetry (FA). The results showedless active mountain frontand low uplift,according to the acquired high values of Vf.The fansare tilted towards the west direction, indicating uplift of their eastern parts,whilethe main streams are shifted downstream to the right.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Expression of ebv latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) in Iraqi women with cervical carcinoma
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The design of this paper is to find the possible correlation of Epstein Barr virus infection ina group of Iraqi women with cervical carcinoma though detection of Latent Membrane Protein 1 (LMP1) in these cervical tissues. Paraffinized blocks of two groups were included. The first sample of 30 cervical carcinomatous tissues and 15 biopsies from an apparently normal cervical tissues. All the samples were sectioned on a positive charged slides with 4 mm – thickness then submitted for immunohistochemical (IHC) staining to detect viral LMP1 expression. Sixty three percentage (19 out of 30) of the studies group showed positive overexpression as shown in with a significant association of the expression with cervical cancer with a significant ass

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
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Baqubah city has grown extremely rapidly. The rate of growth exceeds the growth of services that must grow side by side with the growth of population. There are natural features that affect the growth of Baqubah city such as Dieyala river, Alssariya river, in addition to agricultural areas .All these natural features affect the growth of Baqubah city in the running form being seen . In this research the remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques are used for monitoring urban expansion and forecasting the probable axes to the growth of the city, and found that the probability of Baqubah growth to east is preferred due to Baqubah growth to the east would never interfere with natural features. Also in this res

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Morphological Description and Histological Structure of Adrenal Gland in Black Iraqi Partridge Francolinus francolinus
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The objective of this study was to investigate the morphological description and histological structure of adrenal gland in Iraqi black partridge Francolinus francolinus from Iraqi environment. Twenty adult healthy birds (male and female) were used in present study. They were measured and adrenal glands were removed, measured and fixed by 10% formalin and formalin and chromate fixative then stained with rotein histochemical stain (Harris hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E), periodic acid Schiff (PAS), Azan and Mallory stain). The partridge had a small couple of adrenal glands of yellow colour they are located in abdominal cavity nearby the margin of superior kidney lobe. These are small, ovoid glands lying just cranial to the kidneys a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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Indicative coding of the actor’s performance in the Iraqi theater show: راسل كاظم عوده
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Summary Search Alachtgalat process semantic encoding carried out by the actor inside the theater to deliver the intellectual sense, and social, as well as the aesthetic to the recipient, the fact that the code is the function is operated relationship in accordance with the prior intent to deliver the implications of a particular intent, too, and the fact that encryption is the best way to transfer messages in system theater, where should the actor that has the ability to create images (sensory) or intellectual new in human consciousness on the basis of conversion of impressions collected from reality and re technically formed inside the theater, allowing the recipient to arrange these marks to obtain the meaning that lies in them. So he

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Bridge Engineering
Experimental Investigation of Curved-Soffit RC Bridge Girders Strengthened in Flexure Using CFRP Composites
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Confined Porous Media Heated From Side
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Transient three-dimensional natural convection heat transfer due to the influences of heating from one side of an enclosure filled with a saturated porous media, whereas the opposite side is maintained at a constant cold temperature, and the other four sides are adiabatic, were investigated in the present work experimentally. Silica sand was used as a porous media saturated with distilled water filled in a cubic enclosure heated from the side,using six electrical controlled heaters, at constant temperatures of (60, 70, 80, 90, and 100oC). The inverse side cooled at a constant temperature of (24oC) using an aluminum heat exchanger, consisted of 15 channels feeded with constant temperature water. Eighty thermocouples were used to control t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction
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Straight tendons in pretensioned members can cause high-tensile stresses in the concrete extreme fibers at end sections because of the absence of the bending stresses due to self-weight and superimposed loads and the dominance of the moment due to prestressing force alone. Accordingly, the concrete tensile stresses at the ends of a member prestressed with straight tendons may limit the service load capacity of the member. It is therefore important to establish limiting zone in the concrete section within which the prestressing force can be applied without causing tension in the extreme concrete fibers. Two practical methods are available to reduce the stresses at the end sections due to the prestressing force. The first method based

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Pain Reduction in Extensive Apical Surgery of the Anterior Maxilla: A Comparative Clinical Study
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Monotone Approximation by Quadratic Neural Network of Functions in Lp Spaces for p<1
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Some researchers are interested in using the flexible and applicable properties of quadratic functions as activation functions for FNNs. We study the essential approximation rate of any Lebesgue-integrable monotone function by a neural network of quadratic activation functions. The simultaneous degree of essential approximation is also studied. Both estimates are proved to be within the second order of modulus of smoothness.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CMC Determination and Thermodynamic Micellisation Of NPE Surfactant In Aqueous And CH3OH – H2O Solvents
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The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of nonylphenolethoxylate (NPE) surfactant has been determined by measuring the surface tension as a function of the molar concentration of the surfactant in aqueous and binary mixture of water + methanol solutions at a temperature range from 20?C to 35?C. The interfacial parameters ?max, Amin, ?cmc and ?G?ads were calculated. The results indicate that the CMC increases as the temperature increases and that the addition of methanol the CMC decreases. The thermodynamic parameters such as standard Gibbs free energy (?G?), enthalpy (?H?), and entropy (?S?) of micellization were estimated using the change of CMC with temperature. The enthalpy – entropy compensation behavior of the surfactant was evaluat

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